Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016

main game FFXV needs more cgi. I want to see noctis and his warpstrike, the bros, aranea, luna and ardyn in cgi (not kingsglaive) for main game
The CG movies from A New Empire are so weird. Like, I think they might have used the game's models as a base, added shaders reminiscent of late-'90s/early-2000s CG, gave them to animators who aren't in the same league as BD2's, and told them to go wild, with the overall effect being something that feels like it would have been more at home in a PSOne game than in a mobile game commercial.

As far as FFXV is concerned, it seems to operate under the principle that, dialogue aside, Noct/the Player Character should be under the player's control as much as possible, whether through the game's core systems, setpiece-specific dynamics, or QTEs... none of which plays very well with CG, for obvious reasons. It's something of a trade-off - you're given fewer chances to see awesome in exchange for more chances to be awesome. Part of me thinks it would be cool to have more cutscenes, but the other part of me probably would have been disappointed I couldn't do the thing myself if the game included cool stuff in the cutscenes that I couldn't do in-game. XD;


Blitzball Champion
Feb 2, 2017

FFXV voted 51# on the gameinformer "Reader's Choice Top 300 Games of All Time"

FFIII 244#
FFIV 146#
FFVI voted 13#
FFVII voted 7#
FFIX 49#
FFX 33#
FFXI 128#
FFXII 235#
FFXIV 164#

Chrono Cross 143# :/ humanity is lost

(wow FFV was the only mainline FF not present in the list apparently)
I wonder how this list would have been if an Eastern audience answered. I was surprised to The Witcher III at the number 1 spot out of soooo many games. I am glad the Jak & Daxter series made it on there twice. That made me happy.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
It seems the one who represented Nyx wasn't happy about this.:

To be honest that actually doesn't look like Nyx at all, so I can kinda see why he's not too happy with that.

Although Square is a huge company, I'm not surprised to hear that there is some dissatisfaction with working with them. The FFXV Universe being a mess due to teams not talking to one another is a testament to this sadly.

I'd wager lot's of miscommunication and misunderstandings led to that and this actor's dissatisfaction.
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SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018

apparently Nyx's actor is selling nudes to his fans now? and as pointed out in this post, no other actor complained.


didn't know aranea could lose her helm during battle and its already possible to swap character models on pc, here's Ignis with his hair down and emo Noctis

I hope SE sees what the modders do and decide to implement the easy ones on the game.
I don't know how we don't have yet a hairdresser in Lestallum. With the different beards and hairs the characters wear through the game and also Brotherhood.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
So the actor is a self-centered manchild then? Heh
dunno about that, but isn't the beginning of a career supposed to be hard? and while you climb you get better pays and all that?

he gave up early to me, i don't discredit what he experienced in the industry but maybe he wasn't aware of the reality of it


i never realized so many people worked on TW3, wasn't FFXV's total staff just around 300? or that's counting all outsourced workers?
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Feb 19, 2018
lol he said in another tweet he quit the industry because of his experience with Square, wonder what happened
I'm honestly surprised to learn this. Especially considering that, that appears to be a fan made character resulting from mixing Nyx's template with a another random one and Nyx was otherwise never shown in the game and was portrayed as an extreme badass of the highest magnitude in KG. I can believe and totally get the being poorly paid part but he's also a pretty unknown dude in the industry and almost everyone starts out small in entertainment. Especially in gaming. I'd say Square didn't really do anything to tarnish his image or reputation. If Libertus' actor who was limping all throughout KG and had a fairly minimal presence in the game can keep a professional and upbeat attitude while showing the fans love then I'm thinking that this dude is being pretty full of himself and is an extremely spoiled sport. Idk if he voiced Nyx too but if he did it is a bit disappointing that such an awesome character is played by someone who comes off as a bit of an ass.
Feb 19, 2018
Ok so I just looked it up and the model doesn't provide the voice for Nyx after all. He's voiced by Aaron Paul so now at least I know he's only modeled off a self important spoiled sport and not actually played by one.