Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
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Jul 16, 2015
Someone on another site mentioned this about this artwork that the landscape it depicts is half desert half snow field. I was having trouble making out exactly what it was at first but that is fucking awesome and tells us that there will be absolutely incredible environments to explore that we never even imagined. So hyped.
Jul 16, 2015
Someone also theorized that the snow half would be Niflheim and the desert half could be Solheim. That makes perfect sense. I mean Solheim translates to home of the sun or sun home and Nifleheim is home of the clouds/mist or cloud/mist home and if you look at the snow side it has a heavy blanket of clouds looming over the sky.


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
Can someone tell @Koozek on Gaf that Solhiem still exists in the game, the quote that he is using is wrongly translated, it menas that the Solhiem in the game wont be like the old Solhimem cause it has changed now but it still exists in the game.
Storm explains it here:
seems like the 2ch post was mistranslated and this is what it means.

"IIRC, on the bd IT is mentioned that solheim was an ancient super civilitation and niflheim got the ideas for glaucas armor from that time long ago.
But we will Not visit that solheim, cause its long long ago.
That would mean we will visit a Other solheim, a glimpse of its former self."

nothing confirmed (need to summon the translators here), but this is actually pretty cool if true; all FFs basically have a region/place from an ancient civilization; the fact that Niflheim and Solheim are similiar in name might indicate a relation, in which Solheim is the precursor of Niflheim, much like the Allagans are the precursors of the Garlean Empire (from FFXIV).
Oct 19, 2013


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
was about to post that haha, the preview is great:

"I didn't expect to like Final Fantasy XV. Imagine my surprise when, about 12 hours into the game, I realized I kind of love it."

"FFXV's world, so far as I've seen, comes off as thoughtfully designed, with many environmental elements that underscore the story... provided you know what to look for."

"Final Fantasy XV feels nostalgic..."

"And I've still only seen a small percentage of the overall game world, and completed an even smaller fraction of its quests and story. And that's OK by me. I haven't been hooked by a game world like this in a long, long time, and I'm more than happy to take this experience slowly and savor it."

edit: Fantasy XV/

"The dialogue between the characters is a bit cheesy and light-hearted, and it's easy to take a liking to them even if they initially feel a little too thin and stereotypical. After a few hours they have definitely grown on us, and their personal stories and agendas come across as interesting. The game's narrative generally seems to take off after the initial slightly unfocused intro, and now we're really looking forward to taking on the final game in about a month."

"The variation in terms of the environments was absolutely stunning (in the parts we got to test)."

"Final Fantasy XV looks to be an epic adventure that will take hours and hours to play through to completion. The opening might borrow a few too many generic MMORPG elements, and it remains to be seen if this improves further in. Noctis and the gang are a lovely group of characters and if you're intrigued by their very Japanese framing you will quickly grow attached to them. The world, their surroundings, the music and the atmosphere, it's all brilliant from the very beginning and it looks like this may be the game that will bring Final Fantasy back for real, and if that's the case it's not a minute too soon."

one month guys, one month...
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