FF15 Royal Pack Content - Discussion Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Anyone might have ideas on where to find the AU? I'm watching the lemoneatingkow stream and we're trying to brainstorm on where to find it.
No idea, I always assumed it would be shown in the map once you have all of the Royal arms.

Maybe they really are stealth patching tmrw?


Feb 17, 2018
I have a theory about the AU.
Once you unlock all weapons, you get an item that you have to equip. A lot of the streamers are playing the game with all the weapons already unlocked, and they are looking for a cutscene to unlock AU, but in actuality they already have the item in their inventory, all they have to do is equip it. [just theory]
Feb 19, 2018
What if the Cor scene takes place with Omega? You have to do all sidequests so Cor's no longer busy with leading the Glaives? I feel like they took somewhat of a make your own adventure approach to this new content at least I hope that's the case. Guess we'll know once everyone's gotten a chance to play and experiment but this worries me greatly about other upcoming content if this was supposed to be Square's original big send off to the game.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I have a theory about the AU.
Once you unlock all weapons, you get an item that you have to equip. A lot of the streamers are playing the game with all the weapons already unlocked, and they are looking for a cutscene to unlock AU, but in actuality they already have the item in their inventory, all they have to do is equip it. [just theory]
Definitely not. The Royal pack advertises you having to find the accessory after getting all the arms. We just don't know where because the game doesn't actually lead you to it, which is crazy.


Feb 20, 2018
I have a theory about the AU.
Once you unlock all weapons, you get an item that you have to equip. A lot of the streamers are playing the game with all the weapons already unlocked, and they are looking for a cutscene to unlock AU, but in actuality they already have the item in their inventory, all they have to do is equip it. [just theory]
That seems unlikely IMO, I remember they said before that the accessory is in an unidentified part of the world or something like that so I imagine we have to find it somewhere.
Feb 19, 2018
Definitely not. The Royal pack advertises you having to find the accessory after getting all the arms. We just don't know where because the game doesn't actually lead you to it, which is crazy.
I'm thinking it would be some place related to the line of Lucis and since it's the founder king's sigil I'm thinking some place around the disc of Cauthus/the meteor since that's Somnus' final resting place.