Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Chocobo Knight
Aug 10, 2015

I gotta tell ya, they did a good goddamn job on this character model. I'm not ashamed to say that's a good lookin dude, and more than that, he looks kingly, and he looks like a badass.
he does kinda look like Noctis: slick back his hair, shorten it a bit
thicken/grow his beard, get rid of the wizard robe and he could look pretty much like OG Regis.....
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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
I absolutely loved the video; a few thoughts:

- the beginning was so peaceful, it reminded me of those JRPGs where you start in a regular town with calm music playing, where nothing seems wrong; a nice change from the bombastic opening of the last entries.
- the banter was awesome.
- Iris is so sexy/cute/playful, hope she have a good role in the game.
- VA is growing on me.
- Cid is such a likeable character, best VA.
- that counter magic in mid-air, damn.
- first time I felt the "fantasy based on reality" motif in a long time, when seeing Noctis in normal clothes exploring the landscape and city, it feels like the real world.
- ost is amazing, the Vermint boss track was epic, and the menu theme. *-*

what is more impressive is that there's so much we don't know about this game and it already looks great; we only know half the summons, most of the map is still unknown to us, what is even ring magic? how Noctis will play with all skills and full armiger?

FFXV will be massive.
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Oct 19, 2013
I absolutely loved the video; a few thoughts:

- the beginning was so peaceful, it reminded me of those JRPGs where you start in a regular town with calm music playing, where nothing seems wrong; a nice change from the bombastic opening of the last entries.
- the banter was awesome.
- Iris is so sexy/cute/playful, hope she have a good role in the game.
- VA is growing on me.
- Cid is such a likeable character, best VA.
- that counter magic in mid-air, damn.
- first time I felt the "fantasy based on reality" motif in a long time, when seeing Noctis in normal clothes exploring the landscape and city, it feels like the real world.
- ost is amazing, the Vermint boss track was epic, and the menu theme. *-*

what is more impressive is that there's so much we don't know about this game and it already looks great; we only know half the summons, most of the map is still unknown to us, what is even ring magic? how Noctis will play with all skills and full armiger?

FFXV will be massive.
Oct 19, 2013
Damn, even the very critical German site was super positive and gave it the second-best score a preview can get "Very good - Fit 4 Hit".

"Die ersten fünf Stunden machen mich unheimlich neugierig auf die finale Version dieses Abenteuers. Das abwechslungsreiche Kampfsystem bringt vor allem durch die Gruppendynamik und die selbst gebastelten Magie-Granaten jede Menge Freude. Und ich konnte gar nicht genug davon kriegen, die Spielwelt zu erkunden, Nebenquests zu erledigen oder einfach nur mit meinen Kumpels am Lagerfeuer abzuhängen. Die Gespräche mit meiner Truppe und deren natürliche Interaktion gibt einem unheimlich schnell das Gefühl, Teil der Gruppe und somit Teil ihres Schicksals zu sein. Dieses Final Fantasy 15 scheint eine sehr stimmungsvolle Reise voller Gefahren zu werden. Zu schade, dass ich mich nach der kürzlich bekannt gegebenen Verschiebung noch bis zum 29.November gedulden muss."

Einschätzung: sehr gut​

"The first 5 hours made me extremely curious for the final version of the adventure. The varied battle system brings a lot of joy, especially through the group dynamics and self-built magic-grenades. And I really couldn't get enough of exploring the game world, doing side quests, or just hanging around the campfire with my buddies. The conversations with my squad and their natural interaction very quickly makes you feel part of the group and thus their destiny. This Final Fantasy XV seems to be a very atmospheric journey full of dangers. Too bad I'll have to be patient still until November 29 after the recently announced delay."

Assessment: very good​


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
Im curious about something at e3 2016 Tabata said that The end of the e3 2016 trailer was the towards the end of the game but on Novacrystallis it dosen't say this, whoever wrote this article put this

Did Tabata really say it was the towards the end of the game or did he say this, i'm more bound to say the stream translator was right but then why did this writer translate it like this.


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
Im curious about something at e3 2016 Tabata said that The end of the e3 2016 trailer was the end of the game but on Novacrystallis it dosen't say this, whoever wrote this article put this

Did Tabata really say it was the end of the game or did he say this, im more bound to say the stream translator was right but then why did this writer say this.
Live in an interview during E3, straight from Tabata's translator's mouth, he said it was near the very end. Now, that's up to interpretation, but just tossing in the info.

I'd like it but it was one of a million random clips from one of the game magazines, and I' not interested in digging through every one of them to find the right one.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
think I read a similar description before Tabata announced changes in the story; maybe they forgot to update the book's description , because we haven't heard about that power for a long time.

but considering there's so much of the game that's unknown, it's still possible.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
To people who have downloaded the 8GB uncompressed version of the 50 minute footage from SE's site, was there any massive differences from Youtube's?
I downloaded it, it's generally always the same just without the compression from YouTube. Overall, it seems to be about the same. The performance and the graphics aren't really that bad, in some areas they actually look better than others. However, it still needs improvement. One huge disparity with the demos at Gamescom and the footage here is performance. I've seen people complain about performance at Gamescom itself, but the demos show both consoles with less problems by far.

The footage quality isn't as bad as you might think, there are plenty of problems, but overall the quality isn't horrible. Most of the game's performance and quality can be attributed to the real time lighting. On the PC, the game would run fantastic. Unfortunately, this current generation of consoles is pretty outdated. Since they designed it first on PC and ported to console, this meant that this optimization period is super important. A lot of people just assume you develop on PC first, and while you DO develop a game on PC, you develop it with the consoles in mind from the start, which wasn't really the case for XV. This is the reason why PC ports are always just console ports.

I believe that the footage is actually slightly newer than the showroom demos. Keep in mind as well, people keep saying "this is the build they wanted to ship with" that's mainly true, but they also would have shipped with a day one patch as well. Waiting the extra two months buys them more time as well.

Some people have noticed the horrible IQ on areas like the Chocobo racing section, that has to do with the fact that it was cloudy at that point in the video, so you get a lot of flat lighting coupled with the poor IQ present on the foliage already. Overall, my impressions from the actual video prove that if the video is from the more recent builds of the console versions, that they aren't so bad, but definitely need more work.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Thanks for the reply, Leonblade.

If thats the case, then even with whag we have so far, is it impossoble to reach Uncovered-like graphics for the final build of FfXV upon release?


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Thanks for the reply, Leonblade.

If thats the case, then even with whag we have so far, is it impossoble to reach Uncovered-like graphics for the final build of FfXV upon release?
Well, Uncovered was using PC build. I think it is possible for graphics to improve, definitely, but not by that much. Consoles are just limited unfortunately. I feel like they will make compromises for IQ and performance.


Chocobo Knight
Aug 10, 2015
This and some other things prove that most of versus is still in tact
I hate when people say Versus XIII is dead, A few things changed = "versus XIII is dead hur hur"
You beat me to this, but yeah NC Twitter reported it's in the pamphlet

I (like @Kagari) thought it was out. But it keeps seeming like so much of the wire-framework of Versus remains...And because of that, I am compelled to rant one more time. I thought sure I had finally made peace that Versus is dead, yet here we go again. We are continually told of bizarrely inconsequential details during ATRs and shown terrible trailers.
With the 50 min video, yet again we are being told something different from before. Just a few months ago, we were again shown the concept art of Insomnia as representation that the game DOES begin there, now we are told/shown it does not (well not really, lol).
I swear to God, Tabata is influenced by more than just the costumes/actors of GOTs... He has watched too much of THOSE ep of season 3, because those of us that remain who wanted Versus and keep thinking it's dead or gone, get teased again that it's (maybe not). Latest is (light of expiring still a thing... is the Goddess still basically Etro!!??!) Really? Its hard to believe cause everything seems so different, generally!! The part of me that's still sorta-sane thinks that logically all the misinformation and conflicting info/deception about the game is because they are still holding so much of this game back and under wraps. Even saying they are showing the whole beginning of the game when they may not be.
I'm not bitter I almost don't care anymore, almost.. does this mean (vague reference to GOT)
Us horrible Versus fanatics have almost completed our transformation?
the 2month delay doesn't help, lol! Hopefully it will help fix graphics/performance. Gonna see KG on Fri!
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