Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Solid Sora

Red Wings Commander
Feb 11, 2015
OK, I just finished Type-0 HD.. I will post my impressions later, But the important thing is.. There's a teaser for Type-1 in the end of the game!
I'm uploading it to Youtube right now... Will post in a spoiler in mins.
Likes: Noctis Strife

Noctis Strife

PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
It must be Ace, I feel like this is a metaphor for him coming back from the dead, and the idea of it not being Ace seems not likely, since that shot of his eyes is exactly like one in a Type-0 trailer if I recall correctly
I'm not sure, the character in the teaser looks exactly like Ace, but the setting seems very very different.

Solid Sora

Red Wings Commander
Feb 11, 2015
It must be Ace, I feel like this is a metaphor for him coming back from the dead, and the idea of it not being Ace seems not likely, since that shot of his eyes is exactly like one in a Type-0 trailer if I recall correctly
Or maybe Ace will be a constant figure in the Type series, something like Cid or Gilgamesh in the main series. I don't think Tabata want to miss with type-0's ending since it gained a lot of praise and popularity in Japan. It was very emotional and I don't want them to mess it with a zombie story-line >.>. Also, I didn't like Orience that much, and would prefer a full new setting for the next game.
Likes: Noctis Strife

Noctis Strife

PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
Or maybe Ace will be a constant figure in the Type series, something like Cid or Gilgamesh in the main series. I don't think Tabata want to miss with type-0's ending since it gained a lot of praise and popularity in Japan. It was very emotional and I don't want them to mess it with a zombie story-line >.>. Also, I didn't like Orience that much, and would prefer a full new setting for the next game.
I like your thinking! Maybe more
Feudal Japan
Likes: Solid Sora
Nov 17, 2014
It's the same armor that was showed in the final japanese trailer of FF Type-0 HD. Watch at 2:36.

They didn't reveal the face(or at least didn't reveal the transition from the armor to Ace's face). But now we know it's Ace, or someone that looks a LOT like him.


Keyblade Master
Oct 28, 2013
Please forgive me if this has been asked and answered previously.

Has it been confirmed, by any of the previous or current production staff members, whether or not the FNC mythos was removed from the game due to the name change?


Blitzball Champion
Sep 8, 2014
Please forgive me if this has been asked and answered previously.

Has it been confirmed, by any of the previous or current production staff members, whether or not the FNC mythos was removed from the game due to the name change?
XV is still a part of the Fabula Nova Chrystallis


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Please forgive me if this has been asked and answered previously.

Has it been confirmed, by any of the previous or current production staff members, whether or not the FNC mythos was removed from the game due to the name change?
Tabata referenced this with Type-0 with how much of the original lore is actually present in the adaption. For Type-0 he said he made all of Type-0 without any of the FNC stuff then shoehorned it in afterwards. He said that XV will be even less involvement than Type-0. You won't need to know anything about FNC to understand the story; there will be no l'Cie or anything like that in XV.

Basically, FNC is removed from the game where it matters.