100% Imo, what the first half needs are just more Cutscenes between Iedolas, Verstael, Aranea, Ravus and Caligo, similar to what you get in the beginning of Chapter 3. We only get one and then basically nothing until Chapter 13.
My dream additions include that and quite a few other additions that probably only a few will get added but:
Realistic Additions (save for probably chapter 13 lol)
*Chapter 10-13 to be expanded. This I believe to be the most realistic and feasible update coming. I think however, most will be free and will take a significant amount of time to do, meaning we won't see all 3/4 chapter updated at the same time. More Niflheim cutscenes and characterization of its villains before the inevitable, include:
-A Chapter 10 Expansion- The port town getting expanded before you board the train as well as Cartanica opening up (this I think is very likely to happen at some point)
-A Chapter 11 Expansion- 1 Stop before the conflict with Ardyn and Prompto, be able to explore some of that open desert/snow mountain area. That is actually one of the weirdest parts of Niflheim, the fact that it transitions so abruptly but you have to break OOB to even see it. It is also in concept art if you search Terraverde on Google (Niflheim's actual land I believe is called Terraverde)
- A Chapter 12 Expansion- The most needed: A dungeon to both Tenebrae and the snow area near Shiva. Because the game is in the middle of conflict at this point. Making it open world would lose the tension, but I believe both areas can be expanded by making 2 dungeons here.
- A Chapter 13 Expansion- The linear portion doesn't need anything but I firmly believe Gralea itself needs a decent expansion to the city part just like Insomnia is getting. Hell it could be as small as the original Insomnia map, but the city is vastly under-featured. One big story portion missing is how the heck the Bros escaped Gralea after Noct went to sleep. It would be nice to play as the 3 of them for a change, search for some Car parts in a haunted Gralea to help repair the car before escaping. Ardyn terrorizing them in the process would be amazing. Totally fanfic I know but just an idea to give an excuse about exploring the area a bit.
* Episode Ardyn- Focuses on an entirely new area of Niflheim. South of Gralea is entirely uncharted territory and a good place to make a decent open world the size of Leide or Cleigne for Ardyn to drive around in. I think he'll have similar gameplay to Noct and may be able to summon Ifrit at some point in the story. I personally think that this may be the option they go for here, or have it set in Gralea itself, as I am unsure if they want to make it entirely set 2000 years ago, because there is so much they can do with Shiva and Ifrit currently and tying that into the main story.
* Episode Luna or expanding Luna's story- This is a wild card. While I'm not sure we'll get an entire episode surrounding her (Tabata has never answer directly about her getting one) will happen, I think we will definitely get plenty of new cutscenes with her sprinkled throughout the story. By far, she is the most desired character to get more story, aside from Ardyn, but even he had enough to satisfy people. After KG, there's just so much they can show with her Journey and where she ends up. Like more Nifleheim cutscenes, scenes with Luna will help make the first 7 chapters feel more significant. If they do end up making a DLC with her, I could see them following this story that leads her to Altissia, but in playable form. Not sure what else they could actually do, aside from adding back in Dawn scenes in a non-controversial way.
* WoR- Like Cartanica, there may be hints to this happening soon (or it could just be the drive to Insomnia, though both are welcome updates). Chapter 14's other big update that could happen and finally show what happened to characters like Iris and Aranea before they go to the final battle. Either can be an update to Chapter 14 or Comrades, as they plan on making all 4 bro's playable, which I assume may have to come with new story updates in order justify their inclusion (especially Noct's, as his would have to be during Chapter 14)
* Comrades updates- Area's dedicated to Leide, Galahd and Accordo. All 3 are hinted at eventually being able to restore power to each of these regions, whether or not that means we will go there eventually (well, save for Leide, which most likely will happen). Because Comrades is not open world, it may be a bit easier to make areas like Galahd and Accordo have some new playable areas without designing entire regions around them. We'll see what happens.
Less Realistic Updates
*Chapter 8/9 expanded- Just like Niflheim, Accordo is also a "Country" that has nothing save for its one capital, Altissia. This is just before the game starts getting intense and the plot gets darker. The ability to let the bros explore several of the islands of Accordo would help characterize the country more, especially with the new Royal Vessel (which I have a feeling will get more updates as the year goes on). The Santorini town that was cut from the game could have existed here, as its architecture seems to line up very well with Altissia's Venetian inspiration. Just give them more to do. Ultros anyone? Chapter 9 could probably stay as it is, albeit a better Leviathan fight. The Santorini town was here:
*A serious revamp to Chapter 0/Prologue- The game could seriously use more story set in Noct's childhood and early years, since it drives much of the story. My personal wish for this is to combine a lot of the separate media's into one here. For example: Showing how Noct got injured from Brotherhood -> leading him to the playable content in the Platinum demo -> continuing onto first 2 minutes from Kingsglaive, where Luna describes what Niflheim is, how Noct met her while he recovered, and Regis leaving with him but couldn't get Luna (also shows Ravus's motivation for hatred) -> leading into the rest of Brotherhood's content where you could spend 10 minutes each introducing each of the Bros and how Noctis met them, as well as life with his Father. Noctis meets Prompto in school, Gladio during training, and Ignis during regular life (this part also shows that Ignis actually hated Noct at first) -> Finally leading into scenes from the Novella prior to their leave -> Leading to the first CG cutscene. This would help improve the relationship between Noct and his father, show how Noct met his friends and Luna in game, which could be called back to with literally every other part of this game. To me it is necessary but just may not be done due to it being in the beginning of the game and most of it existing already, just unfortunately as other media. More Insomnia concepts could be seen here:
*Northern Lucis Expansion- The huge area above Cleigne is just empty land with one blocked off tunnel leading to it. If there is something people want added to Chapters 1-7, it is probably the ability to go to a region north of the Vesperpool. I could actually see this happening as a entirely optional, high leveled area that has some new monsters to fight. Unsure where this is supposed to exist, but I assume the wall was in Northern Lucis/Cavaugh
Unrealistic Updates
*A KG Adaption/Episode Nyx- While unlikely, Insomnia's fall is probably the biggest thing people have wanted from the game in playable form since we first saw it years ago. It is depicted well in the movie, but because certain things feel different from the game, the story comes off disjointed from it. Ravus has different motivations that could be fixed, and Regis and Luna get the desperate screen-time they need in the story before things end here. It doesn't have to be integrated in the story, as Nyx is a character that is in the story for all of 2 hours and then makes the noble sacrifice before never being mentioned again. I would love this, but I can see how unrealistic it would be to do it, even though it would help the story immensely.
* Episode Omen- An actual story DLC for Noct that gives off that dark vibe so many people, and unfortunately myself as well, clamor for in a FF game. It could take place during his time in the crystal, one where he does experience Luna's pain and loss almost too personal, and goes through all of this, but all for the sake of personal growth to come out of the crystal realizing he had his friends the entire time, which would make the campfire scene so much more important in Chapter 14.
Anyway that is what I have. Things like the Dawn trailer scenes should also be incorporated at their appropriate moments (especially the Noct and Regis moment)
Gameplay wise, revamps to the Magic and Summon systems, as well as a Hard Mode, could really up the gameplay for the game. I personally think all 3 will happen eventually, as they seem to be the next step in the QoL changes they've made so far, it is just a matter of when and how.
All of this may seem crazy and unrealistic but tbh I had Insomnia and Chapter 14 getting revamped on here and look at what we are getting in March. Of course, 80% of this may not happen, but we will see how they will address future content.
My dream additions include that and quite a few other additions that probably only a few will get added but:
Realistic Additions (save for probably chapter 13 lol)
*Chapter 10-13 to be expanded. This I believe to be the most realistic and feasible update coming. I think however, most will be free and will take a significant amount of time to do, meaning we won't see all 3/4 chapter updated at the same time. More Niflheim cutscenes and characterization of its villains before the inevitable, include:
-A Chapter 10 Expansion- The port town getting expanded before you board the train as well as Cartanica opening up (this I think is very likely to happen at some point)
-A Chapter 11 Expansion- 1 Stop before the conflict with Ardyn and Prompto, be able to explore some of that open desert/snow mountain area. That is actually one of the weirdest parts of Niflheim, the fact that it transitions so abruptly but you have to break OOB to even see it. It is also in concept art if you search Terraverde on Google (Niflheim's actual land I believe is called Terraverde)
- A Chapter 12 Expansion- The most needed: A dungeon to both Tenebrae and the snow area near Shiva. Because the game is in the middle of conflict at this point. Making it open world would lose the tension, but I believe both areas can be expanded by making 2 dungeons here.
- A Chapter 13 Expansion- The linear portion doesn't need anything but I firmly believe Gralea itself needs a decent expansion to the city part just like Insomnia is getting. Hell it could be as small as the original Insomnia map, but the city is vastly under-featured. One big story portion missing is how the heck the Bros escaped Gralea after Noct went to sleep. It would be nice to play as the 3 of them for a change, search for some Car parts in a haunted Gralea to help repair the car before escaping. Ardyn terrorizing them in the process would be amazing. Totally fanfic I know but just an idea to give an excuse about exploring the area a bit.
* Episode Ardyn- Focuses on an entirely new area of Niflheim. South of Gralea is entirely uncharted territory and a good place to make a decent open world the size of Leide or Cleigne for Ardyn to drive around in. I think he'll have similar gameplay to Noct and may be able to summon Ifrit at some point in the story. I personally think that this may be the option they go for here, or have it set in Gralea itself, as I am unsure if they want to make it entirely set 2000 years ago, because there is so much they can do with Shiva and Ifrit currently and tying that into the main story.
* Episode Luna or expanding Luna's story- This is a wild card. While I'm not sure we'll get an entire episode surrounding her (Tabata has never answer directly about her getting one) will happen, I think we will definitely get plenty of new cutscenes with her sprinkled throughout the story. By far, she is the most desired character to get more story, aside from Ardyn, but even he had enough to satisfy people. After KG, there's just so much they can show with her Journey and where she ends up. Like more Nifleheim cutscenes, scenes with Luna will help make the first 7 chapters feel more significant. If they do end up making a DLC with her, I could see them following this story that leads her to Altissia, but in playable form. Not sure what else they could actually do, aside from adding back in Dawn scenes in a non-controversial way.
* WoR- Like Cartanica, there may be hints to this happening soon (or it could just be the drive to Insomnia, though both are welcome updates). Chapter 14's other big update that could happen and finally show what happened to characters like Iris and Aranea before they go to the final battle. Either can be an update to Chapter 14 or Comrades, as they plan on making all 4 bro's playable, which I assume may have to come with new story updates in order justify their inclusion (especially Noct's, as his would have to be during Chapter 14)
* Comrades updates- Area's dedicated to Leide, Galahd and Accordo. All 3 are hinted at eventually being able to restore power to each of these regions, whether or not that means we will go there eventually (well, save for Leide, which most likely will happen). Because Comrades is not open world, it may be a bit easier to make areas like Galahd and Accordo have some new playable areas without designing entire regions around them. We'll see what happens.
Less Realistic Updates
*Chapter 8/9 expanded- Just like Niflheim, Accordo is also a "Country" that has nothing save for its one capital, Altissia. This is just before the game starts getting intense and the plot gets darker. The ability to let the bros explore several of the islands of Accordo would help characterize the country more, especially with the new Royal Vessel (which I have a feeling will get more updates as the year goes on). The Santorini town that was cut from the game could have existed here, as its architecture seems to line up very well with Altissia's Venetian inspiration. Just give them more to do. Ultros anyone? Chapter 9 could probably stay as it is, albeit a better Leviathan fight. The Santorini town was here:

*A serious revamp to Chapter 0/Prologue- The game could seriously use more story set in Noct's childhood and early years, since it drives much of the story. My personal wish for this is to combine a lot of the separate media's into one here. For example: Showing how Noct got injured from Brotherhood -> leading him to the playable content in the Platinum demo -> continuing onto first 2 minutes from Kingsglaive, where Luna describes what Niflheim is, how Noct met her while he recovered, and Regis leaving with him but couldn't get Luna (also shows Ravus's motivation for hatred) -> leading into the rest of Brotherhood's content where you could spend 10 minutes each introducing each of the Bros and how Noctis met them, as well as life with his Father. Noctis meets Prompto in school, Gladio during training, and Ignis during regular life (this part also shows that Ignis actually hated Noct at first) -> Finally leading into scenes from the Novella prior to their leave -> Leading to the first CG cutscene. This would help improve the relationship between Noct and his father, show how Noct met his friends and Luna in game, which could be called back to with literally every other part of this game. To me it is necessary but just may not be done due to it being in the beginning of the game and most of it existing already, just unfortunately as other media. More Insomnia concepts could be seen here:

*Northern Lucis Expansion- The huge area above Cleigne is just empty land with one blocked off tunnel leading to it. If there is something people want added to Chapters 1-7, it is probably the ability to go to a region north of the Vesperpool. I could actually see this happening as a entirely optional, high leveled area that has some new monsters to fight. Unsure where this is supposed to exist, but I assume the wall was in Northern Lucis/Cavaugh

Unrealistic Updates
*A KG Adaption/Episode Nyx- While unlikely, Insomnia's fall is probably the biggest thing people have wanted from the game in playable form since we first saw it years ago. It is depicted well in the movie, but because certain things feel different from the game, the story comes off disjointed from it. Ravus has different motivations that could be fixed, and Regis and Luna get the desperate screen-time they need in the story before things end here. It doesn't have to be integrated in the story, as Nyx is a character that is in the story for all of 2 hours and then makes the noble sacrifice before never being mentioned again. I would love this, but I can see how unrealistic it would be to do it, even though it would help the story immensely.
* Episode Omen- An actual story DLC for Noct that gives off that dark vibe so many people, and unfortunately myself as well, clamor for in a FF game. It could take place during his time in the crystal, one where he does experience Luna's pain and loss almost too personal, and goes through all of this, but all for the sake of personal growth to come out of the crystal realizing he had his friends the entire time, which would make the campfire scene so much more important in Chapter 14.
Anyway that is what I have. Things like the Dawn trailer scenes should also be incorporated at their appropriate moments (especially the Noct and Regis moment)
Gameplay wise, revamps to the Magic and Summon systems, as well as a Hard Mode, could really up the gameplay for the game. I personally think all 3 will happen eventually, as they seem to be the next step in the QoL changes they've made so far, it is just a matter of when and how.
All of this may seem crazy and unrealistic but tbh I had Insomnia and Chapter 14 getting revamped on here and look at what we are getting in March. Of course, 80% of this may not happen, but we will see how they will address future content.
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