Final Fantasy Versus XV?!?

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Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
I mean, you're free to do what you like, especially if you have good humour about it (it's just videogames, after all).

But considering how at heart you took your dissapointment in FF XV, I would actually advice you to just not lower the hype, but precisely eliminate it. FF Versus XV is not happening.

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
Never. The closest we'll ever get is if they decide to do some DLC that's Versus-inspired or whatever - I'm sure Noctis' original 2006 outfit would sell a lot, for instance. But it's time to let go, and time to move on. The series has new things to do.
Some people will never move on, in my opinion shouldn't have shown until they were ready to ship, then they wouldn't be having this problem. Knowing Square though I think they will try to make a sequel to this game.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
shouldn't have shown until they were ready to ship, then they wouldn't be having this problem
In all fairness no one can predict the future and I think they honestly did believe they could've gotten the game out in time.

It's easy to look back on the past and realise mistakes, but when you're experiencing it in real time, it's a different matter.

However you do have a point that they do need to be more strategic about when to show trailers from here on out.

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
In all fairness no one can predict the future and I think they honestly did believe they could've gotten the game out in time.

It's easy to look back on the past and realise mistakes, but when you're experiencing it in real time, it's a different matter.

However you do have a point that they do need to be more strategic about when to show trailers from here on out.
I honestly can't see how Square thought that this wouldn't happen, I mean you would think it's common sense that if you announce something without a solid plan, you are in a recipe for disaster. If anything they shouldn't have shown Stella if they weren't sure of her plot, they shouldn't have shown an entire conversation with her if they weren't sure, they shouldn't even have shown the 2013 trailer either, or if they wanted to, they should've shown it in a much different way, they should have just shown the roadtrip, not the invasion, they should have just shown elements from the 2013 Final Fantasy Versus XIII trailer that would end up in the final game, hell they didn't even have to show any story at that point, they could have just shown Noctis and the Bros in a field fighting Iron Giants, and parts with them bonding, they also shouldn't have let Nomura talk about the game having multiple direct sequels, then no one would be this disappointed in the final product. No one would have gotten attached to any of the concepts shown.

Honestly FFXV should've gotten that trilogy even if it the first game was under Tabata I feel like the plot, characters, could be more fleshed out if they didn't spread themselves so thin, and the game would have been better paced for it, not to mention more Chocobros as well.Also tbh the FFXV Universe didn't help this in the slightest, Brotherhood just tells the history of the characters, and Kingslaive should have been scrapped with it's story elements put in the main game/games.

Hell that's probably why we aren't getting the FFVII Remake as one game, because they don't want what happened to FFXV to happen to the 7 Remake.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
I honestly can't see how Square thought that this wouldn't happen, I mean you would think it's common sense that if you announce something without a solid plan, you are in a recipe for disaster. If anything they shouldn't have shown Stella if they weren't sure of her plot, they shouldn't have shown an entire conversation with her if they weren't sure, they shouldn't even have shown the 2013 trailer either, or if they wanted to, they should've shown it in a much different way, they should have just shown the roadtrip, not the invasion, they should have just shown elements from the 2013 Final Fantasy Versus XIII trailer that would end up in the final game, hell they didn't even have to show any story at that point, they could have just shown Noctis and the Bros in a field fighting Iron Giants, and parts with them bonding, they also shouldn't have let Nomura talk about the game having multiple direct sequels, then no one would be this disappointed in the final product. No one would have gotten attached to any of the concepts shown.

Honestly FFXV should've gotten that trilogy even if it the first game was under Tabata I feel like the plot, characters, could be more fleshed out if they didn't spread themselves so thin, and the game would have been better paced for it, not to mention more Chocobros as well.Also tbh the FFXV Universe didn't help this in the slightest, Brotherhood just tells the history of the characters, and Kingslaive should have been scrapped with it's story elements put in the main game/games.

Hell that's probably why we aren't getting the FFVII Remake as one game, because they don't want what happened to FFXV to happen to the 7 Remake.
I understand your point of view. The trailers released were Nomura's concepts for the story, but I do agree that it was a tad irresponsible to show such things when there wasn't a concrete story for the game.

However what's done is done unfortunately.

Thing with development is, things change, take a turn for the worse, and things don't always go as planned. Things take longer than initially planned, and they cost more than originally thought. It's a wild roller coaster ride.

It's something developers understand already, but I feel that the fanbase is not flexible when it comes to understanding this process at all.

Anyway back to the project at hand, I guess this is the result of not managing and planning things properly. Hopefully they will learn from this project moving forward.

Sequels and Versus remakes will be going backwards, and it would show that they didn't learn a thing from what's happened over the last couple of years.

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
I understand your point of view. The trailers released were Nomura's concepts for the story, but I do agree that it was a tad irresponsible to show such things when there wasn't a concrete story for the game.

However what's done is done unfortunately.

Thing with development is, things change, take a turn for the worse, and things don't always go as planned. Things take longer than initially planned, and they cost more than originally thought. It's a wild roller coaster ride.

It's something developers understand already, but I feel that the fanbase is not flexible when it comes to understanding this process at all.

Anyway back to the project at hand, I guess this is the result of not managing and planning things properly. Hopefully they will learn from this project moving forward.

Sequels and Versus remakes will be going backwards, and it would show that they didn't learn a thing from what's happened over the last couple of years.
Honestly a Versus sequel/remake I wouldn't call it going backwards nor showing that they didn't learn anything, hell the FF7 Remake being what it is shows that they learnt from that silly mistake, just doing what should have been done in the first place, but somehow tying it to the original in some way shape and form(or not at all), and actually having a plan this time, and hell it might be a pretty good way to test a finished and improved Luminous Engine before they actually commit to a FFXVI, maybe if this Versus thing is sucessful a bigger budget for FFXVI. Then go onto a FFX-3, Type-Next(ok nevermind about this announce Type-Next before you do Versus XV), then a Final Fantasy XVI under Ito, Nomura, don't know as long as it's good, as it's an Action RPG that builds upon the base of FFXV, I'll be happy. Honestly if this Versus whatever is possible, and ends up happening and a great game that's not mired by the WTF that was FFXV's development cycle by using it's assets that includes all the stuff from the 2011 to 2013 trailer(LEVIATHAN WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU), and those trilogy hopes and promises(Nomura said multiple direct sequels when he was still director), then go for it, I'd pick it up when it reaches Steam. Honestly I understand why the fanbase isn't flexible about this and tbh they shouldn't have to be the game took 10 years to get to the hands of the people(I'm aware it took only 3 years to develop that's not the point), if this game came out on the PS3, or very early in the PS4 cycle, then I don't think people would have been that disappointed, I would argue a lot of the interest came out of the 2011 trailer, showing off the gameplay, characters, and story elements, as well as the 2013 trailer where it actually became a product. People have been waiting for this game for 10 years now when it was Versus XIII, and it seems that some of the most important parts about Versus XIII were ripped out from FFXV, and it barely even resembles it's original vision that people were shown and hyped about, and were interested in, in fact Versus XIII was probably one of the only reasons people got hyped about FFXV, because a lot of people it was Final Fantasy Versus XIII becoming a real game, coming into existence, and as time goes on it's barely what you get hyped about for all those 10 hard years? and what's worse is the stuff that they replaced it with isn't really good enough of a replacement, and some of the flaws with this game, probably wouldn't have been there in the first place if they just made it into a trilogy like FFVII Remake or FFXIII. Also before you say story patches, those shouldn't be a thing in the first place, and we don't really know how good those would be, and we know they are just cutscenes. If they had done a trilogy of games like Nomura wanted, they could have properly told elements of the story better, actually could have focused on parts of each game, and making them great instead of 1 half begin amazing and the other side being a mix of WTF(Chapter 13), lackluster(Chapter 9(That Leviathan fight oh god), and we would have had a much more explorable dark world.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Honestly a Versus sequel/remake I wouldn't call it going backwards nor showing that they didn't learn anything, hell the FF7 Remake being what it is shows that they learnt from that silly mistake, just doing what should have been done in the first place, but somehow tying it to the original in some way shape and form(or not at all), and actually having a plan this time, and hell it might be a pretty good way to test a finished and improved Luminous Engine before they actually commit to a FFXVI, maybe if this Versus thing is sucessful a bigger budget for FFXVI. Then go onto a FFX-3, Type-Next(ok nevermind about this announce Type-Next before you do Versus XV), then a Final Fantasy XVI under Ito, Nomura, don't know as long as it's good, as it's an Action RPG that builds upon the base of FFXV, I'll be happy. Honestly if this Versus whatever is possible, and ends up happening and a great game that's not mired by the WTF that was FFXV's development cycle by using it's assets that includes all the stuff from the 2011 to 2013 trailer(LEVIATHAN WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU), and those trilogy hopes and promises(Nomura said multiple direct sequels when he was still director), then go for it, I'd pick it up when it reaches Steam. Honestly I understand why the fanbase isn't flexible about this and tbh they shouldn't have to be the game took 10 years to get to the hands of the people(I'm aware it took only 3 years to develop that's not the point), if this game came out on the PS3, or very early in the PS4 cycle, then I don't think people would have been that disappointed, I would argue a lot of the interest came out of the 2011 trailer, showing off the gameplay, characters, and story elements, as well as the 2013 trailer where it actually became a product. People have been waiting for this game for 10 years now when it was Versus XIII, and it seems that some of the most important parts about Versus XIII were ripped out from FFXV, and it barely even resembles it's original vision that people were shown and hyped about, and were interested in, in fact Versus XIII was probably one of the only reasons people got hyped about FFXV, because a lot of people it was Final Fantasy Versus XIII becoming a real game, coming into existence, and as time goes on it's barely what you get hyped about for all those 10 hard years? and what's worse is the stuff that they replaced it with isn't really good enough of a replacement, and some of the flaws with this game, probably wouldn't have been there in the first place if they just made it into a trilogy like FFVII Remake or FFXIII. Also before you say story patches, those shouldn't be a thing in the first place, and we don't really know how good those would be, and we know they are just cutscenes. If they had done a trilogy of games like Nomura wanted, they could have properly told elements of the story better, actually could have focused on parts of each game, and making them great instead of 1 half begin amazing and the other side being a mix of WTF(Chapter 13), lackluster(Chapter 9(That Leviathan fight oh god), and we would have had a much more explorable dark world.
Firstly... for the love of Chocobos please use paragraphs! LOL my eyes hurt just looking at that massive wall of text!

What I meant by going backwards is, the game has already been created. It's not perfect, but its out there in the market, people are playing it, and it 100% exists and is not a figment of our imaginations.

If the development team were to go back and create an "alternative universe" where Versus XV takes place, that's actually a very huge slap to the face for the dev team and is pretty much negating all of the ideas, hard work, concepts, designs, and game mechanics that they put into creating FFXV.

In other words, it would be a hugely disrespectful move imo, and I say this as someone from the outside who isn't even a developer!

Not to mention that the script was changed to be what it is today for a reason. Most likely because it didn't make sense? I don't know. If the original script was really that great, then they would've kept it, but they didn't, so I think that speaks volumes about it.

I just think that it's more productive and forward thinking to think up of ways to fix and update the current game as is, instead of going backwards and rebuilding the Versus concept from scratch when all that energy and resources could go into the former.

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
Firstly... for the love of Chocobos please use paragraphs! LOL my eyes hurt just looking at that massive wall of text!

What I meant by going backwards is, the game has already been created. It's not perfect, but its out there in the market, people are playing it, and it 100% exists and is not a figment of our imaginations.

If the development team were to go back and create an "alternative universe" where Versus XV takes place, that's actually a very huge slap to the face for the dev team and is pretty much negating all of the ideas, hard work, concepts, designs, and game mechanics that they put into creating FFXV.

In other words, it would be a hugely disrespectful move imo, and I say this as someone from the outside who isn't even a developer!

Not to mention that the script was changed to be what it is today for a reason. Most likely because it didn't make sense? I don't know. If the original script was really that great, then they would've kept it, but they didn't, so I think that speaks volumes about it.

I just think that it's more productive and forward thinking to think up of ways to fix and update the current game as is, instead of going backwards and rebuilding the Versus concept from scratch when all that energy and resources could go into the former.
Actually apparently Versus XV isn't an alternate universe, it's the same universe but it takes place during the afterlife like the rumor specifically said it could tie back to the ending like Luna and Noctis on the throne, so I assume it's going to be like this timeline wise.

Noctis kills Ardyn in the soul of the star --- insert Versus XV trilogy here ---Noctis and Luna on the throne.
Also the Script was probably changed because it was a 3 game script, Square wanted one game, Tabata did say that if it was financially viable they may do sequels.

As of now, the design from XV is the main design. This could change, but the more likely scenario is that outfit being available as a bonus. The "Eyes that see the light of expiring souls" will be the main focus of the game, yes. Etro is still up in the air, that depends entirely on how development on Type-1 goes. Either way, there will be a goddess that functions similarly. It could possibly be tied back into XV's ending, but that also depends on how separate Mr. Nomura wants this project to be. You'd be surprised how late in development some story changes like that are made.
Yeah the 4chan rumor says that some of the ideas from FFXV will be kept, but it will just have more of the ideas of Versus in it, so I'm guessing a trilogy is one of those ideas. So it's AU, but canon. Also I don't exactly think that it would be that disrespectful to the developers, as FFXV is still a well received great game, to them it would probably just be more work that gets them paid, working off a successful franchise instead of working on one by scratch(FFXVI), honestly neither of us know how the developers would feel, if they care, if they are fine with it or not, we will never know until this rumor is proven true or proven false.
Also from the looks of this rumor it seems like a sequel/reboot not so much a full on reboot.

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
Shh... no logic now only hype
I really want to believe that this rumor is true, I mean imagine
a Trilogy of games starring Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, and plays like a this
with some of this like the link strikes, link attacks, and how Noctis flows when he's attacking multiple targets
That mixes some FFXV stuff like how summons work, or they can just have them work like the FF7 Remake
Mix all of that together for the combat

Take Versus XIII, and take the FNC, make a trilogy of games like this, they might sell pretty well.

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Steam, and Nintendo Switch
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Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
I really want to believe that this rumor is true, I mean imagine
a Trilogy of games starring Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, and plays like a this
with some of this like the link strikes, link attacks, and how Noctis flows when he's attacking multiple targets
That mixes some FFXV stuff like how summons work, or they can just have them work like the FF7 Remake
Mix all of that together for the combat

Take Versus XIII, and take the FNC, make a trilogy of games like this, they might sell pretty well.
After the garbage 30th anniversary event, I dont think square cares anymore. I fear for XVI and dont think Versus XV is coming, they said a special guest with a video message would appear at the ATR. There was no video message im guess Nomura backed off from doing it at the last second and the video was scrapped. Dont think he wants anything to do with XV. If Nomura dosent do Versus XV, who would do it? Not Tabata hes going to work on TYPE-1 not Toriyama not anyone I can think. Im burned out of Square now ill still be on this forum cause the community here is great. But with FF7 Remake part releasing ages from now and KH3 having no release date either I dont really care right now. Might try Nier and get FFXII remaster but thats about it for now.
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Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
After the garbage 30th anniversary event, I dont think square cares anymore. I fear for XVI and dont think Versus XV is coming, they said a special guest with a video message would appear at the ATR. There was no video message im guess Nomura backed off from doing it at the last second and the video was scrapped. Dont think he wants anything to do with XV. If Nomura dosent do Versus XV, who would do it? Not Tabata hes going to work on TYPE-1 not Toriyama not anyone I can think. Im burned out of Square now ill still be on this forum cause the community here is great. But with FF7 Remake part releasing ages from now and KH3 having no release date either I dont really care right now. Might try Nier and get FFXII remaster but thats about it for now.
Well if I remember a rumor clearly we wouldn't hear a thing about this Versus XV until the end of the year, or in 2018. Also it's an opening ceremony it's not the entire thing.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Mar 15, 2014
I think Omen trailer has the Versus vibe. The Versus's story plot which has been told by the 4chan guy is very similiar to the trailer's concept. It seems like Noctis can't remember that he killed the female protagonist and seeing hallucinations. The real game story was literally nothing to do with the trailer but that idea must been from the original Versus plot. I hope to see some kinds of DLCs which can show us the original versus stories or omen trailer based stories. But first I really want those original versus outfits. I don't know why they aren't giving us any informations since they are recieving lots of requests of those I guess.
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Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown

I think Omen trailer has the Versus vibe. The Versus's story plot which has been told by the 4chan guy is very similiar to the trailer's concept. It seems like Noctis can't remember that he killed the female protagonist and seeing hallucinations. The real game story was literally nothing to do with the trailer but that idea must been from the original Versus plot. I hope to see some kinds of DLCs which can show us the original versus stories or omen trailer based stories. But first I really want those original versus outfits. I don't why they aren't giving us any informations since they are recieving lots of requests of those I guess.
Versus XIII/FFXV was suppose to be a trilogy man I want that, I mean if they can somehow connect it to FFXV, and we get that Versus XIII Trilogy through Final Fantasy Versus XV(If it actually happens, I'll be forever salty if it doesn't feels bad man)
If possible I think they should have a DLC that connects Final Fantasy XV to Final Fantasy Versus XV
(My idea afterlife alternate universe created by the Gods/fal'Cie to find Etro, and FFXV ends in a new afterlife that would be great.
Then make that Final Fantasy Versus XV(The original Versus XIII) Trilogy, have Part 1 come out after FF7 Remake Part 1, and Kingdom Hearts 3 obviously


Blitzball Champion
Feb 2, 2017
Versus XIII/FFXV was suppose to be a trilogy man I want that
That is something that isn't going to happen game wise, which I am okay with at this point. XV did get a CGI film and short anime to create a three pillar experience. Rather that starts becoming standard really just depends on how future new mainline games turn out.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013

I think Omen trailer has the Versus vibe. The Versus's story plot which has been told by the 4chan guy is very similiar to the trailer's concept. It seems like Noctis can't remember that he killed the female protagonist and seeing hallucinations. The real game story was literally nothing to do with the trailer but that idea must been from the original Versus plot. I hope to see some kinds of DLCs which can show us the original versus stories or omen trailer based stories. But first I really want those original versus outfits. I don't why they aren't giving us any informations since they are recieving lots of requests of those I guess.
that's exactly what i thought about the omen trailer and the leaks and why i consider them as a potential truth.