Favorite Battle/leveling System in Final Fantasy?

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Favorite Battle/leveling System in Final Fantasy?

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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Hmm. As much as I love FF9, I do feel like its progression system is one of the less engaging ones, even if it's perfectly satisfying even within the world of that game. I also don't really like the aspect of... 'everyman' systems - I dislike how, in most modern games, everybody can do everything with relative ease. I think that openness should be there... but there should always be a cost. I like FF7 for that; people have natural strengths and weaknesses there and if you choose to break them the game'll be harder for it. Love 10 and 12 for that too!
Likes: Crystal Power