Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
Man, I've been seriously thinking of going in completely blind without reading about any other opinions, even the positive ones,
This is where my "talent" comes in. I'm WAY too opinionated to let someone else's influence mine. So, to me, the reviews will just be more FFXV anticipation porn.
Oct 19, 2013
UGh, I tried, but I can't get anything to work. Anyone else want to give it a shot?

Was trying to work off of this clip:

and make a gif out of the armiger from 56:30 to 56:47 but the site I was using either isn't working right right now, or it's just too big of a video for it to work with.

Of course, this being the internet, there's probably already a gif of it.
Made one real quick.

Likes: DrBretto


Keyblade Master
Sep 9, 2016
Its actually very positive preview except camera "problems", but by watching this guy playing im pretty sure its more a player problem than camera.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
I will apply a bit od devil´s advocate:

While we say that the players in this videos are bad/not playing well, it might be a side effect of the game not being "punishing/challenging" enough to force the player in playing better, while in many videos we see them playing in uneffective ways (finishing slower, not warping a lot, not changing weapons, not using magic, wasting lots of items, etc) at the end of the day they still manage to win battles with said uneffective methods. If I had to compare it to something it would be like the same problem Kingdom Hearts II combat had, albeit (IMO) XV would have this problem in a much lesser degree than it was in KHII.
Likes: Storm


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
So youtube thumbnails are bound to spoil some things for me and I can deal with that. I came across a thumbnail showing ravus and the scientist dude and wanted to know if it's in game or pre-rendered FMV since I cant tell by looking a small thumbnail(looks pretty darn nice if in-game):


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
I will apply a bit od devil´s advocate:

While we say that the players in this videos are bad/not playing well, it might be a side effect of the game not being "punishing/challenging" enough to force the player in playing better, while in many videos we see them playing in uneffective ways (finishing slower, not warping a lot, not changing weapons, not using magic, wasting lots of items, etc) at the end of the day they still manage to win battles with said uneffective methods. If I had to compare it to something it would be like the same problem Kingdom Hearts II combat had, albeit (IMO) XV would have this problem in a much lesser degree than it was in KHII.
To play devils' devils' advocate, lol, that's kind of how all of the FF games are. You can awkwardly get through anything if you're not a very good player and just want to see the story. The brunt of the "challenge" is personal satisfaction/to get through stuff faster and smoother.

So, take the Polygon video from yesterday. That part where he's awkwardly killing the crabs, they made up for the lack of skill by stopping and using potions every 4 seconds. They still got through it, just not with any style, and it took longer than it should have. A better player separates themselves by making the fight look more fun, go faster and saving on recovery items.