FF15 Royal Pack Content - Discussion Thread

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Feb 19, 2018
Oh yeah no changes to ardyns fight with the sigil equipped by the way
Honestly the only real change Ardyn needs are 3 separate health bars. How is it that Cerberus has a better health bar system than his master? You legitimately need to empty the first health bar before the second phase begins anew with a second full health bar for Cerberus but Ardyn's fight tries to juggle 3 whole phases on one health bar that you can chew through. That makes for all types of wonkiness in the flow of the fight as the A.I. is seemingly more concerned with when to initiate the next phase than with just trying to kill you. So instead of getting super aggressive final boss Ardyn we get laid back Ardyn more concerned with synchronizing his phases to his single health bar. Honestly they also just need to remove Ardyn's phase two outright at this point and replace it with Aranea's aerial combat system (though obviously more personalized for Ardyn with armiger wings and stuff) and make the transition into phase 3 a cutscene. Give me dynamic free form battling Armiger Ardyn. It's funny cuz I noticed the Mystic King's fight actually utilizes Aranea's battle system in the second phase too so I refuse to believe it's not possible for Ardyn.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
So is it true? Playable Luna? Do we have screenshots?
It's the only thing not in haha. Everything l else made it though. But the Luna leaks may have hinted at a future update with her soon.

Honestly the only real change Ardyn needs are 3 separate health bars. How is it that Cerberus has a better health bar system than his master? You legitimately need to empty the first health bar before the second phase begins anew with a second full health bar for Cerberus but Ardyn's fight tries to juggle 3 whole phases on one health bar that you can chew through. That makes for all types of wonkiness in the flow of the fight as the A.I. is seemingly more concerned with when to initiate the next phase than with just trying to kill you. So instead of getting super aggressive final boss Ardyn we get laid back Ardyn more concerned with synchronizing his phases to his single health bar. Honestly they also just need to remove Ardyn's phase two outright at this point and replace it with Aranea's aerial combat system (though obviously more personalized for Ardyn with armiger wings and stuff) and make the transition into phase 3 a cutscene. Give me dynamic free form battling Armiger Ardyn. It's funny cuz I noticed the Mystic King's fight actually utilizes Aranea's battle system in the second phase too so I refuse to believe it's not possible for Ardyn.
Fucking....this. My god. All of the new fights are great and 2 of them do this. Hell, even ifrit is harder to fight.
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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Mar 6, 2018
Yeah, I kind of expected the Royal update to at least bring a bit of changes to the Ardyn fight. (sans new moves or something?)

I don't want him to have a monster form or anything, but him pulling more mind games and that kind of stuff would be fun.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Yeah, I kind of expected the Royal update to at least bring a bit of changes to the Ardyn fight. (sans new moves or something?)
I don't want him to have a monster form or anything, but him pulling more mind games and that kind of stuff would be fun.
He has his moves from Ignis. The fight would be so much better if he just had more health so he can show off his moveset.
Feb 19, 2018
Have a video instead. Sorry that the very first line was cut off a bit, but it's definitely the same conversation that was seen before. Also sorry I immediately got side-tracked by those Red Giants instead of driving it around some more.

This is the one thing I really wanted, and the fact that it’s the type D makes a lot of sense gameplay wise.
Feb 2, 2017
Damn, that Armiger Unleashed looks amazing. Was playing the game last night again before the update. Can't believe I missed out on Impervious, it COMPLETELY fixes my main gripe with the combat...sigh, but it's so much more fun now being able to recover from being knocked back


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Mar 5, 2018
I loaded my cleared save file and travelled back to the present. It told me to use Chapter Select to play the updated main quest, and dropped me right outside the Citadel. The Psychomancer's still around. Head east from the Citadel's entrance, past some Black Flans and rubble, and you'll encounter the Psychomancer, who'll drop Ulric's Kukris.

Also, in case nobody's found it yet, the Regalia replica does exist. Talcott gives the quest in the base. Maybe it's a post-game thing, since as far as I'm aware, everyone else jumped right into Chapter 14 with Chapter Select to access the new main story content. It's also the Type-D, but that may be because that's what I changed it to in the past before time-travelling.
I knew it !

I knew that the chapter selector was interfering with everything ^^
Likes: CloudBuster


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
For some reason Noctis looks like a werewolf on that cover. Am I the only one seeing that?

Also, the height and size difference between Noctis and Ardyn... lol

That is one cool collection if I may say so.
