Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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PSICOM Soldier
Mar 20, 2018
As much as I want a larger version of Insomnia to explore, I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a modified "pre-destruction" version of the one used in the Royal Edition. I hope they bring back some of the visuals used in the pre-release videos such as the banners around the citadel and restore the Lucis crests though, since it's basically already finished content.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
I'm liking the passionate discussion we've got going on here, but I really wish some ppl would try to be optimistic because if there's little to no need for something, no demand rather, it's unlikely to ever happen. Anyway, I hope we can come to a compromise on this Insomnia Prologue thing and that it reaches the right eyes in time...
Anyway, on to the topic of funding and whatnot... forgive me for being presumptuous again but I think whoever took over for Tabata s*** themselves earlier this year when they saw the turn out at TGS. One would assume after taking over control he/she cancelled the DLC's assuming 2 yrs later most ppl had moved on, and that there wasn't any interest... and than FFXV has the biggest turnout haha. I still remember how shocked & apologetic they were, and when I think about it now retrospectively they probably already new the DLC's were cancelled, or at the very least knew they were going to be and I'd like to imagine the whole situation inspired the powers that be to give the dev team a bit more budget. However, I'd like to think that seeing with tangible proof that there's still a lot of interest from fans for this game that they want to give us something more than just Episode Ardyn, and I think an Insomnia prologue based off of Parting Ways would be perfect. Linear or not.

Where there's a will there's a way, for example: Picture this, we start up the Insomnia prologue DLC and we're greeted by a nice 2-3 minute, beautiful cutscene showing off Insomnia. The large buildings, the markets, the citizens, the animals, the citadel, etc. Immediately following that final shot showing off the citadel we transition inside where we're presented with Noctis & Regis. Cue some dialogue about how Regis wants to see how well Gladio has trained Noct, and a new & improved tutorial begins. Once the game feels you've found your bearings your bearings the "real" battle begins (with Regis at level 5 or something for balances sake) and once you finish Noct heads to bed, kicks up his feet and goes to sleep - during which he has a dream about him and his father from when he was younger. Cutscenes could work here, as for what it could be hmm maybe the "we have to eat the food or they'll send the cook away" scene from the versus days, and/or something based off of the dawn trailers where we actually get to hear some of Regis Inner Monologue (yes, I know it's Noct's dream but, it's through our perspective)... Now, once the cutscene(s) has finished a transition could pop up telling us "weeks later" or, months later if that would make you happy, then cue the Parting Ways inspired prologue without having to change it's canon but still giving us a training battle against Regis & finally rewarding Noctis father with some much needed character development in game.

Who said they're not going to add those other characters? They may have been waiting to finish Aranea's play style so they could release a patch that let us play all the guest party members at the same time. Lets hope that they had finished it and that's something they're working on, or at the very least (and it would be a shame), lets hope that they at least at the movesets for Cor & Iris which are available in Comrades. Something else that I think would be awesome is a way to have them join your party again during non-story related free-roaming, for balancing reasons they should be given a proper health bar so that they're not immortal anymore and it would require a few new voice lines for them but it certainly wouldn't sabotage the budget.
Dude that's just not realistically feasiable even within the games canon, Regis is too old and can barely even muster the strength to fight off Glauca, who in the flashback to 12 years ago in Kingsglaive he finished off Glauca in a few seconds, there is no reason why Regis himself would ever want to fight Noctis to test his strength especially at his most weakest point in his life, that is the entire reason why he entrusted Gladio and Ignis to help raise Noctis because he believes in them to do it, hell Regis even says he can't command the old wall because of his condition. I does not make any logical sense within Regis's characterization to ever want to fight Noctis especially a few days before he left just to test his strength, and it again goes against what is already established to be the situation around that time and leading up to it in that he has been too busy to see Noctis and this is a source of some strain on their relationship. Not only that but why would Noctis ever want to fight his dad?

He was in complete shock the first time he ever saw his dad walking with a cane which he only saw for the first time on TV, and Ignis even tells him how Regis is losing his powers, and even in the opening when Regis is walking down the stairs Noctis goes to help him but Regis gestures that he can manage. And again, having Regis fight Noctis just a few days or even weeks before he leaves once again undermines the entire point of Regis's weakened state and why his last stand is such a significant thing regarding his character.

Look, a prologue would have been nice and more scenes with Regis would have been too, but what you're suggesting is at odds with the canon, the characterization of multiple characters for what those characters would actually do and with what is actually possible.

The best possible situation we could hope for regarding a Noctis vs Regis fight is with us fighting against Lucii Regis, not regular alive Regis, and even then there would need to be justification for why that even happens to begin with. Even the Fierce, Rogue and Mystic had the justification that they were starscourge corrupted by Ardyn which is why we were fighting them. In fact a "test your strength" reason for fighting fits more with something like having Lucii fights for each Royal Arm we aquire, with Noctis having to fight each Lucii with them "testing his strength" for each one you get. And of course it's unrealistic to expect anything like that at this stage anyway.
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SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
I don't get this urge to fight Regis with Noctis when we're going to do it with Ardyn in his Episode.
If it was Bahamuth i could understand it, because it's hidden at the end of Comrades and could be easy to put him at the start of Chapter 14. But E.Ardyn will probably be tied to the main game, so it will be an unskipable fight.


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
This! They must have had a content patch planned all along for Ep. Ardyn
Lol you're acting like Square owes it to us. This is the problem with doing heavy patching for a year and a half, the consumer base has this expectation that they'll get more free content.

Edit: What happened with FFXV was an anomaly for the franchise. Getting patched free content fo a year that fixes a story or gameplay should not be an industry standard. When a game has gone "gold" it should be finished with the possibility of have expansions like the Souls Series.
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Likes: Dorothy95


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
Lol you're acting like Square owes it to us. This is the problem with doing heavy patching for a year and a half, the consumer base has this expectation that they'll get more free content.

Edit: What happened with FFXV was an anomaly for the franchise. Getting patched free content fo a year that fixes a story or gameplay should not be an industry standard. When a game has gone "gold" it should be finished with the possibility of have expansions like the Souls Series.
Oh my god, you really are going to pick on EVERYTHING that's not negative, right? And just for making it clear, I was not trying to say that they owe it to us, it just seems objectively logical, to me.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
Oh my god, you really are going to pick on EVERYTHING that's not negative, right? And just for making it clear, I was not trying to say that they owe it to us, it just seems objectively logical, to me.
Dude, BD2/Luminous Studios lost 33 million dollars. Whether that was due to restructuring, mismanagement, or cancelled projects they are in the red. This is even before they have actually made anything. I think I'm being fairly realistic to say they don't have a budget outside of Ardyn to make anything. It's a hope that they'll add one more patch with content that is either finished or was very close to being finished, but it's a very slim chance. To ask for a prologue section that requires story, voice over work, a team of programmers/ artists (playable Luna might be a very similar situation) is unrealistic for a game that no longer has a budget and is two years old.


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
Dude, BD2/Luminous Studios lost 33 million dollars. Whether that was due to restructuring, mismanagement, or cancelled projects they are in the red. This is even before they have actually made anything. I think I'm being fairly realistic to say they don't have a budget outside of Ardyn to make anything. It's a hope that they'll add one more patch with content that is either finished or was very close to being finished, but it's a very slim chance. To ask for a prologue section that requires story, voice over work, a team of programmers/ artists (playable Luna might be a very similar situation) is unrealistic for a game that no longer has a budget and is two years old.
Well, I never said I believed in that prologue thing


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
Dude, BD2/Luminous Studios lost 33 million dollars. Whether that was due to restructuring, mismanagement, or cancelled projects they are in the red. This is even before they have actually made anything. I think I'm being fairly realistic to say they don't have a budget outside of Ardyn to make anything. It's a hope that they'll add one more patch with content that is either finished or was very close to being finished, but it's a very slim chance. To ask for a prologue section that requires story, voice over work, a team of programmers/ artists (playable Luna might be a very similar situation) is unrealistic for a game that no longer has a budget and is two years old.
The loss doesn't necessary have to be tied with Luminous Studio or FFXV miss behavior. If they didn't wanted to give resources to XV then they would have cancelled E.Ardyn too. If they plan to deliver a product, this one will come with some marketing behind it and the patch has been the best way to bring people back to the game.

Neither I think it will be a prologue or some radical change, but it seems like you think Square Enix plans to drop us an aborted product and go away without any consideration at all...
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Feb 19, 2018
I don't get this urge to fight Regis with Noctis when we're going to do it with Ardyn in his Episode.
If it was Bahamuth i could understand it, because it's hidden at the end of Comrades and could be easy to put him at the start of Chapter 14. But E.Ardyn will probably be tied to the main game, so it will be an unskipable fight.
A boss fight with Bahamut within the crystal before he answers your questions would've been dope.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
A boss fight with Bahamut within the crystal before he answers your questions would've been dope.
Well, I was thinking more about having him after Noctis awakes, in the same setting as in Comrades, to test Noctis new status as King of Light with his trial. They can use the two versions of the battle, with Noctis activating Armiger Unlished for the first time in the second round. This way we get the hability during the main game and not as an optional tool.
Likes: NikoZ


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
Dude, BD2/Luminous Studios lost 33 million dollars. Whether that was due to restructuring, mismanagement, or cancelled projects they are in the red. This is even before they have actually made anything. I think I'm being fairly realistic to say they don't have a budget outside of Ardyn to make anything. It's a hope that they'll add one more patch with content that is either finished or was very close to being finished, but it's a very slim chance. To ask for a prologue section that requires story, voice over work, a team of programmers/ artists (playable Luna might be a very similar situation) is unrealistic for a game that no longer has a budget and is two years old.
It's worth pointing out that, given that LumiPro is basically just a bracketed-off section of Squenix's internal development, a $33 mil writeoff doesn't necessarily equate to LumiPro being strapped for cash. Most likely, it means that one big project fell through, which Squenix could reasonably consider to be a risk of doing business. (Plenty of projects fall through for game development teams all the time. Usually, those teams just move on to something else that seems more profitable [as long as they're supported by their publisher].)

In fact, we have good reason to believe that, had Tabata not made the decision to leave for his own reasons, the DLC would have continued in development as planned. After all, we've been told repeatedly by both Tabata and Squenix that Tabata wasn't forced to leave, and that major players on both sides of the split were surprised that the DLCs didn't continue after Tabata left.

To me, it sounds less like the DLCs ran into a budget problem and more that it became too difficult to juggle so many projects for so long. And, if that's the case, diverting some of the staff from the other DLCs to the Episode Ardyn-adjacent free patch might actually have made a certain amount of sense.


Chocobo Knight
Jan 7, 2019
They say it's the same story but whenever they put Kingsglaive alongside Final Fantasy XV, it feels like a crossover event.

Did anyone else even realize that the quest in chapter 14 with your own customized glaive would disappear with the advent of the Comrades standalone?

There's just as much chance that you will lose content in an update instead of getting some.

Before entertaining the thought of any perks or gifts being added to the game, many fans hands will be held out to receive everything that was promised years ago.

They might have shown up to TGS but guess what. Hat in hand. They're waiting.
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Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Did anyone else even realize that the quest in chapter 14 with your own customized glaive would disappear with the advent of the Comrades standalone?
If you never played Comrades before then that glaive is just a generic glaive instead of your own custome Comrades glaive, I havn't checked to see if that ch14 quest no longer uses your custom Comrades glaive now or not, but I'm guessing it'd more likely just use a generic glaive instead if it is the case.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
They say it's the same story but whenever they put Kingsglaive alongside Final Fantasy XV, it feels like a crossover event.

Did anyone else even realize that the quest in chapter 14 with your own customized glaive would disappear with the advent of the Comrades standalone?

There's just as much chance that you will lose content in an update instead of getting some.
Has this actually been proven, or are you just speculating? There's no reason the game couldn't read standalone-Comrades save data to manifest the Glaive for that quest. =P


Chocobo Knight
Jan 7, 2019
Has this actually been proven, or are you just speculating? There's no reason the game couldn't read standalone-Comrades save data to manifest the Glaive for that quest. =P
While you can still launch Comrades from inside Final Fantasy XV (somehow) once you get the standalone version, the progress you make, you won't find it in the main game.

I was trying to put Glauca in Insomnia. Can't do that now unless I want to start over and get 99 more tokens.

So even if you spent 2 days getting stuff in the Comrades standalone, when you go to the main game you're going to see the generic glaive which vaguely looks like Nyx. I don't know if it autogenerated a different random glaive every time or not. I would assume it didn't.

But now, the only reason they made Comrades standalone was to help the loading times, right? So what, did they just delete the open world part? Nothing else about Comrades even changed. I mean what was the purpose of—how does that work?
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SOLDIER Second Class
Apr 12, 2016
○ Implementation theater: Ikebukuro HUMAX Cinemas
Implementation date: Thursday, January 10
Implementation time: 19: 00 opening (scheduled to end at 21: 20) ※ FFXV development member's event for events
Price: 2,000 yen uniform
Ticket sale:
【PC · Smartphone】 January 4 (Fri) 0: 00 ~ (Thur 1 January (Thur.) 24: 00 ~)
【Theater window】 January 4 (Fri) Theater opening time ~
(Up to 2 in 1 purchase)
For details, please refer to the theaters website.

Maybe there will be an trailer for anime episode ardyn or episode ardyn dlc
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