FF15 Royal Pack Content - Discussion Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
I'm finally home and downloading it right now! So hyped to play it. So the only things we didn't get was the walk/drive to Insomnia and Luna stuff? Not bad.

May I ask if the podcasts are the SE Store bonus or if they come with each copy of the game inside the case?
walk/drive to insomnia was speculation

leak only mentioned you would get a replica car in a quest in chapter 14

the luna stuff i dont know, maybe in a future update?


Sphere Hunter
Feb 18, 2018
walk/drive to insomnia was speculation

leak only mentioned you would get a replica car in a quest in chapter 14

the luna stuff i dont know, maybe in a future update?
Think luna could work like yuna in terms of gameplay ? a white mage and summoner. But the problem is summons are too big and too strong to be implemented in combos or something like that.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Think luna could work like yuna in terms of gameplay ? a white mage and summoner. But the problem is summons are too big and too strong to be implemented in combos or something like that.
from what i get of the text description, she would be able to summon bahamut (dont know if directly)when you control her, essentially this would add luna playable and bahamut summonable outside that script segment in the end

it would be a hell of a surprise, but that doesnt mean its not coming.

and yeah theres supportive skills like cure and barrier listed
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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
from what i get of the text description, she would be able to summon bahamut (dont know if directly)when you control her, essentially this would add luna playable and bahamut summonable outside that script segment in the end

it would be a hell of a surprise, but that doesnt mean its not coming.

and yeah theres supportive skills like cure and barrier listed
And wind type magic right? Hopefully this does come true, at least as a post game option
Likes: Storm
Feb 19, 2018
I'm finally home and downloading it right now! So hyped to play it. So the only things we didn't get was the walk/drive to Insomnia and Luna stuff? Not bad.

May I ask if the podcasts are the SE Store bonus or if they come with each copy of the game inside the case?
Well there was a quest in Comrades where you fought your way to the final campsite.


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
I'm almost certain that's either just the Mystic's blade or the airstep sword that was shown to be equipped in the trailer for RE.
Definitely not either of those, doesn't resemble any existing weapon I can think of. Doubt it's a new Royal Arm, though. Very curious what it could be.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Well there was a quest in Comrades where you fought your way to the final campsite.
That really should've been in the base game not Comrades. They put that mission in the wrong area...

Did you guys see over on reddit the bit about Izunia being the previous family name of Ardyn and Somnus? Guess in certain translations it's mentioned
Yeah it's been an interesting read, that topic. The guys over at gfaqs were talking about it too.

It's a cancerous site but is good for lurking for new information.


I looked through it and a German guy confirmed that Izunia was
the original family name before the Gods changed it to Lucis Caelum.

It looks like the German version of the alternate ending in Episode Ignis touched upon this as well judging by the last page.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Mar 5, 2018
I'm finally home and downloading it right now! So hyped to play it. So the only things we didn't get was the walk/drive to Insomnia and Luna stuff? Not bad.

May I ask if the podcasts are the SE Store bonus or if they come with each copy of the game inside the case?
These postcards were delivered as a separate gift to be purchased at a specific video game store (The store is called "Game").


Chocobo Knight
Feb 25, 2018
So no one has managed to get out of bounds yet since the new patch? Do none of the old glitches work? Surprised no PC out of bounds either, seeing as it would probably be easier to do on PC.