But I would assume that the next iteration would feature back the turn-based battle system. But if their direction is into the action RPG, should we be worried?
Lets be fair here, compare (numbered FF) the numbers of FF games that use turnbase(variations included) and the number of FF games that dont use it:
Turn base: FF1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13
Non-turnbase: FF11,14,15
And if we include other FF games, the comparison is more one sided in favor to the turnbase group. The most fair thing would be this:
1.wait until we an equal number of non turnbase games and then make the shift back to turnbase.
2.if don't like option nº1,wait until the 10th consecutive non turnbase FF
3.if don't like option nº2, at least wait until the 6th consecutive(going from FF11 to FF18, even though 11 and 14 are separate but you get my idea, i think) and then make the shift.
4.if you don't like option nº3 well hope SE to switch back and forward between the 2 types every 1 FF game.
Personally i'd like SE to stick to the non turnbase for ,at the very least, a while(option nº3); cause turnbase is overglorify and non turnbase over demonify