Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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May 26, 2014
Oh, I just realized! Since Duscae 2.0 is getting new content like party member quests, that means there'll be new recorded dialogue, and that means a chance to hear what they did with Noctis' voice! I wonder if they rerecorded his old dialogue as well...


May 15, 2014
Westminster, Maryland
I was confused about something though. In the report at times i got the feeling that the game was almost done but then other times i got a feeling they had quite a bit to go. Anyone else get this inkling?
And thats why i'm excited for the new writer, going blind, waiting for the (un)pleasant surprises;)
People have a right to be worried about the new writer, especially since she doesn't have a reputation to fall back on. I'm not surprised that a lot of people are on the fence about it. I'm wary as well, but I welcome the opportunity for new perspectives.


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
And most of what was said still remains in XV minus Stella, Party in Lucis, escaping from Lucis, and character switching, and looking at that not too much was cut if we use a cold mind.
The Leviathan scene may also be scrapped. Which, for me, would be the greatest loss.


Apr 11, 2015
The Leviathan scene may also be scrapped. Which, for me, would be the greatest loss.
Luna appears to be in Altissia, Accordo's capital, and her meeting with Noctis seems to be quite important in XV's plot. While the Leviathan scene as we know it may have changed, it's unlikely that the summon has been removed completely.


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
True. Worrying that they are 'trying to work in Leviathan segment", though. Hoped it would have been locked down at this stage.

Luna appears to be in Altissia, Accordo's capital, and her meeting with Noctis seems to be quite important in XV's plot. While the Leviathan scene as we know it may have changed, it's unlikely that the summon has been removed completely.
Leviathan won't be removed, as it seems essential to the plot. Heck, it even features in the logo. That's why it is unusual; that they cannot confirm if this scene will bein the game. You would imagine it would be one of the climaxes/central parts of the game if they went as far as to include Leviathan in the logo.

Not so concerned about the other stuff. Sure we lost Stella, but as a result of that we gained Luna, and I'm sure she will fill the role well.
We lost the invasion and party scenes, but Tabata has hinted at a plot reason behind this, and strongly suggests we will get gameplay in Insomnia later in the game as a result. (Perhaps, forgoing the invasion will allow them to presere more of the city for segments later on - who knows?)


SOLDIER Second Class
Sep 20, 2014
Santiago de Chile
I know I'm just copy/pasting what I wrote on another post, but I can't avoid but repeat my opinion here:

In a very personal opinion, I can understand the fear some of you may feel -for real-, but I feel none :S
I mean, we're coming from a series of games (XII, XIII saga, Versus XIII, XIV 1.0) regarded as not meeting the expected quality a FF (or a Square game) should have, as dropped ideas or as failures because of SE practices: its secretism, excessive ego, et cetera; but now we're watching a process were the development team is sharing its efforts, knowledge and intentions, being honest about the process itself and being open enough to let us, the users/gamers/buyers/people, share our opinion about a game that's in development; an opinion that's been heard for that matter.

I know it's disappointing that some ideas from the Nomura's Versus XIII era are being dropped, but it's also very encouraging --for me, at least-- that we can feel ourselves as a part of this process, even if a tiny part. That's why, while I also am disappointed for them dropping Stella and some other themes from this game (blood), I still think it's gonna be a very good game, with an identity and not something improvised like some of the games we've seen from SE lately (XIII-2, LR).

I still have hope! (and hype).


Warrior of Light
Nov 12, 2014
After long speculation, Tabata confirmed Nojima and Jun Akiyama were no longer working on FFXV and this has some people believing the team is inexperienced.

In terms of who's writing the new story? Sure, but they have Nojima's original story still in place.

But the FFXV team is not inexperienced.

Takatsugu Nakazawa, Kenichiro Yuji and likely Takayoshi Nakazato are all still working on it.
Yusuke Naora and Isamu Kamikokuryo just to name two from the art.

Tabata has carried over many of the old Versus XIII staff that worked on KH2 and added lower ranking staff from the XIII team. He's also got a lot of the staff he worked with on Crisis Core and Type-0 working on it.

FFXV is in good hands.

And for all the Jun Akiyama fans out there, wouldn't surprise me if he's working on Ito's project now.