It will be glorious to one day have the complete package, especially if it's like a PS5 port that has everything on disc~
To be honest, this kind of modern gaming business/expanded version/fix-it stuff is why I'm so cautious about buying games today. Time was, I'd just get something from a store shelf and be sure that any problems are...well, problems. You live with them, get your enjoyment out of the product (Galidor and Bionicle: The Game are terrible, but I got my thrill out of them; the Legend era Tomb Raiders are some of my favorite games ever; Beyond Good and Evil isn't perfect but it's still a wonderful ride). Now it's "Extra Edition", "Super Edition", "Deluxe Edition", "Complete Edi-" oh wait, not quite, now "Complete Edition". It just puts me off getting anything on release day for fear of a huge day one patch being needed or essential DLC without which the narrative makes no sense or the gameplay's flat. It can even put me off buying it at all, or at least makes me wait for it to be on sale so I'm not paying two-to-three game's price tag for what should be a single game's worth of content... *sigh* Alright, rant over.
I do appreciate the effort they're putting in, and that it's being rewarded is good too.