Final Fantasy VII REMAKE - General News Thread

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It's happening? A FFVII Remake is happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
May 26, 2014
I'd be extremely surprised if they wouldn't talk about it tomorrow at their own conference.

Other than that it means we'll likely get some new info at PSExperience.
I sure hope so. Tomorrow they'll definitely talk about it, but if it's to be believed that development started several months ago I wonder if they'll have anything to show (which is what I really want).

Man, I can't believe I'm this excited for a VII remake. I vehemently said I didn't want one before today.


May 15, 2014
Westminster, Maryland
I am curious. They once said that doing this remake would cost quite a lot of money and man power. SO i am wondering where most o fthe money for this game is coming from? Are they banking on XV selling alot or are they dipping into the money the Edios side has gotten for them.


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
@APZonerunner will not be happy about this news.
We've known for a little bit now (a week or so - just unlike some websites we didn't think it'd be fair to spoil it) so I've had time to let it sink in. I'm most concerned about Nomura as director, as I just don't trust him in that role (I'd rather him as art boss & assisting on scenario), but on the whole I'm pretty chill about the whole thing. I'm still not sure I want a FF7 without the kooky tone, or without traditional turn-based battles... but I certainly won't be closed minded about it. FF7 is too special for that.

I'm intrigued, and excited, but admittedly I'm excited in a slightly more academic way rather than a 'I can't wait' sense - I'm way more interested in new stuff - in 15, and other stuff to follow :eek:

That said, I do think tonally the trailer hits a pretty good balance.


Warrior of Light
Nov 12, 2014
We've known for a little bit now (a week or so - just unlike some websites we didn't think it'd be fair to spoil it) so I've had time to let it sink in. I'm most concerned about Nomura as director, as I just don't trust him in that role (I'd rather him as art boss & assisting on scenario), but on the whole I'm pretty chill about the whole thing. I'm still not sure I want a FF7 without the kooky tone, or without traditional turn-based battles... but I certainly won't be closed minded about it. FF7 is too special for that.

I'm intrigued, and excited, but admittedly I'm excited in a slightly more academic way rather than a 'I can't wait' sense - I'm way more interested in new stuff - in 15, and other stuff to follow :eek:

That said, I do think tonally the trailer hits a pretty good balance.
Same here, but I'm probably just still stressing where Toriyama's title is. Haha.


Warrior of Light
Nov 12, 2014
What is your obsession with Toriyama?
He's just my favourite director.

So we got Nojima as the scenario writer, Nomura as the director & Kitase as the producer for the VII Remake..... I wonder who else is going to be part of the development team for this game........
Kitase & Nojima are no surprise.

The dream would be Ito designing the battle system. However Nobuyuki Matsuoka is definitely possible.
Sep 26, 2013
So we got Nojima as the scenario writer, Nomura as the director & Kitase as the producer for the VII Remake..... I wonder who else is going to be part of the development team for this game........
I'm guessing either the FFXIII team or maybe CyberConnect2 will be behind it. They seem to have some big projects in the works so something has to be outsourced.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Well, shit. I guess everything has been said by now about this, but man, I have to say something (especially since I've been so long away from the forum!)

Waking up this morning (Spaniard here, so the conference was really late) and finding this (I searched FF VII on Google on purpose, since I didn't want to be dissapointed watching the conference) and man. Holy shit. I kinda hate those who actually spoilt the surprise the VERY SAME DAY it was supposed to happen. But well, those clicks are welcome, I guess.

FF VII is probably my 3rd favourite FF (along with VIII and after IX and VI). I have so much nostalgia regarding this game is not even funny (despite having much more love for IX). Watching this CGI has been... fuck. Everything has been fully realized, if the game follows a similar style to this, I'm set (so long as they don't fucking use the doll models characters had in AC).

And damn, motherfucking Nomura directing! And here I though he was going to leave S-E after delivering KHIII! I still don't think this is the only reason he left XV, but it's a damn good reason to leave it. Actually, this has managed to bring me closer to the brand since I was feeling quite dissapointed about all the changes regarding Versus (yes, that was basically just a concept and not a game like now, but hey), with the consequence that, even if still highly anticipated and exciting, it's not my most wanted game.

So, all in all, I still don't trust S-E to do this justice. But I'd lie id I didn't say how excited I am. And having these guys in important positions (Nomura, Nojima... even Kitase, despite being a shadow of his past self) fills me with confidence that, at the very least, it'll be made with love.

I'm sorry if I say something already said, but I'm on exam week(s): do you think it'll be fully 3D? I think so, but that might be a huge task. Is CyberConnect2 making it like Destructoid said? Will it keep the same (in a broad way) combat system and gameplay?

Also, I guess they won't say much more today in S-E's conference. Those six months are going to be hard. I expect this game in 2017, with the 20th anniversary. How long do you think they've been working on it?

Again, excuse the silly questions if already discussed (I'll read everything here tomorrow, since I have some free time), but man, I'm so giddy right now even when I don't fully trust S-E.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
I think it'd be interesting if the remake will have ARPG gameplay rather than turn based. This is only because since the original has turn-based, it'd be fresh and new if we experience something different. I don't know, I've always thought it'd be so cool to explore Gaia from that perspective. Think something like in the bit of roaming in Crisis Core only you have much more freedom like FFXV has in it's exploration system.

I'm fine with either but ARPG would be awesome to see in FFVII.
I wouldn't like that, at all. It could be alright for a spin-off, though.

Gameplay changes are going to be made, for sure. But I want them to keep the ATB battle system (wether they implement it in the living world, have non-random encounters, change parameters or enemies...) Upgrade and change it enough to make it innovative, but keep the core.

I really miss the feel of that system, and would certaintly be better for them (they only have to change certain things, the overall work is done AND maaaany fans have been clamoring for a more classic battle system since basically XII-XIII) and would, I guess, please the biggest amount of fans. Materia system is still the best system in a FF regarding skills.

Of course, I don't expect the game to be a carbon copy of the original: changes are going to be made and, in some cases, are much needed.

Is there any possibility they'll talk even if just a bit about this during today's conference/interviews? I mean, they won't show anything (Winter...) but they have to explain something, we're thirsty!


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
It's Nomura, he directed Advent Children, what a missed opportunity it would be to give this remake the battle system that was inspired by Advent Children (Versus XIII's original battle system).


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Jun 15, 2015
I really think it should be ARPG as well. They can do so much with today's gaming engines I'm sure Square will make it what it should. The trailer was like a movie trailer, pretty badass. Let's hope to see gameplay footage later.
Likes: LeonBlade


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
I mean, I'd be excited and all that, but I REAAAAALLY miss ATB system and want the remake to be as faithful as possible. But again, I'm a nostalgiafag, so there's that.

It's Nomura, he directed Advent Children, what a missed opportunity it would be to give this remake the battle system that was inspired by Advent Children (Versus XIII's original battle system).
I don't know, I wouldn't like it at all. Maybe because I actually rather them to just focus on upgrading the visuals, a better translation and certain gameplay tweaks, but not much more. I think is as well the most sensible option for the reasons I posted earlier: less work and thinking for them (S-E should reaaaally want this game out as soon as possible, not another Versus pls) and pleasing I guess most fans (although given all your answers, I might have to think that lol).

A faster battle system, with innovations, new weapons, attacks, materia... non-random encounters and seamless battle transition would be great for me.

And well, I guess it's also because I hate AC (liked the battles as a kid, I guess, as well as some plot concept. Strongly dislike the general plot, writing and designs, though). Also, regarding the Compilation, Crisis Core is a great game and all that, but I found the Genesis stuff to be... welp. I kind of liked Angeal, but still don't feel it. It felt tacky to me. Maybe, once again, it's because I don't like when they make significant changes/additions to things I've always loved this long after the original, but hey, that's how I am!

Hopefully they'll give even if the tiniest bit of info this week! (although I should really be studying...)


Balamb Garden Freshman
UFFSite Veteran
Mar 9, 2014
I just finished playing through FF7 on steam recently, I have a few master materia and am wanting to get 100% but will take awhile, also need to start morphing sources in the underwater crash site to get all the stats to 255 (i must do this before I die!). Now with the remake, there is a lot I know won't be the same but there is so much that will be expanded upon. Personally I hope they have a more of a sandbox world which allows more exploration. They will have to keep the materia system, but they need to exclude any use of progress trees etc. There is a lot they could add to it that would ruin it in my opinion and they will taking a big enough risk if they go with live action combat rather than turn based as how you equipped your materia could matter a lot more in turn based fights (final attack with phoenix/pre-emptive with ultima.) I don't want to pick on the details until there is a clearer picture.

Being a remake I think the best thing for them to do is include all the plot of the original while expanding upon every scene and dialogue while adding new ones in. Maybe my expectation are too high, that is my problem. I think if anything they may be going for a franchise that can be remade again, a type of "classic" final fantasy story that is loved above all others for many of the mainstream gaming crowd. I don't want to see them expand beyond the equipping of a weapon and bangle and accessory, I just can't see them changing the materia system and in my opinion perfect system for customisation of skills.

Will they have more materia? will enemy skills be expanded or refined? Will any materia not be found in the remake? I can't see them straying too far from what the hardcore fans would see as strict canon, so I doubt there will be any removal of any of the materia and I can't foresee any drastic changes however the option of expanding on the materia is possibly open. If they were to go with real time action then many purple and blue materia would need to be changed, and this could start to stray too far from being a "remake" and becoming a "bastardisation"

I'm going to hold faith that this is truly a "remake" and that with the dubbing it will become a feast for the senses and really dance on the line between story, game and movie. Is this what hope feels like?


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
You won't know until you see/try in action. ;)
Hahaha, that's true. I mean right now. If they announced it, my hype/interest/excitement would be far from gone (if it hasn't dissapeared regarding XV... lol), but them sticking to the original battle system with innovations would be a most pleasant new to me.

I'm also afraid they'll shoehorn some of CC/AC's plot elements/characters. But again, I feel strongly about those, lol. And I guess changes to the scenario are going to be made, for better or for worse.

Man, I can't still believe. I just wished nobody had spoilt the surprise earlier yesterday :banghead:


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
You cheeky "Yes" poll voters, voting after the announcement lol. Closed it.

Anyway, I'm very excited about FF7-R. Original game has huge meaning for me, and even though I've always been cautious a remake would never do the original justice, or just flat out wouldn't be the same, or even anywhere near as good - after all, you can't replicate those same memories from your experiences playing it as a kid - at this point, I don't care if it turns out worse or far different to the original. I want it and I will love it. Will be interesting what they retcon, if anything, and if they acknowledge BC/CC details, like Angeal, Genesis, the original Avalanche, etc. I'm hoping for that.

For battle system, I want it to stay the same. Turn-based has long been dismissed by SE for mainline FF console games, bar FFX HD bringing it back. The FF7 fans love FF7 for being FF7; changing the battle system might actually put some hardcore fans off. Me included. I miss turn-based, and this is a chance to bring it back into the forefront of major JRPGs again. I personally think there's enough real-time JRPGs out there, including the upcoming FFXV. Let XV be the major real-time game, and let FF7-R be the major return to turn-based (or active turn-based, since it's not strictly proper turn-based).

Gotta be honest - the opening to the trailer made it look like a sequel to me. The narrator's lines sounded as such, and the kid that looked like he was playing with a pretend Buster Sword made me think he was trying to emulate Cloud, after becoming a hero after saving the planet from Meteor (and again from Seph in AC). It could just as well be interepreted differently, but that was my initial thought.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York