Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
I think we shouldn't get our expectations so high just yet. The data-mining leaks are exciting and all but most of it might end up as unused old material or things for future updates. I think at this point we should just assume that the Royal Edition will be just what they advertised along with one or two surprises.

Hopefully we'll get a second trailer (and a price tag) that clarify things soon.
the data specifies what is for royal edition, so it rules out "things for future updates", i don't know if there's a marker that indicates what is unused or not.

anyway, the probability its all in there is big, he got all the comrades content right and we know its coming march 6th.


Sphere Hunter
Feb 18, 2018
I could have the time mixed up, but isn't Part 2 of the PC Gamer interview in less than an hour?

Maybe we'll get some amount of new information or confirmation.
I recall that final fantasy xv was only to be present on saturday. (If you check the pc gamer schedule)
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I think we shouldn't get our expectations so high just yet. The data-mining leaks are exciting and all but most of it might end up as unused old material or things for future updates. I think at this point we should just assume that the Royal Edition will be just what they advertised along with one or two surprises.

Hopefully we'll get a second trailer (and a price tag) that clarify things soon.


I will be a little hopeful though with the fact that every single leak from Comrades was shown in the trailer. And you can actually see the Armiger unleashed abilities in the RE trailer if you look closely.

I also feel like unused code generally is from the older project or from before the games original release. But, definitely gotta be levelheaded about it.


I will say though that everything is from GOTY files which means it's for the games March release as that is what the Royal Edition is called now.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
Were those all the places or just a sample of them? Either way that looks cool if it's in.

The vesperway sounds like a highway lmao.
Just some of the names he spotted that were listed as actual areas. He saw some other areas listed (not within Insomnia), marked as dungeons but he couldn't find anything that goes with them across the data, so he's not sure if it's placeholder, unused or whatever sort of content.

The mods on the Reddit seem to be really into lore stuff, one of them posted up a topic with photos around showing The Vesperway listed. I remember there was a conversation, and I agree, it does sound like a highway.

So a

14th Phantom Weapon

That is awesome. This DLC is more than worth it to me now
Uh.... To cut it short without saying anything, no. If what OG sent me ends up being correct, it's one of the existing ones and also answers a couple of plot points. Again, spoilers on it so I think it should be left at that, given OG didn't want to do a massive information dump and potentially ruin anything. He seemed to have gotten annoyed about the confusion on the quests, and lack of news.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Just some of the names he spotted that were listed as actual areas. He saw some other areas listed (not within Insomnia), marked as dungeons but he couldn't find anything that goes with them across the data, so he's not sure if it's placeholder, unused or whatever sort of content.

The mods on the Reddit seem to be really into lore stuff, one of them posted up a topic with photos around showing The Vesperway listed. I remember there was a conversation, and I agree, it does sound like a highway.

Uh.... To cut it short without saying anything, no. If what OG sent me ends up being correct, it's one of the existing ones and also answers a couple of plot points. Again, spoilers on it so I think it should be left at that, given OG didn't want to do a massive information dump and potentially ruin anything. He seemed to have gotten annoyed about the confusion on the quests, and lack of news.

Totally cool with that, I expected his sigil to be his "weapon" you get anyway for activating the Armiger Unleashed.

Either way the price point has been more than justified. Good to know!
Likes: FFChocobo18


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Just some of the names he spotted that were listed as actual areas. He saw some other areas listed (not within Insomnia), marked as dungeons but he couldn't find anything that goes with them across the data, so he's not sure if it's placeholder, unused or whatever sort of content.

The mods on the Reddit seem to be really into lore stuff, one of them posted up a topic with photos around showing The Vesperway listed. I remember there was a conversation, and I agree, it does sound like a highway.

Uh.... To cut it short without saying anything, no. If what OG sent me ends up being correct, it's one of the existing ones and also answers a couple of plot points. Again, spoilers on it so I think it should be left at that, given OG didn't want to do a massive information dump and potentially ruin anything. He seemed to have gotten annoyed about the confusion on the quests, and lack of news.

I can see myself using the car on The Vesperway if it really does appear, but we'll see what happens.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
It was supposed to be, but I believe that they changed it out of the stream lineup. There were events for both days, but only one stream confirmed. So whether or not we get whatever was done today, I really don't know.

Not like what was really shown the day prior was of any particular interest. Only the Cactuar mod of sorts was, but I saw that a number of people in the chatbox were frustrated that we've only a a bit under two weeks before release... and we still don't know a lot officially. Especially modding, given they've promoted it repeatedly by saying modding means. But, what that means exactly? Who knows!


Balamb Garden Freshman
Feb 11, 2018
Really interesting news :)

Uh.... To cut it short without saying anything, no. If what OG sent me ends up being correct, it's one of the existing ones and also answers a couple of plot points. Again, spoilers on it so I think it should be left at that, given OG didn't want to do a massive information dump and potentially ruin anything. He seemed to have gotten annoyed about the confusion on the quests, and lack of news.
Katana of the Warrior?


Balamb Garden Freshman
Feb 11, 2018
Aren't they
2 different kings though?
I can't answer for sure.. It's really caotic... The JAP (original script) lines about the
Warrior, clearly says:
"saiko no ō"
It means "the Oldest / Most Ancient King".

So a lot of people thought that he may be the "first" (if your are the most ancient you must be the first)

But Episode Gladio raised confusion, because it clearly refers to the first king as
Litteraly "The First" (but also "The Founder").

Zaza, no.

For that, yes.

But for the Founder, one of them is also the Founder. To say the very least, and there's spoilers with it if what OG found ends up being correct. Which is why I haven't posted it.
Whoa... Now I'm really curious XD



Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Zaza, no.

For that, yes.

But for the Founder, one of them is also the Founder. To say the very least, and there's spoilers with it if what OG found ends up being correct. Which is why I haven't posted it.
So it was more like

The founders weapon was his before it was another King's?

Ex: The katakana was owned by 2 kings if this is true?