Just read the supposed 4chan leak.
I'll take it with a grain of salt and will entertain the idea of possibly, maybe, perhaps, being true since leaks in the past ended up coming true down the line.
In case anyone wanted to read it again and not have to scroll past a couple of pages, here it is again.
It doesn't sound too out of hand tbh, with the only wtf piece of information being the night club part with Aranea lol.
Some chapters being totally redone or reworked is a possibility and I wouldn't discount it entirely. If any chapters needed reworking, it would definitely be 12 and 13.
As much as I hate the idea of constantly changing the storyline of a Final Fantasy game or an RPG game in general, I actually want them to since they've already started and XV really honestly needs it given that the later half of the game falls flat in many areas.
Altissia is so small in comparison to what I think a lot of people expected, it would be great to actually explore the town more or at least go to where the area is with more trees but perhaps that's too much to ask for.
Tenebrae being completely cut from the game was such a gut wrencher... I really hope they just replace that part of the game with a way to explore the city like it was originally envisioned. It was never supposed to just be lit on fire, otherwise, why would they have teased it some of the trailers? It's sad to see so much cut from XV, and if they have to patch the game over time to add these things back in, then I'm all for it.
I agree. FFXV is unique in that it's one of the few games I can think of that are still working on the main game this long after release (which isn't a good thing unfortunately)
If they're going to do it by adding stuff to improve the game, then I'd rather they go full out to make it the best it can be. Even if the final, final product by the end of all this is drastically improved compared to what was released in 2016, then I'm all for it too.