Final Fantasy XV Demo Presentation by Tabata

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Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Since I like doing this, here are some small translations just so others can save themselves the trouble.


Edit: I'm falling asleep while trying to do the rest :cactuar:
I'll edit the rest later!


Knight of Death
May 28, 2014
Damn! I was up till minutes ago play Tales of Xillia 2 non-stop, and was about to go to sleep. Now this! Guess I'll stay up for another 2 hours watching and re-watching this. Square was saving their Limit Break till TGS, clearly.


Keyblade Master
Oct 28, 2013
Wow. They are really pushing out the information now. A release date announcement is possibly within reach unlike before.


Knight of Death
May 28, 2014
I suspect the release date will be shown after we beat the demo. It'll encourage people to play the demo, IMO.
I hear they'll be at Jump Festa, great! But does this mean the same presentation, or are we gonna talk about villains and special attacks?


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain

Dat lightning, the textures, the shaders... and according to Tabata this is about a 70/80% of what they attempt to achieve. It really shows they're closer to fully (or almost fully) transitioning to Luminous. I wanna cry of joy even with still not having a release date and Nomura leaving :_

Man, can't wait for them to upload it to Square Enix Presents. And supposedly the demo was a bit longer! I hope we can break out the (sightly different) battle system, I really like this HUD, with more commands than last year's.

And man, I've been waiting since IX (my favourite) to have a 4 members party again. This is glorious, who could have imagined it last week!

PS: GuardianSoul from Youtube has done a great job reproducing the two songs played in the trailer. This one is particulary great:


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Seriously, it's really beautiful. I love Somnus and Omnis Lacrima, but man, was I tired of listening to them.

And yeah, I'm really interested in seeing what those commands were, as well as those arrows next to the commands. I'm really digging it, never was a big fan of the previous commands HUD (although liked the minimalistic approach as opposed to XIII's clusterfuck).

Hopefully those get translated and explained soon! (I'm catching up with the Gaf thread, so they might have already done that lol).

I also like the IA of both the enemies and the gang, since I was expecting something much more awkard and clunky after last year's trailer. The game has really improved, both mechanically (at least what we were shown) and technically.
Jun 7, 2014
Wow! I'm equally shocked and impressed. Faith in Square Enix restored!
That Luminous engine seems to do the job, cause the graphics look amazing. I can't wait to play the demo and check the combat system personally.
Also I'm a bit curious about that sword warp. At first it seems like you can only teleport to set places, but at one point during the combat it looks like he was aiming that blue circle. So maybe you can actually warp freely!

Truly something for ages.
I'm so thrilled that they actually showed it that I don't even mind.
It's a special occasion, so it'll be a "special" dickbutt
TGS 2014: There were other things on show, but bugger knows what they were, because FFXV. Oh, and more Quiet for MGS V, and some people getting a bit hot and bothered about her. And Bloodborne release date.

Well, VisualWorks aren't disappointing anyone. If there's one standout thing I can praise this game - and Type-0 HD for - it's the exceptional lighting. The transitions from day-night-day, and from rain to sun are among some of the best I have seen. That and the fact that they all look convincingly drenched when it's pouring down, sans the hairstyles managing to survive. It looks like someone had cast Stone into their hair gel.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Decided to write a new post so people don't have to go back and look, sorry for the previous one, was falling asleep while trying to write it!

Something interesting to note is that this was shown being played with a Dualshock 4, I don't understand Japanese enough to translate the dialog, but suffice to say, this was running on a PS4.

Names read:
ノクト (Noct)
グラディオ (Gladio)
イグニス (Ignis)
プロンプト (Prompt0)

Both Noctis and Gladiolus are using their nicknames in the battle screen, very cool!
One thing to point out now, it seems that each row of the command menu on the left corresponds with the character across from it, this may change when you move into a menu, but initially this is the default state.

One of the first things we see is this:

ワープ (Warp)
As shown in the video there are fixed points in which Noctis can warp to. The command for Warp will not always show up, it will only be displayed when Noctis can see an available warp point.

Once the enemies appear, Noct assumes an alerted state and the first option changes to:
with the option itself actually highlighting and expanding, as does an option for Prompto and soon after other party members:
こうげき (Attack)
Each three of the other party members are showing "Attack" with arrows pointing at ゴブリン (Goblin).

Note that Gladio, Ignis and Prompto start off in the "Defence" state, and switch to the "Attack" and we see they are attacking various Goblins in the area, sometimes switching back to the "Defence" state.

And of course, Gladiolus starts attacking ベヒーモス (Behemoth) as do some of the other party members.
Then, Noctis himself is seen attacking as well with the Goblins in the area, I noted that before he does start attacking while in the Defence state, he seems to dodge and try to avoid enemy contact automatically perhaps?

Then, Noctis wants to attack the Behemoth himself, and we see ファイア (Fire) being used against the Behemoth.

There doesn't seem to be any special indication here when you switch to Ignis for a second with his fire sword attack, so I'm not entirely sure what's going on here...

Next after a little more combat we see Noctis warp up and the command to warp attack becomes available as ワープ攻撃 (Warp Attack) the [攻撃] itself is the same [こうげき] as before, but the kanji instead of hiragana, Noctis selects the Goblin below and warps into it attacking.

Nothing else is shown that we haven't seen already dialog wise, warp attacking, a Fire at the end.

No clear indication is shown as to when you will attack with allies, or anything it seems, perhaps something you can trigger that we just don't know yet, or perhaps it was explained in the voice over that I'm unable to translate for you.

I hope this serves some help to understanding some of the menu system and text shown in this demonstration!
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Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
@LeonBlade Was there a command that gives the player to preform a co-op move with Noctis' allies in the HUD?
Perhaps, nothing on screen though. It seems that unlike Kingdom Hearts, you will need to execute actions with certain buttons as opposed to selecting them in a menu. The four boxes only show what each party member is doing, you do not scroll through a list like in Kingdom Hearts.

Perhaps we will get more insight on this at Jump Festa.
Likes: Wazi the pa


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Looks really, really lovely. The tech looks impressive, and the game seems to run incredibly smoothly, no doubt the result of somebody like Tabata, who is more focused on tech than Nomura would ever be.

Flip side: the look of the combat has me worried. Looks fine, but isn't my cup of tea (neither was KH, really.)
Likes: Tornak
Jun 7, 2014
Next after a little more combat we see Noctis warp up and the command to warp attack becomes available as ワープ攻撃 (Warp Attack) the [攻撃] itself is the same [こうげき] as before, but the kanji instead of hiragana, Noctis selects the Goblin below and warps into it attacking.
He selected the Goblin? hahaha! When I watched the low-quality video I thought he was freely aiming where he wants to warp. So I guess teleportation will be possible only in fixed spots. I'm a little disappointed, but it's gonna be fun anyway.

Flip side: the look of the combat has me worried. Looks fine, but isn't my cup of tea (neither was KH, really.)
I'm fine with the combat being hack'n'slash, but I'd like it more if there was some tactical aspect to it (tactical like in Dark Souls).


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
I'm also a bit worried about the combat, now that I've read things and what that command HUD is.

Worried about the auto-attack/defend thing. Also, I fear that the combat might be much more contextual than something you can choose and experiment with, because I don't know how everything would work if they are going to let us use magic, summons... And I don't think we'll be able to use items :(

But hey, we know practically nothing about this, nor we actually know how the gameplay was before. So let's hope they explain it this week, since December is pretty far away :p


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
I'm also a bit worried about the combat, now that I've read things and what that command HUD is.

Worried about the auto-attack/defend thing. Also, I fear that the combat might be much more contextual than something you can choose and experiment with, because I don't know how everything would work if they are going to let us use magic, summons... And I don't think we'll be able to use items :(

But hey, we know practically nothing about this, nor we actually know how the gameplay was before. So let's hope they explain it this week, since December is pretty far away :p
I believe the defence is simply just a guarding stance similar to blocking, and that the actual combat itself with attacks is not some "auto-attack" system. I believe that the system for attack will reflect that of many ARPGs and similar to that in Kingdom Hearts, just without having to scroll through a menu.

We know that magic is in the game, and summons have been said to be in the game, I don't believe that things would be contextual whatsoever, the game would literally be press X to win. I just believe that these things are triggered in a way that we haven't seen. Noctis was able to use Fire on both the Goblins and the Behemoth independently, that means that Fire is triggered in SOME way, we just don't know yet.

Quite honestly, one of the most annoying aspects about Kingdom Hearts battle menu is the command menu itself, having to scroll through a list of magics is highly unintuitive. That's why, introducing the magics shortcut system in KH2 was a brilliant idea, it allowed the use of magics/items in a fast and easy way that can be memorized and customized. This is likely the case here, or perhaps there are things we just haven't seen proper yet.

I can say for certain though that there isn't auto-attack, I just believe there is an attack button, similarly there is a jump button and form of evasion as well.

EDIT: I believe that you either will have buttons for each type of weapon or somehow it is easy to switch. If you watch the trailer from TGS you can see Noctis clearly attacking with specific weapon in a controlled manner. For example, piercing with the spear without needing to lead up with combo with light and heavy sword. I believe that the demonstration seen here is simply trying to show off a bunch of things at once.
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Likes: Tornak


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
I believe the defence is simply just a guarding stance similar to blocking, and that the actual combat itself with attacks is not some "auto-attack" system. I believe that the system for attack will reflect that of many ARPGs and similar to that in Kingdom Hearts, just without having to scroll through a menu.

We know that magic is in the game, and summons have been said to be in the game, I don't believe that things would be contextual whatsoever, the game would literally be press X to win. I just believe that these things are triggered in a way that we haven't seen. Noctis was able to use Fire on both the Goblins and the Behemoth independently, that means that Fire is triggered in SOME way, we just don't know yet.

Quite honestly, one of the most annoying aspects about Kingdom Hearts battle menu is the command menu itself, having to scroll through a list of magics is highly unintuitive. That's why, introducing the magics shortcut system in KH2 was a brilliant idea, it allowed the use of magics/items in a fast and easy way that can be memorized and customized. This is likely the case here, or perhaps there are things we just haven't seen proper yet.

I can say for certain though that there isn't auto-attack, I just believe there is an attack button, similarly there is a jump button and form of evasion as well.

EDIT: I believe that you either will have buttons for each type of weapon or somehow it is easy to switch. If you watch the trailer from TGS you can see Noctis clearly attacking with specific weapon in a controlled manner. For example, piercing with the spear without needing to lead up with combo with light and heavy sword. I believe that the demonstration seen here is simply trying to show off a bunch of things at once.
That's nice to hear, I just hope they haven't considerably change the combat because of XV now being a mainline title like some (not sure if legit or not) reports have implied. I don't think so, anyway, or at least not in a huge degree.

The combat is really mysterious to me right now, I'm very curious about it. If you think about it, they have never talk much about it, not even now. I guess now it's when they're going to start the hype machine, even if it's every 2/3 months (which would be really, really good).

And yeah, I think we'll have some sort of mapping for spells/summons/items/whatever. Can't imagine being constantly moving through menus in this game. But my concern about items remains, let's hope they find a way to make them easy to use and useful.

Can't wait for next week, hopefully we'll find out about new things and they'll clear some aspects of the game up.
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