Final Fantasy VII REMAKE - General News Thread

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It's happening? A FFVII Remake is happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 6 33.3%

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  • Poll closed .
Feb 19, 2018
Damn I didn't catch the velvet nightmare move prompt while playing so my working theory was that they were kinda meant to represent Cloud, Barret, and Tifa. Sort of like reflections of their future fate or something but the bros from Advent Children are an interesting possibility. Could see them maybe being used as stand-ins for Sephiroth going forward so they don't overuse him and can keep him for the bigger moments, though that's only if this little easter egg turns into something bigger. As of now though it's a cool little revelation I guess.
Feb 19, 2018
Damn so this means Zack ended up benefiting from Hojo's 5 years of torture after all and probably would've had a short lived life before that. No extra power like Cloud or Sephiroth as far as we know but more stability to his DNA. Neat to have that bit of info since originally it seemed like the experiment did nothing at all for Zack. Also means Genesis was right in Crisis Core and Sephiroth's cells would've stabilized him and Angeal.
Feb 19, 2018


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Tbh in terms of sales performance I'm actually not expecting FF7R to catch up to XV's worldwide numbers at this point. SE have been taking longer since their last 3.5 mil report of global sales despite how fast it's been selling.

LTD numbers for this installment could end up being more closer to XIII's I feel (which is still fine).
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Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
Tbh in terms of sales performance I'm actually not expecting FF7R to catch up to XV's worldwide numbers at this point. SE have been taking longer since their last 3.5 mil report of global sales despite how fast it's been selling.

LTD numbers for this installment could end up being more closer to XIII's I feel (which is still fine).
One of the things that seems really clear looking at the graphs is that, regardless of the actual sales of the Episode DLCs, they definitely seemed to serve to keep FFXV in the public consciousness for an extended period of time, which was probably beneficial for the game's overall sales.

VIIR's episodic model, in contrast, seems more likely to create spikes when new entries release while leaving dry periods in-between. Even given the early days that we're in, VIIR's interest seems to have declined much more sharply than XV's... probably because XV made a point of introducing new content (ie. the Chocobo Moogle Carnival) right away, while VIIR still hasn't patched its texture issues.

The way XV handled its pseudo-service model obviously isn't ideal, but I can see something of the sort being a better path for FF moving forward -- start out with a fully featured game and patch in optional paid and unpaid content (aka free advertisement!) over the course of a year or so, ending with a final complete edition.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Sooooo i finished FF7R last night. My thoughts:

What i liked:

-The hybrid combat (despite certain issues)
-Humanoid encounters
-Overall cutscene direction & choreography
-Locked solid framerate performance
-Expanded scenarios towards existing elements that liked a lot
-Chapter 4,5,9,12,16, in general
-OST both met and surpassed my exceptions in many ways (sans some of the techno track shit like Wall Market battle)
-The in-game banter additions where a delight
-Motorcycle section especially the final one

What i disliked/feel mixed:

-VERY bad Camera against multiple encounters
-Cutscene attacks occasionally wasting Limits/MP cost
-Aero and Blizzard are complete ass against mobile enemies especially when using their mid-high tier versions
-Hell house
-Visual inconsistency in more than plenty various areas, the steaming issues are bizarre in this type of game
-The Side quests are complete dogshit
-Chapter 6, 13, parts of 17 & 18
-The final one in particular....
on one hand i had tons of fun with the last motorbike set piece, Sephiroth, and the individual Whisper encounter.....on the other hand the timeline/muh fates shenanigans did not sit well with me fully and depending on how the rest of the parts go about it will make or break my involvement with FF7R entirely.

Anyhow, i had still had fun with it.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Speaking about the Motorcycle parts, the control needs a bit of tweaking:

1) Acceleration takes too much time to move the bike forward and catch up with enemies.

2) This second issue is exclusively for a boss fight in chapter 18:

When fighting Motor Ball the camera will change to a profile perspective when you get close enough to its wheels, for some reason Cloud's lateral movement becomes a bit unresponsive making and take longer to get closer to Motor Ball, no appearent reason why it becomes like this when bike lateral movement is responsive otherwise.