Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Nov 8, 2014
I just learned do not post anything of substance on GameFAQ. My two topics got deleted by a troll because he didn't want to engage in discussions unrelated to his insane logic. He claimed I didn't use spoiler tags as a reason to ban me when in reality he wants anyone promoting critical and analytical discussions kicked out. If I wasn't on the "FINAL FANTASY XV'S STORY SUCKS, THERE'S NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, LOOK AT ALL THE CUT CONTENT, IT TOOK 10 YEARS TO DEVELOP, GAMEPLAY IS GARBAGE" train then he made it apparent I wouldn't be welcome.

It's official. GameFAQ is the worst gaming community online. People in the YouTube comment section use more critical thought these days! Now I have to remember what I typed damn it
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Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Having critical thinking and engaging in discussion is fine and all but expressing personal (harsh) feelings torwards other boards should be either kept low-key or to oneself.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
I just learned do not post anything of substance on GameFAQ. My two topics got deleted by a troll because he didn't want to engage in discussions unrelated to his insane logic. He claimed I didn't use spoiler tags as a reason to ban me when in reality he wants anyone promoting critical and analytical discussions kicked out. If I wasn't on the "FINAL FANTASY XV'S STORY SUCKS, THERE'S NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, LOOK AT ALL THE CUT CONTENT, IT TOOK 10 YEARS TO DEVELOP, GAMEPLAY IS GARBAGE" train then he made it apparent I wouldn't be welcome.

It's official. GameFAQ is the worst gaming community online. People in the YouTube comment section use more critical thought these days! Now I have to remember what I typed damn it
It's unfortunate but that community has declined greatly and should be avoided for all games imo. You just can't have a good, quality and rational discussion over there.

Did you want to share and discuss the two topics that you originally posted over there, here?

We're a sane, rational bunch who aren't prone to extreme mood swings and abusive language when it comes to discussion... most of us anyway ;)
Likes: Nova


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
The gamefaqs board in particular (or in general) is beyond repair, it's about as toxic as the average /v/ thread on 4chan. I've witnessed a topic citing new user accounts created on release day just to shit on the game.

Its a miracle that this place managed to (mostly) evade being as comparable of a shit-show. I commend most of you guys.
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Likes: Jubileus


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
No, no direct personal attacks on my end this time around. I was just speaking in general. You get rational and irrational people in every community that you go into.

People tend to fluctuate back and forth between being rational to irrational, then level headed to hard headed, and annoying to tolerable because.. well that's just how people are lol. Humanity is a bi-polar and nonsensical species xD

Just keep the complaining and whining to a minimum, and there shouldn't be any problems.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
It's probably old news by now but anyone wanting to do the Aranea glitch, if you've updated the game to the latest patch, you can't do it anymore.

If you want to do it you're gonna have to uninstall then reinstall the game again.

Bummer. It was such a cool glitch too.


Forest Owl
May 25, 2016
Youtube chat is madness over there, people are fighting over FFVII and whatnot, talking about burning Tabata live, and JP people be like go away filthy loud foreigners...


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
*smh*... I swear to goodness what on Earth happened to being civilized =/

Burning Tabata alive? What in the actual fuck? That's just messed up.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
pro patch confirmed for 2/21

"Forthcoming Schedule

*Tabi's phone kept ringing*

2/21 Update

Limited Time Hunts
Level cap from 99 to 120
Photos from 150 to 200
You can use th3 MP3 player while using chocobos."



edit 2: i hope the boost sword is not exclusive to the booster pack + version
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Likes: Nova

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
*smh*... I swear to goodness what on Earth happened to being civilized =/

Burning Tabata alive? What in the actual fuck? That's just messed up.
I know right I want a Final Fantasy Versus XV trilogy with those Versus XIII elements in it too but man looking at the chat makes me wants to cry as a Nomura fan, jesus they make us look so bad sometimes.

Oh and yeah Versus XV stuff is going on in the chat just to let you know.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
pro patch confirmed for 2/21

"Forthcoming Schedule

*Tabi's phone kept ringing*

2/21 Update

Limited Time Hunts
Level cap from 99 to 120
Photos from 150 to 200
You can use th3 MP3 player while using chocobos."



edit 2: i hope the boost sword is not exclusive to the booster pack + version
Prompto looks like a badass there. Damn.

I think we're going to see a side of him that we haven't seen yet in his DLC.

Shuya's translation did say that in his DLC it will focus on character development. I like the sound of that.. a lot ;)

I know right I want a Final Fantasy Versus XV trilogy with those Versus XIII elements in it too but man looking at the chat makes me wants to cry as a Nomura fan, jesus they make us look so bad sometimes.

Oh and yeah Versus XV stuff is going on in the chat just to let you know.
I never understood how and why people get so aggressive and abusive when it comes to games.

Those kinda people make ALL gamers look bad. Freaking disgrace since gamers get branded as "immature" already, they make all of us look like chumps.

Cmon people... like seriously >.<


Keyblade Master
Sep 9, 2016
Shuya's translation did say that in his DLC it will focus on character development
What character development? Who can basically appear in Prompto DLC except for Ardyn (who is already most developed character in the game) and Verstael? I Never gonna understand what Tabata trying to say, even with translations. =\


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
What character development? Who can basically appear in Prompto DLC except for Ardyn (who is already most developed character in the game) and Verstael? I Never gonna understand what Tabata trying to say, even with translations. =\

Spoilers for the entire game:
I mean, he's got this huge character revelation in Chapter 13 and it's barely touched upon, whether it be the background itself or the consequences.

If he really is Verstael's son... well. I guess they can also explore the aftermath of Noctis' imprisonment, considering how close it is to Prompto's DLC. Maybe some post time-skip things (I keep hoping all the DLCs have some of this, but nah).


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
What character development? Who can basically appear in Prompto DLC except for Ardyn (who is already most developed character in the game) and Verstael? I Never gonna understand what Tabata trying to say, even with translations. =\
I'm not 100% certain, but I think the person who will be developing more will be Prompto himself.

I have a feeling we're going to learn more about his past, his insecurities, who is "really" is and how he comes to terms with all this in his DLC. This is just me speculating btw, but I don't think I'm too far off... I hope xD
Nov 8, 2014
Prompts confronts his concealed self. w/e we can call it. Simple to make a chapter off of that. He's the view point now. The narrative has his voice since others are independent. He has the most potitonal to change both externally and internally. But I think character development is kinda overrated anyway when people aim for those overt dramatic changes like in any shonen anime ever


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
BTW, I don't know why I thought Episode Prompto was for late 2017. I'm guessing that's Ignis' spot, so the online DLC could release as early as the beginnings of 2018 if they're efficiently planning this all.

A little over a year to get all the DLC/expansions is good, I think (TW3 had its bigger expansion release about a year after the game's initial launch).


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
BTW, I don't know why I thought Episode Prompto was for late 2017. I'm guessing that's Ignis' spot, so the online DLC could release as early as the beginnings of 2018 if they're efficiently planning this all.

A little over a year to get all the DLC/expansions is good, I think (TW3 had its bigger expansion release about a year after the game's initial launch).
You're not the only one. I thought the DLC episodes were gonna be released "in order" but I think episode Ignis is gonna take more time.

If you really think about it... how are they gonna do the "gameplay" for Ignis?

He's best bro for me so, against all rational advice, I do have high hopes for his episode.