See, I can understand the general public being 'dumb' and not understanding why XV was delayed, but when news outlets like The Know come out and say "oh they wanted to avoid a big day 1 patch and now the Crown update is out, hurr durr looks like that went well for them" just outright infuriates me. It's the spread of misinformation, not just of this game, but of any game that ruins the image of a game. Like, I love The Know, and normally they are pretty good, but just watching the video would show them that the reason for the delay was to not only avoid that big day 1 patch, but to fix all the technical issues that would've been fixed with that day 1 patch, so that it would be playable to a satisfactory degree without the need of a patch.
Meanwhile, get my PSN account back from my friend and finally bough Digital Premium edition prior to pre-load