Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
It’s an anti piracy measure that has very little impact on players, but has big benefits for developers and publishers. However because gamers are entitled its a massive issue.

???? Excuse me, but I have full entitlement to play my games at 60 fps in the least and offline when I purchase them. DRM programs prevent either from happening.
Likes: CloudBuster
Feb 19, 2018
You are entirely missing the point. It's a perfect example to prevent pirating. Serious Sam 3 adds in an unkillable/broken enemy that ruins the game for you if it detects any sort of pirated copy or method.

DRM programs are absolutely useless. All developers need to do is just break the game (their own form of DRM) in some stupid way (prevent the user from attacking/make enemies unkillable, ect) to prevent pirating measures, not employ an anti-pirating program which does nothing for you when you legally bought the game already.
With how easy it is to crack games with intentional bugs like these I see why devs go for denuvo or DRM in general. I've pirated quite a few games, mostly just to preview them if they don't have a proper demo (if I like them I buy them, if I don't I delete them) or in the rare case where a game is impossible to get a hold of and I can safely say it's way easier to find a crack fix to bugs like the one in the video than it is to find working torrents of games protected by DRM unless it's been a good few months since release by which time a game has already made most of its sales. A better solution than having no DRM at all is probably to have DRM that doesn't hinder legit players while still doing its job. The key to the solution isn't necessarily removing DRM or finding other alternatives but instead bettering DRM itself so it stops punishing legit players while still keeping pirates at bay cuz glitches/bugs like that are only annoying for 5 seconds before you install the fix for them.
Feb 19, 2018
???? Excuse me, but I have full entitlement to play my games at 60 fps in the least and offline when I purchase them. DRM programs prevent either from happening.
The vast majority of games have little to zero performance hits because of denuvo. There were some earlier games that were affected but most don’t. It’s a myth propogated by people with a blind ideological dislike of drm, and thieves who want to pirate games.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
Here's what I don't get: if DRM is only ever a temporary stopgap measure to protect a game during its first few days on the market... why not just patch it out after a month? They'd get all the benefits of the DRM and the players who didn't want to deal with the extra code could just wait a month for it to go away. =P


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
The vast majority of games have little to zero performance hits because of denuvo. There were some earlier games that were affected but most don’t. It’s a myth propogated by people with a blind ideological dislike of drm, and thieves who want to pirate games.
Er. Thats not true at all. If you have any remotely outdated computer, DRMs can affect how a game runs pretty badly.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
3 days left with no pricing for the royal pack and dataminers did a better job at hyping the content than SE did

That’s true.

What I don’t understand is, if the Royal Edition sales are vital for the funding of the upcoming DLC, why aren’t they hyping and marketing it more?

Leaving it a few days prior is cutting it too close.

Or perhaps it’s to conserve their budget?

I can’t say I understand what their marketing is doing lol.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
That’s true.

What I don’t understand is, if the Royal Edition sales are vital for the funding of the upcoming DLC, why aren’t they hyping and marketing it more?

Leaving it a few days prior is cutting it too close.

Or perhaps it’s to conserve their budget?

I can’t say I understand what their marketing is doing lol.
Perhaps they're trying not to spoil everything this time in regards to the new content?
Feb 19, 2018
Perhaps they're trying not to spoil everything this time in regards to the new content?
Honestly they really don't have to spoil anything to hype up the Royal Edition. Give us a proper showcase of Armiger Unleashed here, a short snippet of the Omega fight there, and a peek or two at the expanded city. That literally all they needed to do. That like 4 little things that don't spoil anything and can be spread out over the course of the month long wait between the RE announcement and it's release. If SE's marketing team weren't run by monkeys they could easily have kept up hype while keeping important story details secret and could have maybe even enticed people that jumped ship to return or attracted more new faces that maybe skipped over the original release. I agree with @Jubileus, if what Tabata said is true and both the royal edition/pack and windows edition sales really do matter that much to future development then SE's approach to marketing these two things has been less than stellar and does raise concern for the quality of all incoming content going forward. Honestly would be tragic if SE cuts that 4 episode support short just because of a marketing blunder.
Feb 19, 2018
Unused version of Luna's theme:

& an unused version of the FF main theme:

Don't know where these come from, have they been datamined perhaps?
That unused Luna theme is amazing though I feel like it played during a Luna and Ravus scene, specifically the one in Altissia. Could be wrong. As for the FF theme I prefer the version they went with in the main game though this one is nice too.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork