Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Balamb Garden Freshman
Feb 11, 2018
And "EPG" is probably for Episode Gladiolus. There were dragons in that, which were Wyverns. It's probably them?
Yep Square classifies the 3 episodes with these codes EPG, EPP, EPI.
The Comrades Expansion uses two different codes MULTIPLAYER or simply MULTI.
Royal's datas use two different codes too: ROYAL or GOTY.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
All of the new (Monster) enemies:
View attachment 850

I know the above are new because they come after the list of summons on the bestiary in the files, totally separate from the rest of the monsters.

Kyuki and Petitdragon must be codenames for monsters that already exist in the game. the _EPG portion of the name indicates that it is different from the original monster. Ex: Bandersnatch is not the same as Bandersnatch_EPG. I have no idea what the differences are or what EPG signifies.

Ahriman has a larger version of itself now.

It is unknown where these monsters are fought. BUT the fact that I see a new Bandersnatch, a monster only found in Lucis, as well as several other monsters here, makes me very curious (WoR kinda curious)

Cerberus and Omega are here as seen.

Yashaou, Kiou, and Hukuryuou are most likely the 3 Kings of Yore fought in the game.

I will look more thoroughly through everything tomorrow to see if I can find more stuff + any new magitek enemies.
Those are interesting names, I'm looking forward to seeing why we are fighting those three Kings of Lucis.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
All of the new (Monster) enemies:
View attachment 850

I know the above are new because they come after the list of summons on the bestiary in the files, totally separate from the rest of the monsters.

Kyuki and Petitdragon must be codenames for monsters that already exist in the game. the _EPG portion of the name indicates that it is different from the original monster. Ex: Bandersnatch is not the same as Bandersnatch_EPG. I have no idea what the differences are or what EPG signifies.

Ahriman has a larger version of itself now.

It is unknown where these monsters are fought. BUT the fact that I see a new Bandersnatch, a monster only found in Lucis, as well as several other monsters here, makes me very curious (WoR kinda curious)

Cerberus and Omega are here as seen.

Yashaou, Kiou, and Hukuryuou are most likely the 3 Kings of Yore fought in the game.

I will look more thoroughly through everything tomorrow to see if I can find more stuff + any new magitek enemies.
Seems like at least two of those enemies were enemies in Kingsglaive, Cerberus being one of them.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Not sure if I missed this one, but has anyone found the new quest notes/objectives for the updated Cure for Insomnia?
The Cure for Insomnia

The King and his retinue return to Insomnia after ten years. Now, the time has come to return the Crystal's power to the planet, to purge the scourge of the stars and restore the dawn. With the gods and the rulers of yore at his side, Noctis must go to the throne and reclaim it from Ardyn.
- Wipe out the enemies.
- Follow Cor.
- Explore the base.
- Head to the Citadel.
- Defeat Cerberus.
- Take down The Fierce.
- Take down The Rogue.
- Take down The Mystic.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
The Cure for Insomnia

The King and his retinue return to Insomnia after ten years. Now, the time has come to return the Crystal's power to the planet, to purge the scourge of the stars and restore the dawn. With the gods and the rulers of yore at his side, Noctis must go to the throne and reclaim it from Ardyn. Wipe out the enemies. Follow Cor. Explore the base. Head to the Citadel. Defeat Cerberus. Take down The Fierce. Take down The Rogue. Take down The Mystic.
Nice, we have plenty of things to do. The 'Explore the base' is part of the 'Remnants of The Empire' quest due to the wording. I'm also looking forward to that.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
All of the new (Monster) enemies:
View attachment 850

I know the above are new because they come after the list of summons on the bestiary in the files, totally separate from the rest of the monsters.

Kyuki and Petitdragon must be codenames for monsters that already exist in the game. the _EPG portion of the name indicates that it is different from the original monster. Ex: Bandersnatch is not the same as Bandersnatch_EPG. I have no idea what the differences are or what EPG signifies.

Ahriman has a larger version of itself now.

It is unknown where these monsters are fought. BUT the fact that I see a new Bandersnatch, a monster only found in Lucis, as well as several other monsters here, makes me very curious (WoR kinda curious)

Cerberus and Omega are here as seen.

Yashaou, Kiou, and Hukuryuou are most likely the 3 Kings of Yore fought in the game.

I will look more thoroughly through everything tomorrow to see if I can find more stuff + any new magitek enemies.
is the ahriman the one from kingsglave? i like its design.


fucking crazy

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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I had a look, and it turns out Rush Link is the name of the Cross Chain in Japanese.

And "EPG" is probably for Episode Gladiolus. There were dragons in that, which were Wyverns. It's probably them?

Also "Yashaou" is The Mystic. On the wiki I've linked to, it's written down as 「夜叉王 」, "Kiou" is The Fierce「鬼王」 and "Hukuryou" is probably supposed to be 「伏龍王」 which would be The Rogue.

Thank you, I hate to spread misinformation and I'd rather be proved wrong now than people be disappointed at release.

@zaza50 , thank you too for clarifying the monsters. At least Ahriman was found in the file so we have another FF/Kingsglaive monster so thats cool
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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
The funny thing, for me, is that the benchmark leak has done a far better job of convincing me that the Royal Pack is worth $20 than Squenix has done so far. XD
Yeah, and I'm excited about the new content, especially the side content in Insomnia, like 'Relics of The Empire', Lunafreya content, reports of Omega, more lore, Replica Regalia, and keys to get around Insomnia. I'm also looking forward to fighting Cerberus, King of The Mystic, King of The Fierce, and Queen of The Rogue.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
This does beg the question then: Iris and Aranea both have cross chain dialogues from what I found. They were only found in goty files, so they aren't
If this is the case: we have to have the opportunity to play with Iris Again? Pretty sure you only have one chance for to join your party, and it's before you get the cross chain mechanic.

Anyone find this interesting?
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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
This does beg the question then: Iris and Aranea both have cross chain dialogues from what I found.

If this is the case: we have to have the opportunity to play with Iris Again? Pretty sure you only have one chance for to join your party, and it's before you get the cross chain mechanic.

Anyone find this interesting?
Who knows? That is intriguing, though, but we'll see.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
Yeah, and I'm excited about the new content, especially the side content in Insomnia, like 'Relics of The Empire', Lunafreya content, reports of Omega, more lore, Replica Regalia, and keys to get around Insomnia. I'm also looking forward to fighting Cerberus, King of The Mystic, King of The Fierce, and Queen of The Rogue.
It's the Replica Regalia and the Luna stuff that really sparks my imagination, I'd say. The other Insomnia additions seemed roughly equivalent to Birth by Sleep Final Mix (i.e. an hour-long dungeon with a few new cutscenes and several new bosses),
but there's no reason for the Replica Regalia and Luna crosschains to exist if significant alterations haven't been made to the World of Ruin's structure.

It also seems worth pointing out that, in light of the leak, Episode Ignis clearly seems to have been designed to pave the way for a more active Luna after Chapter 9. The idea that the Oracle can't rest until darkness is defeated, her bodily assumption after her death, and the question of whether the voice in Verse 2 was Luna's provides plenty of justification for Luna to interact with the world from beyond the grave.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
i imagine the replica will be used to cross the bridge and reach the crown city area (it would be cool if you could drive to dark lestallum but i doubt it).

i also wonder if they'll update the enviroment to reflect the setting alluded in comrades (giant nidus filling the landscape, reddish moon...)
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Likes: Cloud_CR


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
It's the Replica Regalia and the Luna stuff that really sparks my imagination, I'd say. The other Insomnia additions seemed roughly equivalent to Birth by Sleep Final Mix (i.e. an hour-long dungeon with a few new cutscenes and several new bosses),
but there's no reason for the Replica Regalia and Luna crosschains to exist if significant alterations haven't been made to the World of Ruin's structure.

It also seems worth pointing out that, in light of the leak, Episode Ignis clearly seems to have been designed to pave the way for a more active Luna after Chapter 9. The idea that the Oracle can't rest until darkness is defeated, her bodily assumption after her death, and the question of whether the voice in Verse 2 was Luna's provides plenty of justification for Luna to interact with the world from beyond the grave.
Not only that, apparently Talcott will service the Replica Regalia if it get's damaged, and there's no fast travel option for it.


Also, this.:

Gift From Cid

Noctis receives a special delivery from Cid via Talcott: a mysterious key. True to form, however, Cid provides no specifics regarding its function, only noting it would provide access to "somethin' mighty handy." Eager to decode the meaning behind this cryptic message, Noctis and his friends set out to unlock the secret of the key. Head to the destination. The Regalia replica will not run out of gas. Ask Talcott to service the car when it is too damaged to drive.

Solid Sora

Red Wings Commander
Feb 11, 2015
There should be because both exist in the base game as well.


Yup, one says to "Fight Ifrit", then "Head to the Throne Room" and the "Defeat Ardyn" in the base game. In the Royal edition, the Kings of Yore should be somewhere in between these quest objectives
Ah, cool. It seems that the main quest is exactly what was advertised though. Shame because I was hoping to meet and fight along side older Cidney, Iris, and Aranea. The side content sounds dense and interesting.