Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
hey guys one question about that sylva guy. correct me if im wrong. as far as i know he does some digging in the game files and that's how he gets all the audio/info etc? but he having a normal, base game and all of this stuff is there? o_O just left for someone gifted in yyy eee "hacking" (programming?) like him to get? :v i might be an idiot when it comes to computers/games but i just can't believe they like...left unused audios etc in the final game xD like why not delete that things away? second question: why is he so afraid to share what he knows? it's not like an amount of people interested is that big anyway. some of my friends played ff xv but they didn't even bother to watch the movie or anime, and i guess most of people is like that - just not too deeply interested. i doubt square will knock on his door and tell him to stop spreading stuff he dug lol. or is it another problem, like i know someone mentioned that he's not well in english?
From what he's said, it's not all from a base game and the main issue seems to be content before it has been officially announced.

He said he posted the royal and comrades stuff because people had "bloated expectations and wrong hype" as to quote him from a message about it. He posted it because apparently he tried to tell a few people that we weren't getting playable Nifilheim areas with the expansion pack before he posted, and obviously no one would believe him.

Then when he posted it, he had the mods from Reddit telling him he needs to make it clear that stuff could change and that he can post information but not how he got it.

There's also some legit leakers in the community, so I know he's said he's been wanting to see legit stuff between him just posting stuff he's put back together again. It's just hard to have legit things when you keep giving people making fake stuff things to use to make it seem actually legit.

So from what I know, does Sylva have more and legit stuff? Yes, and yes. Is he going to post everything? Probably not, because fake stuff and he got fed up with people messaging him about particular things or getting angry the Terra collaboration wasn't 100% as he had discussed it back at the start of the year.

So I dunno, he might be more open if people stop sending him dumb messages repeatedly about particular things, including insulting him about his bad english. He knows it's bad, and it's why I've helped him rewrite some of his messages to begin with.

Anyway, there's an anniversary broadcast apparently. They put a timer up on Reddit to help with it at least if people forget.
Feb 19, 2018

This is exciting news and I can't wait to see what they unveil since it seems like they're gonna be revealing some stuff in addition to what we already know is coming as part of the anniversary. I just really hope that it's actually something worth getting excited over and that it's not a special anniversary bed sheet set or something equally ridiculous and mundane that they're unveiling as Square has been known to to do before (see FF 30th Anniversary celebration). Hopefully at the least we get some Episode Ardyn footage. I think that'll be enough to satisfy me even if we get nothing else.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017

This is exciting news and I can't wait to see what they unveil since it seems like they're gonna be revealing some stuff in addition to what we already know is coming as part of the anniversary. I just really hope that it's actually something worth getting excited over and that it's not a special anniversary bed sheet set or something equally ridiculous and mundane that they're unveiling as Square has been known to to do before (see FF 30th Anniversary celebration). Hopefully at the least we get some Episode Ardyn footage. I think that'll be enough to satisfy me even if we get nothing else.
Same, I would be fine with just a trailer for Episode: Ardyn, though I would like a trailer for Episode: Aranea as well. If we do get a trailer for Episode: Ardyn, I would be happy with it even if it was around a minute long.


The FFXV English Twitter said that the time of the presentation over here is November 7th at 8:00 PM PST, which is 11:00 PM EST, which means I might not be able to watch it live, oh well..:

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Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
btw do you guys think we will get ff xv in kingdom hearts 3? something tells me dlc...
another one thing i noticed: ain't episode aranea a bit different from rest of the episodes? she doesn't quite fit because rest it about noctis and his "family". seems like ravus would be a better choice lol.
Feb 19, 2018
btw do you guys think we will get ff xv in kingdom hearts 3? something tells me dlc...
another one thing i noticed: ain't episode aranea a bit different from rest of the episodes? she doesn't quite fit because rest it about noctis and his "family". seems like ravus would be a better choice lol.
I don't think Nomura has any real love left for FFXV to really want to include it in KH3. The fact that he even went so far as to redesign Riku and make him look like Noctis tells me that's his way of moving on from Noctis and gang or at least it's his attempt to do so. Sort of like how some people date someone that looks like or reminds them of their ex right after the break up. If by some extremely slim chance we see Noctis in KH3 he'll probably have an extremely minor role at most. Like standing in the background as an NPC small.

As for Aranea I think she fits. If anything Episode Ardyn is the odd one out since he's the only villain that's getting his own spotlight meanwhile all the other episodes including Aranea's are either centered around Noctis' allies or Noctis himself in the case of his own episode.


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
btw do you guys think we will get ff xv in kingdom hearts 3? something tells me dlc...
another one thing i noticed: ain't episode aranea a bit different from rest of the episodes? she doesn't quite fit because rest it about noctis and his "family". seems like ravus would be a better choice lol.
I wouldn't be surprised if Noctis or the Bros showed up or is at least referenced in KH3. Whatever current FF project made it into the main console KH (KH was FFX inclusion, KH2 was Advent Children). I honestly could see them being a counterpart to YRP if they end up returning in Hollow Bastion/ Radiant Garden. Also they are going to milk FFXV in every possible way until FFVII Remake's first chapter comes out 2019/2020 (This is based on that very suspicious huge spike in profits starting the start of JP 2020 fiscal year which starts April 2019).
I think they went with Aranea because there's way more storytelling options.


Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
I don't think Nomura has any real love left for FFXV to really want to include it in KH3. The fact that he even went so far as to redesign Riku and make him look like Noctis tells me that's his way of moving on from Noctis and gang or at least it's his attempt to do so. Sort of like how some people date someone that looks like or reminds them of their ex right after the break up. If by some extremely slim chance we see Noctis in KH3 he'll probably have an extremely minor role at most. Like standing in the background as an NPC small.

As for Aranea I think she fits. If anything Episode Ardyn is the odd one out since he's the only villain that's getting his own spotlight meanwhile all the other episodes including Aranea's are either centered around Noctis' allies or Noctis himself in the case of his own episode.
hmm yeah, but nomura ain't whole square tho... i'm just basing it on how popular ff xv is, how many collaborations with other games it had and that there already was a lot of ff in kingdom hearts. whelp i never got into this series, but a collab might make me.
well for ardyn there was just too much unsaid. with aranea well...she's just there. cool character but nothing very mysterious about her. how is her episode centered about noctis or his allies? just asking, i was pretty sure her episode is about nifilheim only and what was happening there when that old guy died?


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
I don't think Nomura has any real love left for FFXV to really want to include it in KH3. The fact that he even went so far as to redesign Riku and make him look like Noctis tells me that's his way of moving on from Noctis and gang or at least it's his attempt to do so. Sort of like how some people date someone that looks like or reminds them of their ex right after the break up. If by some extremely slim chance we see Noctis in KH3 he'll probably have an extremely minor role at most. Like standing in the background as an NPC small.
If that were actually the case, why reference FFXV specifically on a game case in a game store in KHIII? It's not like Squenix doesn't have other recognizable properties to parody -- Tomb Raider, Dragon Quest, literally any other Final Fantasy -- and "Verum Rex" demands lot more from the audience than simply making a pun out of a series name (say, Fall of the Treasure Hunter, Dino Story, Penultimate Phantasm...).


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
So, do we start betting? I say that the Comrades Update will have a time jump and we will see the adult version of everyone. Also it will launch with what was ment to be the second update. Having all at the same time.

About the update for the main game... We will get something meaningfull (I don't thing there's any little detail to cover) this month, because in the last patch we had a Billboard in the main menu for updates. So they plan to use it.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
So I think we might have an answer as to whether the KHIII team holds a grudge against FFXV. ;)

View attachment 1049

"Verum Rex" is, of course, Latin for "True King," which, IIRC, was the version of Noct's title shared by both the Japanese and English scripts.
Heh. Nice find!

I don't think Nomura has any real love left for FFXV to really want to include it in KH3. The fact that he even went so far as to redesign Riku and make him look like Noctis tells me that's his way of moving on from Noctis and gang or at least it's his attempt to do so.
I'm not buying it. He even drew Noctis twice himself both for Dissidia NT & for an FF anniversary(?) art, even going as far as suspiciously cosplaying as old Noct. These happened after the game released.

Also, that would technically be the opposite of moving on if Riku!Noct's design was tied to that kind of reason.

People are projecting too much on his feelings about the game when we currently really don't have an explicit opinion on his behalf.
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