To people who have downloaded the 8GB uncompressed version of the 50 minute footage from SE's site, was there any massive differences from Youtube's?
I downloaded it, it's generally always the same just without the compression from YouTube. Overall, it seems to be about the same. The performance and the graphics aren't really that bad, in some areas they actually look better than others. However, it still needs improvement. One huge disparity with the demos at Gamescom and the footage here is performance. I've seen people complain about performance at Gamescom itself, but the demos show both consoles with less problems by far.
The footage quality isn't as bad as you might think, there are plenty of problems, but overall the quality isn't horrible. Most of the game's performance and quality can be attributed to the real time lighting. On the PC, the game would run fantastic. Unfortunately, this current generation of consoles is pretty outdated. Since they designed it first on PC and ported to console, this meant that this optimization period is super important. A lot of people just assume you develop on PC first, and while you DO develop a game on PC, you develop it with the consoles in mind from the start, which wasn't really the case for XV. This is the reason why PC ports are always just console ports.
I believe that the footage is actually slightly newer than the showroom demos. Keep in mind as well, people keep saying "this is the build they wanted to ship with" that's mainly true, but they also would have shipped with a day one patch as well. Waiting the extra two months buys them more time as well.
Some people have noticed the horrible IQ on areas like the Chocobo racing section, that has to do with the fact that it was cloudy at that point in the video, so you get a lot of flat lighting coupled with the poor IQ present on the foliage already. Overall, my impressions from the actual video prove that if the video is from the more recent builds of the console versions, that they aren't so bad, but definitely need more work.