I was just thinking again about the whole Lucian culture thing and how it is really mysterious now since Tabata said the Versus stuff was gone, and with the new speculation about Insomnia's summon maybe being Doomtrain, I got to thinking we havn't seen the Lucian crest since Nomura left..Is it still a skull? and then I found this!
View attachment 365
Is that maybe the Lucian crest on the left?!?! Maybe more evidence the darkness/dark themes we have been missing from the trailers
Edit: Actually, I looked at it a bit more closely. That appears to be Bahamut (Nifleheim) behind so then definitely the foreground is Hades or Doomtrain or something (Lucis) in the foreground. I wonder why this image didn't get more commentary by the board when it was shown...it sort of seems to imply death (or death worship?) is still a big theme in Lucis...1 point to team #VersusLives
Edit2: Also, I just want to mention I really like the sprite representations of all the characters on the right, they look like they are Final Fantasy characters