Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
I've seen on GAF a poster saying "So, post-game as young Noctis? RIP Punished Noctis".

Did they say this? My French is really limited when it comes to listening. Please, tell me they didn't :/

Guitar (pseudo)God

Blitzball Champion
Aug 14, 2016
All over
that's it

this is the trailer i was waiting for since 2013

dark, mysterious, grand, epic, dreamy...

thanks SE, Omen was fucking incredible and definitely exciting as the Versus trailers

Noctis x Luna scene and blood, who could tell...
It looked like Evil Noctis killed Luna
Following Nojima's script after all. That was...dark.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
This was a very good show (barring the crash or whatever that was).

But man (and I know I'm annoying AS FUCK with this), I hope we can play a good chunk of the game AND the post-game content with the older designs. Really don't, not even after 10 years of having to get used to them, appreciate the current ones that much and the new designs (namely the MC's one) is actually something that has made me much more hyped about this game that I already was: literally solving my biggest nitpick of the game and one I thought was set in stone.

Does anybody that understands French know if they said anything about this? Because I don't know why that comment was brought up (I'm guessing the quest itself was one done after the game's end, looking at the levels and such...)

It looked like Evil Noctis killed Luna
Following Kojima's script after all. That was...dark.
This trailer even had a very MGS-esque moment in that Niflheim base, with Noctis shooting the shit out of those riflemen and, of course, the mech.
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