Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
Kinda random and probably an unpopular opinion, but I'm not digging the RE boxart. For some reason they release all the cool art for free online and use worse art on the actual product they're trying to sell.
I was messing around with art that may look good as an alternative game cover I might make for myself, not sure which one I like more?
(sorry for low quality, didn't want to upload giant full size files)


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I was messing around with art that may look good as an alternative game cover I might make for myself, not sure which one I like more?
(sorry for low quality, didn't want to upload giant full size files)
Ugh, if only half the characters on that 2nd box actually did things in the actual main game it'd have been perfect. Never got why Drautos and Crowe actually had to die in the movie. Crowe could have been an interesting female character to follow or encounter in the main game and we all know why Drautos should have survived, so Noct could be the one to kill him. And all Clarus needed was 1 or 2 actual mentions in the game lol. I liked Nyx's death and his place in the universe so I'm fine with it, even if a playable invasion is like the top wish most people want lol.
Feb 19, 2018
Kinda random and probably an unpopular opinion, but I'm not digging the RE boxart. For some reason they release all the cool art for free online and use worse art on the actual product they're trying to sell.
Yeah nah I agree, wasn't feeling the RE box art either. Honestly feel like people give Amano too much of a pass even when he's not putting out his best work simply because of his history with the franchise like how some people believe every FF Sakaguchi helmed was free of any flaws. Only person involved with FF from the start that I would say has managed to keep a consistently great track record would be Uematsu. Anyways the RE cover was far from one of Amano's best efforts, should've just kept it simple and maybe used the updated logo you get on the main menu after you beat the game. Just enlarge that and put it behind the title and you have the perfect cover.
Likes: Vallen


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
Ugh, if only half the characters on that 2nd box actually did things in the actual main game it'd have been perfect. Never got why Drautos and Crowe actually had to die in the movie. Crowe could have been an interesting female character to follow or encounter in the main game and we all know why Drautos should have survived, so Noct could be the one to kill him. And all Clarus needed was 1 or 2 actual mentions in the game lol. I liked Nyx's death and his place in the universe so I'm fine with it, even if a playable invasion is like the top wish most people want lol.
I agree. Personally I think it's practically a must for SE to include 2-discs (kingsglaive & FFXV) in the inevitable Complete Edition. Not bundling the film with XV is doing the customer a disservice if you wish for them to be engaged with your product/story.
Likes: CloudBuster


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I agree. Personally I think it's practically a must for SE to include 2-discs (kingsglaive & FFXV) in the inevitable Complete Edition. Not bundling the film with XV is doing the customer a disservice if you wish for them to be engaged with your product/story.
Yeah, I have the deluxe edition so it did come with the movie, but watching the movie actually does so much for the plot, no matter how disconnected the game feels from it at times
Feb 19, 2018
I was messing around with art that may look good as an alternative game cover I might make for myself, not sure which one I like more?
(sorry for low quality, didn't want to upload giant full size files)
FFXV boxart concept.jpg
Would've personally just been happy with something like this. Sorry for the gigantic size, just whipped it up and didn't know how it would scale on here.
Feb 19, 2018
I really like the idea of linking items to magic and nerfing the healing effects of warp points.
I think that with this element the game just needs to increase the difficulty of main story events and nerf the bonuses of the Exp Magic and hotels.
The rest of the game had really neat progression with sidequests, and we clearly will need to be overleved for a lot of challenges, so i would not change any other elements.
Honestly I would be fine if they straight up copy and pasted Comrades' magic system into the campaign with some refinements. Shields could let you create barriers when you press L2 and circle when they're equipped (or replace Noct's phasing with it when you press and hold square), daggers could give you lightning to fire off, great swords could give you ice, regular swords give you fire, lances and spears give you healing magic, and to make the Ultima blade actually valuable and unique as Noct's signature weapon they could make it so it casts any one of the 3 elements depending on what the enemy you're targeting is weak to and maybe allows you to freely fire off holy against daemons as well. Just make the Ultima harder to obtain and it's a pretty good balance. The effects of these abilities could be directly tied to the stats of the weapons too so if you want to fire off firaga versus a normal fire spell you need to get a sword with better stats.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Tbh, I can't see how all of them aren't canon in some form. My guess is all 3 (excluding Aranea because its obiously canon) will take place at some point in the story timeline-wise. The events leading up to each DLC's climax will be canon, BUT, towards the end of each there will be a divisive choice that each character must make to change the events that DO happen. Each DLC should have a canon ending, but you can make a choice to get a different one. As I've said a while ago, I personally think all 3 will change the ending overall, but I don't think any of them take place at the ending specifically.

I'm thinking all 3 are between Chapters 13 and 14 for 2 reasons.

Reason 1: Placement in the story.

- Ardyn's can't be until this point, or it spoils the story. It will be a flashback type DLC I'm sure.
- Luna's will be at this point IF you are playing her while she is dead. Before this point, Noctis is supposed to be sad about her death and drab during the entire portion of Niflheim, anything before Chapter 12/13 makes zero sense. If its while she's alive, it can take place whenever before chapter 9, but I doubt this for Reason 2.
- Personally, I think Noctis's will be more of a dream-state sort of thing. It will take place during his slumber. Its the only part of the game where he "reflects" on everything and where he likely finds out more about Ardyn, Luna and what he could do to change things. I can't see it being before or after this point. He obviously did something while he was inside this dream state.

Then, depending on the conditions of all 3, they will change the ending in chapter 14 after playing it.

Reason 2: Square likely won't try and rewrite half the game if you can make a choice earlier than Chapter 13.

-IF any of these change the main games story in anyway. I can't see it being early in it at all (this is assuming these DLC are going to be integrated into the main game). That would result in changing stuff after these DLC occur, which is A LOT of work.
-Between Chapters 13 and 14 is good because it leaves only the timeskip and the climax, very easy things to change in the grand scheme of things. Nothing actually has to change in Chapter 14, just only when the actual confrontation with Ardyn and the "Wall" start.

Just my idea behind it.


Forest Owl
May 25, 2016
I mean, given the way this game plays I could only see one way of making it hard (and correct me if anyone doesn't agree):

-Scale all regular enemies' level to approximately x1.3-1.4 of Noct's level
-Scale all bosses to x1.5-1.7 of Noct's level
-Adjust the experience needed per level to be higher (so you level up slower)
-Make hourly cooking cooldowns for Ignis (crazy good dishes need longer cooldowns on Iggy before he cooks again)
-Adjust the frequency of finding potions to very low in the world (and heavily nerf Galdio's survival skill)
-Increase the prices of restorative items in shops (eg: make a potion cost 1K, so 10potions=10K, which is good since money is not easy to farm)
-Make a custom tutorial for Hard Mode that stresses the timing of blocking (block just in time = restore health partially etc)

>Higher level-scaled monsters at all times and slower leveling will prevent you from being overpowered
>Less potions in the world with high shop prices will never result in potion spamming (since it'll be a limited resource)
>And a cooldown on Iggy cooking crazy foods will balance out the insane food buffs that break the game
>The new stress put on the player will have you timing your blocking to restore HP/MP, switching characters to keep distances in tight situations or having the switched character tank some hits while the other party member slowly restores health (so rather than potion spamming, you change character to have the other heal)
If you play on PC, there is a mod that can scale all enemies now. You can set any multiplier on various stats like HP and Attack. So you can do things like x3 HP/x4 damage, or just set the multiplier to 10 and get one shot by everything.