Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Tabata is basically fixing Nomuras mess yes hes pulling it together but why would they still be hiring for this game when marketing starts next week.
Its actually not entirely impossible to do both, and the game still has plenty of development time until (possibly) late next year.

If XV gets delayed further...then there's a problem.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Aug 30, 2014
There are far more Kingdom Hearts III openings being advertised (whereas on the latter, they may only be looking for a few individuals to round out the team). Nevertheless, that Square Enix is recruiting for both games probably means that they're ready to develop at full speed.

Meanwhile, Kitase's department is recruiting for a mobile game that runs on the Unity engine. The game title isn't stated, so this may or may not be for Mobius: Final Fantasy.
Likes: Nova


Red Wings Commander
Oct 26, 2013
I'm pretty sure the game will be released next year oh cmon in 2016 the game development will be 10 year right? I hope the game will be DX12 game for PC.. I'm pretty sure the game will be release for PC, just look Type0,all ffXIII, and older Ff is in steam too.