Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
VERY interesting. That in itself makes comrades more than worth it. Now that that is the main story, and we know the quests continue after, it leaves me to wonder what else they put into the expansion and plan on updating it with (since we know we will be able to play as the chocobros later)


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
launch trailer

libertus won points in my book for this amazing speech, also mild spoilers about the story content (that made me very happy).
Good speech, great music and the trailer overall was done pretty well.

It’s downloading now for me and gonna play it right after. Taking a look around the web and it’s good to see that the DLC is well received so far.

Most comments are positive and people are having fun with it :)
Likes: FFChocobo18


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Good speech, great music and the trailer overall was done pretty well.

It’s downloading now for me and gonna play it right after. Taking a look around the web and it’s good to see that the DLC is well received so far.

Most comments are positive and people are having fun with it :)
I'm having fun with Comrades as well, it's nice to see some story in there, especially after doing several hunts to grind and stuff, which I had a lot of fun with, and I've beaten Gladiolus, Prompto, and Ignis, and I've put around 7 hours into Comrades so far, with three outposts done, the last one is Gauldin Quay, but I'm going to need to do more missions for meteorshards to give power to the places in the direction of it, but I'm looking forward to that.
Likes: Jubileus


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
ok played around 3 hours, this is really fun and addictive.

battle system flows better than in the main game.

the char creator is simply awesome, and the quality of the character models makes you feel like THE MC (of a next FF game or something).

soundtrack is great.

dig the atmosphere and lestallum looks way more interesting in this state.

just done 2 quests, so there's a lot to uncover yet; happy with the overall quality, also matchmaking was fast no bugs so far.


new enemy (magic pot)


so its explained in the datalog why the glaves can use magic even after regis death; also talcott is telling all sorts of amazing lore stuff, talcott redeemed.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
ok played around 3 hours, this is really fun and addictive.

battle system flows better than in the main game.

the char creator is simply awesome, and the quality of the character models makes you feel like THE MC (of a next FF game or something).

soundtrack is great.

dig the atmosphere and lestallum looks way more interesting in this state.

just done 2 quests, so there's a lot to uncover yet; happy with the overall quality, also matchmaking was fast no bugs so far.


new enemy (magic pot)


so its explained in the datalog why the glaves can use magic even after regis death; also talcott is telling all sorts of amazing lore stuff, talcott redeemed.
I'd practically written Comrades off when it was announced, but after creating a character and playing the first mission, I'm similarly impressed.

The character creator in particular is incredible. I think it's one of the best I've seen, even including games where creating your character is the biggest draw. XD


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
so its explained in the datalog why the glaves can use magic even after regis death; also talcott is telling all sorts of amazing lore stuff, talcott redeemed.
Yeah I’m reading all the datalogs and I’m really liking the info in there.

When I read why the Glaives could use magic, I was pleasantly surprised that it actually made sense lol

All the pieces are slowly falling into place.

People are making mentions of beating the game but only being able to obtain half of the royal sigils from the current map.

Could heavily point to future updates in content.
They are updating the Comrades dlc in the future.

In the title screen for Comrades, there is text underneath saying keep a look out for more updates or something along those lines.

There’s also an option in the menu screen to check for updates as well :)

Guitar (pseudo)God

Blitzball Champion
Aug 14, 2016
All over
I’m having a blast with it. A few notes:
  • The combat is quite a bit more strategic than the main game, and I haven't gotten my head about all the move sets for the weapons. I'm level 7 or so, and I've settled on a katana, shuriken, and spear, with a shield for stats. And it's fun. No magic grenades, point-warping and warp-striking are nerfed, and certainly no item spam.
  • The missions are suitably straightforward. There are a few new varieties of enemies, along with staples of the main game.
  • The game does not really explain weapons and the upgrade system, other than a brief mention.
  • I played it for ~4 hours, off and on. I saw a few glitches, but for a first iteration of a MP game, it's very solid. I had absolutely no issues with fast-paced combat and other real players. That is an achievement worth applauding.
  • So far, it's very "grindy." The experience, materials, kW, gil, etc. are quite limited, and you'll need to replay missions to get enough to progress. Coupled with the unexplained weapon system, it can get repetitive. That's something I feel needs to be addressed.
  • I hope the food system is revamped, or at least explained better in-game.
  • Some missions are just plain unfair. Yes, I'm looking at you, you goddamn Spiracorns. To that end, you'll quickly encounter missions where the recommended levels are 10-15 higher than your current level. Now, I did take down a level 15 mission with my level 5 character and some other players (not the AI), and it was intense. So YMMV.
  • A missing feature -- and I hope it's added soon -- is the ability to play missions with your friends. I can see it not being in the first iteration, but I hope it's eventually implemented.
  • The AI ranges from serviceable to excellent. I seemed to get better results with real players, though.
    For instance, one mission two players stun-locked a Naga while I crushed it with a spear. We were level 5-6 too.
General observations:
  • The atmosphere is suitably somber. Through conversations, interactive objects (think Cosmogony in the main game), and the darkly humorous Kenny Crow, it conveys the mood quite well. The music is top-notch.
  • There are a lot more people to talk with in Lestallum than in the main game, ironically. I've heard some interesting tidbits about the world. Perhaps it's a bit of an info dump, but it does the job. Yes, you can make the argument it should have been in the main game, but that's been discussed to death. (IIRC, @Koozek said that one insider on the development team was real, so they had about 2.5-3 years to get a 4+ year project out the door?)
  • The usual cast of characters are present, with new and interesting dialogue and information.
    A notable moment for me: Cid has some pointed things to say about Noctis.
Overall, it's well-worth the price of admission (and it makes the season pass a no-brainer). It doubles down -- and improves -- what FFXV (in my estimation) did so well -- the combat system. It might even get me to do something I hadn't considered -- subscribing to PS+. I recommend checking it out.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
I've just beaten Comrades, I have 13:05:53 spent on it. It was a lot of fun, and engaging, more so than the main game itself, and I enjoyed it, and now, Episode Ignis remains, and I'm even more excited for it. I enjoyed Comrades' game-play, I hope they implement some of it's elements into the main game, too, but I doubt that'll happen. As for how I rate the major DLC so far, here's my scores.:

Episode Gladiolus: 6/10: It was fun, but the game-play was slow, and it's story didn't help appreciate Gladiolus and character to me.
Episode Prompto: 8.5/10: I had plenty of fun with this, the open area, and especially the music fit the tone of it in regards to Prompto and his struggles, and managed to deliver a proper reveal of the twist he had in Chapter 13, and developed him further as a character, and how he got into Gralea held in the Keep to some degree. The game-play was solid, but the controls were a little confusing.
Comrades: 9/10: See my thoughts above.
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Jan 7, 2017
Small advice to those who havent started yet: do not read reddit, resetera, gaf and others. Try if for yourself, or u just get spoiled mood and impression.
Likes: Storm
Oct 26, 2017
Costa Rica


Battle-scarred down to the bone
Falling, failing to believe
Living in so much despair
With no hope of release

Was I born to be betrayed?
Was I born to simply die?
Can I bear to seek the truth
When it feels like a lie?

Into the darkness we will fly
Soaring above our fears
Praying this world will survive
Fighting and striving for the light
Living life knowing that we must die
Loving until the end
Choosing hope when all hope has been lost
And believing in the strengths of our friends

If the Oracle can heal
If the plague can be removed
And the darkness overcome
Then I'll carry on too

Must I live to sacrifice?
Must I die to make things right?
Do I dare believe in hope
When surrounded by night?

Into the darkness we will fly
Soaring above our fears
Praying this world will survive
Fighting and striving for the light
Living life knowing that we must die
Loving until the end
Choosing hope when all hope has been lost
And believing in the strengths of our friends

We've fought evil
The fiercest of foes
Strong against all the odds
Giving all our hope when there's ???
I chose hope when all hope had been lost
And I believed in the strengths of my friends
Likes: Storm