@SonOfEtro I agree with everything you just said
1: Restore Stella Nox Fleuret, but don't be afraid to add additional dimensions to her character.
2: Restore the FNC elements in their entirety, and remember to explain them properly.
(Keep them, but rename them for example Daemons can be Cie'th, Astrals can be Eidolons, Gods can be fal'Cie or something else, keep the goddess of death Etro, but don't mention her name in the trailers just call her the goddess of death.
3: Don't pander to fan expectation - complete the Versus project as it was meant, not as people want it to be meant.(Agree, Agree so much, though I hope it plays like a mix between the FF Versus XIII 2011 Trailer with the menu KH combat, but with FFXV 2013 warp striking)
4: If necessary, rework the story a little (since the basic structure survived into XV) so Versus and XV remain separate if kindred projects.(I want them to have as many games to tell the Versus story as possible, and tbh I like these characters so much I wouldn't mind having more than 1 game about them, let me hang out in this universe for a while yah)
5: If it can be done in one game using XV's groundwork, do it. Don't stretch it out.(Don't stretch it out, but I'd rather it be fleshed out properly)