E3 - Hopes and Dreams

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- The Last Guardian; it's been more elusive than the Loch Ness monster, and just as real as Nessy is. By now it must surely be for PS4.
- New Mass Effect; if there is any reason I continue to give any subsidiary of EA my money, it's BioWare and Mass Effect. Of course, I don't expect it this year, and it seems ripe for next year's event instead.
- Star Wars: Battlefront; I've been waiting for a Battlefront since the second game, though after Battlefield 4, I am very concerned as to how EA and DICE are going to mess this up for release.
- Mirror's Edge 2; this list is looking disconcertingly full of EA stuff, but I will be lying if I say that I don't wish to see Mirror's Edge 2, even if once again, I don't think it will appear until next year. EDIT: Oh, apparently it will be there.
- Final Fantasy XV; I've just placed a bet on this showing up and it better do, because I don't want to have to slaughter a bunny.
- Guerrilla Games' new open-world RPG with a ginger female protagonist and supposedly mechanical dinosaurs; because that just sounds awesome. Probably won't be shown until next year either.
- New IPs in general; I don't want to see sequels only. I want at least one wow moment, like Watch Dogs back in 2012, except Watch Dogs has shown that initial reveals are misleading.
- Next Deus Ex; I am very wary about the persistent online buzzwords. I just want something like Human Revolution, i.e. a solid single-player experience which is what Deus Ex is about. I am not interested in a persistent online experience. Please don't fuck this up.
- Sleeping Dogs sequel/Triad Wars; THIS is an open world game that will really have me excited. To stay in Hong Kong would still be great, even more so if they actually y'know, populate it. Kowloon as a ghost town in the first game is after all, utterly surreal.
- The Witcher 3; moments like this make me wish I've one of those rigs with two Nvidia Titans and the most up-to-date CPUs.
- Batman: Arkham Knight; I want more gameplay, please.
- Persona 5; ahahaha, this won't be at E3. Silly Fleur.
- Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor; you can't take the Lord of the Rings fan out of Fleur, even if this looks like Assassin's Arkham: Mordor Edition, which admittedly, does sound awesome.
- No Man's Sky; this sounds like a great procedural game that I would play. Please be there.
- Assassin's Creed: Unity; I'll be lying if I say that a French Revolution setting doesn't intrigue me, despite my current dispositions with the franchise. That and I asked for it to be the setting since Revelations.
- X; I want a proper name, and I want to know what exactly it is, because currently it's sort of Monster Hunter mixed with Xenoblade.
- Next Zelda; sell me on the Wii U, Nintendo.

Squirrel Emperor

Sep 26, 2013
The Nintendo UK press server released a image of her not censored. On the American side, I don't think they've released an image of her yet.
May 26, 2014
Yeah, I'm just now starting to want a Wii U (and I'm sure I will even more after E3 as well). To be honest, one of the system's biggest draws for me is the ability to play Earthbound without spending $1000+ or pirating it. Gotta save up though! Hoping to be able to get one late this year or early next.
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May 26, 2014
Surprisingly enough, I'm not completely sold on X yet. If it's an MMO my interest is gonna take a huge dive. I'm ok with there being multiplayer, but if it's the main focus of the game then I'll be much less excited. Still might try it out if that's the case though. Anyway, that's why I'm hoping (and expecting) to see more of the game at E3.

Squirrel Emperor

Sep 26, 2013
I found it to be a breath of fresh air. It's not something you see a lot of these days.

Yeah, I'm just now starting to want a Wii U (and I'm sure I will even more after E3 as well). To be honest, one of the system's biggest draws for me is the ability to play Earthbound without spending $1000+ or pirating it. Gotta save up though! Hoping to be able to get one late this year or early next.
Ah yes! If you haven't played Earthbound on the SNES and don't want to pirate or spend a couple hundred bucks on a SNES copy, then that is definitely a big reason to go out and buy a Wii U. My very first JRPG! It's a pretty unique experience.
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