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Feb 19, 2018
TL;DR I have this headcanon that the line of Lucis can just imagine up unique weapons without needing to physically buy or collect any and can tap into Royal Arms without ever absorbing them by coming into physical contact like Noctis needs to. So Noctis pulling out unique weapons in QTE events is him just subconsciously tapping into that untapped potential for a brief moment in the heat of battle as a flight or fight adrenaline type thing.

Now for my in depth reasoning and thought process on this if anyone is interested....

I like to think that maybe conjuring weapons just from your imagination is part of the full power of the Line of Lucis and being able to access all of the previous royal arms regardless of whether or not you've been in contact with them is another skill that Noctis was deprived of due to his injury which only comes back to him in the most heated moments where he subconsciously taps into it as sort of a fight or flight adrenaline thing. It's the only way to explain why Regis' Armiger looks so unique and plentiful despite him never finding the tombs according to Cor and why Ardyn also has all of the same Royal Arms as Noctis despite obviously never visiting the tombs since physical contact causes you to absorb the weapons. It also explains why Ardyn can conjure up an Armiger of a hundred or so weapons in Verse 2 meanwhile Noctis' limit is summoning 13 weapons all at once even when Luna unlocks his "full potential" against Leviathan (even here despite his limit being 13 weapons he still summons Royal Arms he hasn't collected yet btw).

This also brings me back to the similarity between Noctis' Royal Cleave attack while in AU and Ardyn's energy weapon attacks from his bossfights, seems like those aren't related to Ardyn's daemon powers but rather to his Lucis magic. Seems like the magic of the Line of Lucis is far more potent and versatile than we're lead to believe in the story since all we get from it is that Armiger is a thing and elemental magic can also be used. Ardyn shows us there's more to it and it's validated even further by Noctis' AU abilities which bear resemblance to Ardyn's. I already mentioned Royal Cleave but another example is that the area of effect attack Ardyn does that launches you into the air looks like a dark version of Noctis' Legacy of The Lucii attack just without the Armiger barrage beforehand.

Anyways this hindrance in his abilities is probably why Noct's friends tease him as the copy cat king cuz he lacks the power to conjure up a Royal Arm of his own (which is how I believe they're made and what makes them so special based on my own observations until there's further elaboration officially) let alone any weapons he doesn't physically own already which would make sense as to why the Royal Arms are treated with such reverence and why they add to Noct's powers. They're literal remnants of the past kings' magic and make up for Noctis' inability will weapons into existence out of thin air which is what I personally choose to rationalize all the unique QTE weapons as unless they're a Royal Arm.

Sorry to whoever actually decided to read all this. Lmao
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
I would love if they are expand the story of Noctis and maybe a more happy ending added to a DLC as what Hajime Tabata brought up.
If by expanding Noctis's story, you mean they flesh out his interactions with Regis, Cor, Luna, and other characters, then that would be great.

A very hard, and firm no to the happy ending DLC.

One, it would be taking up time and resources better spent on doing something else for the game that is actually canon.

Two, we don't need any more excuses for head canon stuff being dubbed as canon by overzealous fans who can't handle a tragic story.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
Maybe the weapons are what we obtain by finishing the dlcs. A Nox Flueret style sword, another that looks the one Regis had at that moment... Maybe they are teasing us the content we'll see.
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Likes: Storm


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
View attachment 935
hhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm old model regis's royal arm? i think it's not noctis's royal arm because royal arm have wing detail.

View attachment 936
Well, at least we now know where this sword model came from. Good job, Dawn. I wonder if they mixed up the file names and rendered out that version instead of the Sword Of The Father in the Mystic scene. It wouldn't be that surprising.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
EP Regis Confirmed lol. #kidding
One way to introduce E.Regis into the game but showing his past could be through sidequest. You get each one from talking to Wheskam(ch.9), Cid(ch.3) and Cor(ch.6 at Caem), who tells you a playable story about him.
Finishing each story makes Noctis remember a scene from his past with his father (the soup scene for example).
Once you have made the 3 quests you're requested to do a last mission in chapter 14 that grants your father sword and learn about his struggle of knowing Noctis has to die (Dawn trailer).
Everything in a way like it was made in Chapter 12 with Luna.

This way you have Regis present through the game but without breaking the narrative or structure of the game.
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Likes: Vallen
Feb 19, 2018
I really hope they have plans to patch in more boss battles with the Empire later down the line in the main game. Noctis was kinda robbed of any intense personal conflicts until Ardyn is revealed to be his long lost great uncle and even that conflict is played more from the angle of the saviour versus the accursed. I really wanna see Noctis versus Ravus, the older brother of his fiance who he's known since childhood, who's home he watched get destroyed as Regis ran with him in hand, the guy that was there to help take over Noctis' home and is partly responsible for his dad dying. There's so much personal tension there that goes to waste as Ravus kinda settles his difference with Noctis indirectly and Noctis just comes across his dead body and finds out through letters that Ravus has no more issues with him. Giving them at least one go at each other would do wonders for their rivalry and actually make it noteworthy cuz it doesn't really have any weight to it and just fizzles out with the way it is right now. Hell Ignis gets a better rivalry with Noct's rival than Noct does. Same thing with someone like Drautos/Glauca, so much room to explore personal vendettas and themes of betrayal yet Nyx gets a better resolution with Glauca than the guy whose home and dad he just annihilated. Then you got Iedolas as well who's just a crystal crazed crack head by the time you meet him and Ravus gets more interaction with him than the current King of Lucis. This one is by far the easiest one to fix, just give Ieodolas a human phase to his bossfight and have him trade a few words with Noctis. His moveset as human could easily be that of a psychomancer. Anyways yeah I want more personal conflicts for Noctis outside the saviour of light stuff. I want the fight with his father's murderer, I want the fight with his spiteful rival, and I want the fight with the guy that ordered his home to be destroyed.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
I really hope they have plans to patch in more boss battles with the Empire later down the line in the main game. Noctis was kinda robbed of any intense personal conflicts until Ardyn is revealed to be his long lost great uncle and even that conflict is played more from the angle of the saviour versus the accursed. I really wanna see Noctis versus Ravus, the older brother of his fiance who he's known since childhood, who's home he watched get destroyed as Regis ran with him in hand, the guy that was there to help take over Noctis' home and is partly responsible for his dad dying. There's so much personal tension there that goes to waste as Ravus kinda settles his difference with Noctis indirectly and Noctis just comes across his dead body and finds out through letters that Ravus has no more issues with him. Giving them at least one go at each other would do wonders for their rivalry and actually make it noteworthy cuz it doesn't really have any weight to it and just fizzles out with the way it is right now. Hell Ignis gets a better rivalry with Noct's rival than Noct does. Same thing with someone like Drautos/Glauca, so much room to explore personal vendettas and themes of betrayal yet Nyx gets a better resolution with Glauca than the guy whose home and dad he just annihilated. Then you got Iedolas as well who's just a crystal crazed crack head by the time you meet him and Ravus gets more interaction with him than the current King of Lucis. This one is by far the easiest one to fix, just give Ieodolas a human phase to his bossfight and have him trade a few words with Noctis. His moveset as human could easily be that of a psychomancer. Anyways yeah I want more personal conflicts for Noctis outside the saviour of light stuff. I want the fight with his father's murderer, I want the fight with his spiteful rival, and I want the fight with the guy that ordered his home to be destroyed.
yeah i felt the same way, i wanted to see Noctis really wanting revenge and to retribute all the shit the empire was causing him, for killing his dad, fiance, and robbing his kindgom.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Mar 26, 2018
I really hope they have plans to patch in more boss battles with the Empire later down the line in the main game. Noctis was kinda robbed of any intense personal conflicts until Ardyn is revealed to be his long lost great uncle and even that conflict is played more from the angle of the saviour versus the accursed. I really wanna see Noctis versus Ravus, the older brother of his fiance who he's known since childhood, who's home he watched get destroyed as Regis ran with him in hand, the guy that was there to help take over Noctis' home and is partly responsible for his dad dying. There's so much personal tension there that goes to waste as Ravus kinda settles his difference with Noctis indirectly and Noctis just comes across his dead body and finds out through letters that Ravus has no more issues with him. Giving them at least one go at each other would do wonders for their rivalry and actually make it noteworthy cuz it doesn't really have any weight to it and just fizzles out with the way it is right now. Hell Ignis gets a better rivalry with Noct's rival than Noct does. Same thing with someone like Drautos/Glauca, so much room to explore personal vendettas and themes of betrayal yet Nyx gets a better resolution with Glauca than the guy whose home and dad he just annihilated. Then you got Iedolas as well who's just a crystal crazed crack head by the time you meet him and Ravus gets more interaction with him than the current King of Lucis. This one is by far the easiest one to fix, just give Ieodolas a human phase to his bossfight and have him trade a few words with Noctis. His moveset as human could easily be that of a psychomancer. Anyways yeah I want more personal conflicts for Noctis outside the saviour of light stuff. I want the fight with his father's murderer, I want the fight with his spiteful rival, and I want the fight with the guy that ordered his home to be destroyed.
Know how you feel hopefully Square does something on their future DLCs to patch things up


Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
I saw some people on other places online mention that the devs did a good job cleaning up leftover data on the PC version, and that's why dataminers can't get much info. While I don't disagree, I'm honestly starting to believe that they legit made all the content they planned. I suppose everything beyond Ardyn is just as unknown to them (until recently) as its unknown to us.

You'd think the Devs have a clue, but I think beyond fan feedback BD2 really doesn't know what DLC they'll do next :p