It's so hilarious seeing people react so foolishly to this game's success. There's a difference between not liking a certain piece of media and being immature about it. I mean, I'm not particularly fond of the modern Zelda titles, but I don't go out of my way to bash the series for no reason or feel the need to scream my opinions out like a madman frothing at the mouth.
No, no, no. That's not how the internet works anymore Jenova. Now and these days if you want attention you have to cry to the heavens and be radically negative because that makes you more credible in the grand view of things.
- Game got average scores of 8 - 9? Doesn't matter it's still the worst game that has ever been created.
- SE have lost their way.
- Nomura would have been able to make a better game (despite not providing even half a product with 6 - 7 years).
It's very sad that instead of having balanced viewpoints, or mainly positive, negative ones seem to get the most attention. It's things like that which will lead to creativity being killed almost completely...which then gaming in itself will get killed console side imo. "How would you like to play a brand new RPG game that's almost identical to the one that you played 3 months ago? Don't worry, pre-order now and you'll even get bonus DLC that is almost the same as another game that you played 6 months back!" Sounds fun am I right?
Far as the digital and physical, we'll have to see where that goes. Physical discs still have a high demand. I do see AAA games doing more for their titles beyond the day 1 release. Although, I do wish at some point all of that could come out on an additional disk. No telling how many more gigs will be used for FFXV updates since it was already at disc limit day one after a patch.