Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Sep 26, 2013
I hope the new demo will come out next month It will be an amazing Christmas present.
I believe Tabata said the next demo would be detailed in the March event, but with what he said in this recent interview you have me hoping the same as you. Are they finally going to demonstrate the full battle system?! I'm dying here guys.
Sep 26, 2013
At the very least i hope to see just 1 spell being used in combat. (probably fire)
Exactly what I want as well. I just need to know how magic is going to work and the rest will just be gravy. Still, with the sheer amount of systems we have yet to see like the full summoning system, the "limit break" system, the magic system and the large monster combat system this new demo could be a massive deal. Don't want to overhype it since Tabata made zero promises about content, but it's hard not to get excited.
Oct 19, 2013
Oh wow, so Tenebrae is a jungle. Nice find.
Tenebrae is the kind of surprise I wanna see more of in FFXV. The fact that the kingdom is covered in all that green and nature with the further implementation of a kingdom residing in it, I did not expect that.

I took the impression that Tenebrae is a quiet but medieval/modern looking kingdom that's opened spaced and looks like one of those private parks with pavement but some trees and such occupying some of the spaces.

I absolutely cannot wait to see Tenebrae in game..... Whenever that will be.
I was surprised, too. Somehow I always thought Tenebrae was supposed to be that Manchester-inspired city mentioned once during Versus era (can't find the source, though :/). Was Solheim supposed to be the snowy area or was it Niflheim?


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
I was surprised, too. Somehow I always thought Tenebrae was supposed to be that Manchester-inspired city mentioned once during Versus era (can't find the source, though :/). Was Solheim supposed to be the snowy area or was it Niflheim?
I think they mentioned only which real cities were their inspirations to make the kingdoms but never specified which one was for which (minus Tokyo=Lucis), i would assume Niflheim is the snowy one, just for Norse myth etymology.
Oct 19, 2013
I think they mentioned only which real cities were their inspirations to make the kingdoms but never specified which one was for which (minus Tokyo=Lucis), i would assume Niflheim is the snowy one, just for Norse myth etymology.
So maybe Niflheim is the Manchester one? It's a bit more medieval (though more gothic probably) like Niflheim is supposed to be:

Oh, and which city could that unfinished train station be in, which they outsourced to XPEC (see the Cat Cam video)? Insomnia? Doesn't look modern enough and I think there are some gothic-style walls at the side.
Jun 7, 2014
I was surprised, too. Somehow I always thought Tenebrae was supposed to be that Manchester-inspired city mentioned once during Versus era (can't find the source, though :/). Was Solheim supposed to be the snowy area or was it Niflheim?
In Norse mythology Niflheim is a world of ice and cold, so it's most likely the snowy kingdom in FFXV. Solheim is not a concept from Norse mythology, but it follows the same naming convention, where sol means sun and heim means world/home. Therefore Solheim is probably some sunny and hot location, though I'm not expecting a desert city in FFXV. But I wasn't expecting a jungle as well, so who knows...
Likes: Koozek
Sep 26, 2013

Maybe part of the battle with Titan? Here's the scene in the recent video showing the physics tech of crumbling terrain and Noctis running away (at 2:27):
That's exactly what I was thinking. It would be awesome if Noctis got access to earth magic that had a similar effect, even if on a smaller scale. With the inclusion of Leviathan and Titan I'm hoping quake and water spells are in, too.
Likes: Koozek


Chocobo Knight
Jul 15, 2014
Yeah, was also surprised that Tenebrae is located in a jungle, but it fits acutally, because "Tenebrae" is latin and it means darkness, dark place or obscurity, so something to hide and the jungle is the best option for that.

So maybe Niflheim is the Manchester one? It's a bit more medieval (though more gothic probably) like Niflheim is supposed to be:

Oh, and which city could that unfinished train station be in, which they outsourced to XPEC (see the Cat Cam video)? Insomnia? Doesn't look modern enough and I think there are some gothic-style walls at the side.
Like others said, the team just said that there will be cities designed like Manchester.
As for the train stadion, it's located in Lestallum, but where exactly I don't know perhaps that big building.
Also Niflheim will be a kingdom/city that is designed like a fortress in medieval times based on what Tabata said at Gamescom.


Chocobo Knight
Jul 15, 2014
I found something epic!
The user NoctisPendragon found an interesting detail in that new tech demo.
That green circle is probably a water tower and if you destroy it, water comes out.
Personaly, I don't believe it that's too difficult and too good, it could be something else. But since you can summon Leviathan, she uses typicaly massive water attacks, so it could be possible.

That red circle is what NoctisPendragon said, frozen water and that in real time.
Perhaps it's somehow connected to the magic system that the enviroment has also a special condition.
Likes: Koozek