Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
At first I thought it was scrapped, but then I noticed it is featured on the Ch14 loading screen. What a way to downgrade a concept :(
(when the bros go to Insomnia)
That's interesting, it was hidden in a loading screen the whole time, I did see this before a few times, but I was wondering when others would notice it.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
At first I thought it was scrapped, but then I noticed it is featured on the Ch14 loading screen. What a way to downgrade a concept :(
(when the bros go to Insomnia)
its probably still red but you cant see because of the clouds

im comrades you can see in the credits that the reddish phase happened at some point of the 10 years like in the old trailer, during that phase apparently the wild animals got even crazier and attacked outposts in great numbers

anyway not a big deal since the red moon trope was done multiple times already (would be cool if the moon could be seen above the palace of insomnia tho, the imagery would be powerful)
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SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
i think they scrapped the red moon because of bloodborne lol
Berseria and Breath of the Wild also have it.
It's something that has been made a lot and i'm glad they scrapped it, because what i like of FF is it's own thing and the times they go full generic anime it's in their worst titles (V,X-2,XIII Trilogy).


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
its probably still red but you cant see because of the clouds

im comrades you can see in the credits that the reddish phase happened at some point like in the old trailer

anyway not a big deal since the red moon trope was done multiple times already
Yeah, red moon or not, I'm not bothered, and speaking of Comrades' credits, some of those foreshadowed some of the missions in the 1.20 update, such as the Bandersnatches fought in a mission in Leide, Kujatas, seen ramming into a gate, fought in Leide, and in other parts of the Comrades' credit,s we saw older Talcott, giant Nidus', the red sky phase, Glaives defending Angelguard, Libertus fighting Iseultalon, Naglfar or another Deathclaw, and the Rock of Ravatogh in an phase almost close to the final phase of the World of Ruin, I would expect one or two more story updates for Comrades based on these screenshots in the credits montage.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
I would say that this is the best place that I found. Reddit is waay to messy and Resetera doesn't have so many active people.
it does seem pretty active for me

Resetera is bad and you should feel bad for using it.
better than GAF so far lol, i don't participate but i visit regularly

this is the best place for FFXV fans i think, reddit is a bit too much positive and full of cute threads; i feel this place is very informative and full of reasonable ppl
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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Man, even just looking at Gralea in this video makes me more doubtful they'll ever do anything with it, it looks big, and filled with things with almost no collision, 2d objects, and looks texture-less in some way at a certain angle, but we'll see.
I mean insomnia was exactly the same way before the update so they can always revamp or add a playable section of that that map if they wanted to.

That being said, anyone realize that the train tracks actually go through Gralea? Like there's another entrance on the south side. I would to see Southern Niflheim, a region entirely touched upon by the game. Here's to hoping Ardyns stuff takes place in New Niflheim areas.

it does seem pretty active for me

better than GAF so far lol, i don't participate but i visit regularly

this is the best place for FFXV fans i think, reddit is a bit too much positive and full of cute threads; i feel this place is very informative and full of reasonable ppl
I was gonna say, wasnt resetera the solution to the whole GAF controversy? I post on there sometimes and the community isnt really call that bad tbh. Gamefaqs on the other hand....
Likes: Storm


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
This is the best place for FFXV fans i think, reddit is a bit too much positive and full of cute threads; i feel this place is very informative and full of reasonable ppl
I think so too about this place! And I also ghost resetera for their |OT| threads. The random posts on reddit of funny pics is a guilty please for me to scroll through hehe

Gamefaqs on the other hand....
Shhh, don't say it out loud


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
The fact that the red moon is shown in-game via loading screen is interesting to me because briefly during the Bahamut summon the moon flashes and its light now shines through the miasma from where Bahamut's sword cut through in the royal update and neither the moon itself nor its light are red. Hmmmm.
Feb 19, 2018

@Bazztek I read your post at resetera but I can't reply there so if you not mind I post here. I have couple questions for you if you not mind to answer it.

what is different between crownsguard and kingsglaive and why at ch.14 the bros and cor wear kingsglaive outfit not crownsguard outfit? kingsglaive not insomnian, so insomnian can't be kingsglaive and outsider can't be crownsguard(except prompto because he was raised in insomnia and noctis's guard for his wedding) , right?
why kingsglaive much stronger than crownsguard, kingsglaive can warp and use magic but crownsguard can't do it? like ignis, gladio, clarus and cor can't warp and use magic but nyx, libertus, and crowe can do it?
thats why insomnia fall because crownsguard so weak and kingsglaive betrayed the king because they are outsider.

my english not good, i hope you understand my question.
Bazztek probably knows way more about this but the way I understood it is that the Crownsguard are basically just bodyguards for the royal family and their advisers meanwhile the Kingsglaive are a special forces military that actively engages in conflict outside the city and in general handles all the bigger fights. So the Kingsglaive fight the bigger battles, routinely go out of city to engage the empire and attempt to halt its advances, and are also the first line of defense in the event of an invasion meanwhile the Crownsguard's only real focus is the safety of the royal family and advisers in any and all events with them occasionally serving as a sort of police force since Regis entrusted them with evacuating Insomnia during the treaty signing. Also while there may have been a general public stigma against the Glaives for being outsiders I don't think it was ever explicitly stated that by law an outsider couldn't be a Crownsguard as evidenced by Prompto being a child of Niflheim, something that the Lucian government was well aware of since it was a Lucian spy that rescued Prompto. When it comes to being a Glaive I honestly wouldn't doubt that there were some Insomnians among their ranks but I assume it wasn't really seen as a favorable profession compared to guarding the palace or some other equally easy task that got you way more respect than being a Glaive hence why it was mostly a volunteer force full of desperate outsiders.

Regarding Cor wearing the Kingsgalive uniform along with the bros I think that it had more to do with the fact that at point Noctis needed an army and not bodyguards, it was no longer a trip to a wedding but a full scale war to retake the city. There was also an extreme shortage of good fighters so it makes sense that the Glaives became a more inclusive group full of people from all walks of life including Crownsguards. Being a Kingsglaive after the timeskip seems to become a far more ceremonious and honorable distinction.

As for power levels I'd argue all of the important and named Crownsguards we've seen (basically Cor and the bros) are far more powerful and have far better feats than any of the Kingsglaives we saw in the movie. Aside from Nyx, whose best feats were with the aid of the ring, none of the Glaives really did anything all that impressive aside from warping really well which, lets be honest, only looked better cuz it was a movie as evidenced by Noctis' warping and weapon handling being god tier in the Omen trailer. Each of the bros and Cor have a feat under their belt that pretty much puts any Kingsglaive not named Nyx to shame. Gladio was able to temporarily hold back Titan's arm for a moment with just his base strength before he got overwhelmed, a strength and durability feat already far greater than anything in the movie that wasn't in the final fight then Gladio went on to defeat Gilgamesh who has killed thousands of strong warriors over the course of 2000 years in FFXV's world. Cor also fought Gilgamesh and managed to cut off his arm in the fight then in the new Royal Edition stuff he straight up tanks a fire blast from Cerberus head on and walks away relatively intact for his old age. Prompto with the help of Aranea took down the first Magitek facility that was housing things like that giant cyborg ape and a machine designed to kill the gods. Hell Ignis practically repelled an entire invasion by himself, defeated Caligo's specialized mech, defeated Ravus, and then survived using the ring while fending off Ardyn who canonically only a fully realized King Noctis can challenge. And that was all in one evening.

Gladio, Prompto, and Ignis each also go on to defeat a past king from the old wall at their peak in the new Royal Edition content. Sure the Crownsguard may not do fancy warping but I think that's the thing that sets them apart, they can use the Royal magic in creative ways that are personally tailored to them rather than just being inferior copies of the King. As for why the Crownsguard weren't defending Insomnia against Niflheim or the rogue Kingsglaives it's because like I stated earlier Regis had already assigned them all to evacuation duty so it's not like the Crownsguard were too weak or anything, they were just preoccupied with other matters assigned to them by Regis. Honestly while I doubt they could've stopped the invasion in full swing especially after Regis' death I believe they could handle a few rogue Kingsglaive on their own, especially Cor with Drautos/Glauca being the only really formidable foe.

Anyways, that's just my personal take on all that and now I kinda really want a Cor vs Drautos/Glauca or Gilgamesh vs Glauca to see how they stack up. Or maybe even a post magitek arm Ravus vs Glauca since he pretty much replaced Glauca in the Nif army ranks and they both have obvious history. lol
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