FF15 Royal Pack Content - Discussion Thread

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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Mar 5, 2018
Does anyone remember the cactilio figures that must be collected for Talcott?

Maybe by going directly to chapter 14, that does not happen.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
Actually I just thought of something, are the monuments in Insomnia different than the document/logs regarding the past king's journey? What if AU is a reward for completely uncovering that king's journey in past Lucis (I'm pretty sure it's Somnus's journey)? Like maybe a way point for it opens up after you've gotten all the landmarks and pieces of the story documented.
It's not his one.

From the files, and from the information in-game and in general, it's The Wise King. He was the one to put up the wall around Insomnia.

From OG:
Feb 19, 2018
The fact that they never showed the regalia in the trailer to me suggests it’s not going to be in the gMe. It’s a very sellable feature. Maybe it’s somehing they cut because it didn’t work very well. Possibly the same for Luna.
Likes: Storm
Feb 19, 2018
It's not his one.

From the files, and from the information in-game and in general, it's The Wise King. He was the one to put up the wall around Insomnia.

From OG:
Hmmm, maybe on his journey he found the Founder King sigil? It's still worth a shot and it's the best lead I have atm aside from the meteor disc housing it or the Insomnia monuments giving us clues about it.


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
The monuments that reveal that journey are apparently located in all the dungeons (not sure where in each though)
By the gates to the menace dungeons perhaps?

I hope SE does more with the Royal Vessel in later patches/DLCs. They could have made it alot more epic.
I always thought that having the boat trip to the second continent would be a good way to convey the "silent treatment" Noct was giving the bros, which would be a nice way to lead into the train scene from CH10. They could also bring back that train station so we see the bros boarding that train they're on in the chapter.
Likes: Vankwisha


Balamb Garden Freshman
Mar 4, 2018
Talcott asks you to look for some figures of Cactilio before going to Altissia.

Maybe it could be that if you go directly to the chapter selector and do not spend the whole game collecting the figures, Talcott does not "reward" you by giving you Regalia.

It's just a crazy theory, by the way.
Idk, but if u can go with your old save file with the game beaten to Insomnia and all the cactuar figures collected, it's possible to test it.

Edit: I have all the Statues, but i only can test it on Friday.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
If anyone manages to activate the Cor cutscenes like @Bazztek did, go back to the base before fighting Ifrit and see if you can trigger some special dialogue with Cor. There's some pretty emotional stuff I found that only triggers when you visit Cor (it may be after he's injured) and talks about Noct and his parents, but we haven't found it yet.

This could also be the emotional dialogue that Ray was hinting at (Even though I've also seen emotional dialogue between Noct and Luna that is seemingly not in either)