I like having discussions here
Discussions I enjoy. I wouldn't say that your posts incite discussions since they don't vary from "I'm disappointed that they cut content and it's not Versus".
Your posts are literally
just this x1000, rinse and repeat into eternity.
I honestly wouldn't have any issue with your posts if you actually posted something different for a change. You repeat the same thing in every thread, sometimes to the point of ignoring the topic of the thread just to spin it around into a "cut content" and "Versus" thread.
You've even done that on some of my threads.
I got over the game being disappointing
No...you have not.
It seems like I'm having a go at you lately, but honestly? How can we have discussions if you aren't willing to make conversations interesting by contributing new insights and something other than negativity all the time?
You're right, this place is great. The reason why it's great is because the people here know how to converse properly - meaning they offer new insight and write posts that people
want to respond to and engage with. They don't copy paste the same negative shit 1000x and expect a different answer.
Sorry to break it to you but your negativity is not that far off from how the people on Gamefaqs are.
If you try something new, I think your posts would have better reception.