Well, considering there wasn't really any JRPGs that came out, that kind of makes sense. Games like Bravery Default, Type-0 and Ni No Kuni are good examples of games that have a lot of positive western attention. Also, please explain to me why JRPGs need to take over the "mainstream" of western gaming?
I don't say JRPGs need to become mainstream in NA/EU. If they decide to focus on the dedicated fans they have now, that's their choice. However, if they choose to go that route, they will just keep the genre niche. WRPGs, on the other hand, will continue to keep growing and increasing their grasp over the mainstream. Thankfully, developers at Square Enix are not content to be cornered by WRPGs. They will make sure future mainline FF games take up the fight to try and make the FF series great again.
First off, anime is as niche as it is in the West as it's always been, only I think it's gained more attention in the west over the years. Explain to me where you're getting these numbers from, because it feels like you're just making things up. Secondly, since when was anime the most popular form of animation in the west...? You mean like Dragonball Z or something? What channels do kids mostly remember watching in the 90s? Nickelodeon, Disney and Cartoon Network... the later of which had a segment on called Toonami where they showed anime late at night... which they took away... and brought back recently. I've seen loads of anime/anime inspired TV shows for kids on TV still to this day, Avatar and Korra are good examples of western anime that has lots of attention.
As for how it goes "hand-in-hand with how JRPGs have also become niche", this is just plain wrong. You're talking about genres of things and claiming you know how popular they are with a large audience of people with nothing to back any of this up other than your word. Sorry, but this logic is 100% flawed.
Also... I'd say that Final Fantasy XV is a perfect example of a game that has massive hype.
As for how it goes "hand-in-hand with how JRPGs have also become niche", this is just plain wrong. You're talking about genres of things and claiming you know how popular they are with a large audience of people with nothing to back any of this up other than your word. Sorry, but this logic is 100% flawed.
Also... I'd say that Final Fantasy XV is a perfect example of a game that has massive hype.
How does this go hand-in-hand with JRPGs? It should be obvious. If anime is no longer as popular as it used to be, most JRPGs that use anime-style drawings are also going to be affected. If anime was still booming in NA/EU, games that use anime-style drawings would also still be hugely popular and shifting big numbers. It's also spilling into a regional thing, too. Now some people are simply not even interested in the games Japan puts out, which means that if the Japanese game doesn't even use anime-style visuals, people will still not be interested. I know people IRL that don't play games developed in Japan, even if the games get critical acclaim.
Also, FFXV has hype, but I wouldn't say it has "massive hype". Had FFXIII been universally adored, then FFXV would have massive hype.
People often also say that FFVI was the last good FF, or that FFIX was the last good FF. Here's something REALLY WEIRD that I bet you never thought about before! People have different OPINIONS about what is their favorite Final Fantasy game, and where they think the series has gone downhill, if they think so at all. Oddly enough it has absolutely nothing to do with anime (I know weird right).
Looks like someone is a fan of Final Fantasy XII... "rivalling that seen in Shakespeare plays" are you serious, man...? Please, tell me you're joking. I'm not even going to get into this, or the Game of Thrones comparison.
Looks like someone is a fan of Final Fantasy XII... "rivalling that seen in Shakespeare plays" are you serious, man...? Please, tell me you're joking. I'm not even going to get into this, or the Game of Thrones comparison.
I'm not joking about FFXII. The dialogue and voice acting in that game is far greater than any other FF. Rather than rivalling other video games, it rivals the dialogue seen in Shakespeare plays. Also, the grounded, fantasy story of FFXII would resonate with the masses in NA/EU, just like shows like Game of Thrones has.
Uh... the reason that XII is the way that it is has a lot to do with XI considering the same people worked on it, notice how the style of the game is very similar to that of an MMORPG? That's because originally it was going to be another MMORPG, the developer worked in Tactics, Vagrant Story and XI, I think it makes sense as to why XII was the way it was.
Swapping these two games wouldn't have happened, if you did the game would never have been what it is now, and neither would XIII... so honestly you're just thinking wishfully that somehow if XII was given XIII's place that things would be so much better.
Yeah, and you want to know what else would have made XIII better? If it was just left to be a PS3 exclusive and they weren't forced to cut content from the game "enough to make a whole other game" spawning the two subsequent games afterwards. XIII was originally supposed to be a one off game just like the games before it, but because of cut content for the 360 release of the game to make it manageable for the port, they had loads of assets unused that spawned the creation of two other games.
Things would have been COMPLETELY different if XIII and XII swapped places, they would be completely different games...
ALSO, another thing to keep in mind is that Matsuno dropped out of the company along with a bunch of other people and XII ended up changing because of it with Vaan and Penelo being added.
Another thing to point out is that Skyrim is a game that is still really only played by people that mod the game to get enjoyment out of it, no long standing replay value outside of this, people just like messing around with the quirky physics more than anything. Mass Effect was very popular, and they screwed fans over with Mass Effect 3 and its terrible ending with loads of other problems I'm not even going to get into here that reek signs of RUSHED DEVELOPMENT like the trend of modern western games to get games out as fast as possible for a cash grab.
Swapping these two games wouldn't have happened, if you did the game would never have been what it is now, and neither would XIII... so honestly you're just thinking wishfully that somehow if XII was given XIII's place that things would be so much better.
Yeah, and you want to know what else would have made XIII better? If it was just left to be a PS3 exclusive and they weren't forced to cut content from the game "enough to make a whole other game" spawning the two subsequent games afterwards. XIII was originally supposed to be a one off game just like the games before it, but because of cut content for the 360 release of the game to make it manageable for the port, they had loads of assets unused that spawned the creation of two other games.
Things would have been COMPLETELY different if XIII and XII swapped places, they would be completely different games...
ALSO, another thing to keep in mind is that Matsuno dropped out of the company along with a bunch of other people and XII ended up changing because of it with Vaan and Penelo being added.
Another thing to point out is that Skyrim is a game that is still really only played by people that mod the game to get enjoyment out of it, no long standing replay value outside of this, people just like messing around with the quirky physics more than anything. Mass Effect was very popular, and they screwed fans over with Mass Effect 3 and its terrible ending with loads of other problems I'm not even going to get into here that reek signs of RUSHED DEVELOPMENT like the trend of modern western games to get games out as fast as possible for a cash grab.
Theoretically, if both FFXII and FFXIII swapped places, the FF series would be in a much better place than it now in NA/EU. FFXIII appealed to those that liked the linear, cutscene heavy design of FFX, while FFXII was more Open World and forward thinking, much like Xenoblade Chronicles.
Your whole "cut content from FFXIII" claim is BS. Yoshinori Kitase already confirmed that the statement by Isamu Kamikuryo was misinterpreted. The cut content he mentioned, such as exploring Lightning's House, was all dropped naturally during development, as there were parts that didn't resonate with what they wanted to achieve with the game. Also, Matsuno never left FFXIII development "with a bunch of other people". He left on his own, while all the other key staff stayed. Vaan and Penelo were also both already in the game long before Matsuno left.
Skyrim is still played by people outside the PC modding community. I know a number of people that still play the game on PS3.
Define downhill, because getting good games isn't downhill... As for your connection with SKYRIM of all games, personally I think Skyrim is complete crap, that's because I don't like WRPGs and I'm sure a lot of western gamers also don't like WRPGs... just like a lot of western gamers LIKE WRPGs.
As for your whole Skyrim deal... you're asking for a game with an open world, mature plot... isn't that very similar to Final Fantasy XV...? Do you know nothing about this game? The game is supposed to be way more expansive, even allowing you to drive vehicles to get around using airships, etc. The story... uh... you mean the story that's supposed to take a more darker mature tone to it?
You're basically asking for XV here, and guess what, it's coming out... OH, but you think it's mediocre!
As for your whole Skyrim deal... you're asking for a game with an open world, mature plot... isn't that very similar to Final Fantasy XV...? Do you know nothing about this game? The game is supposed to be way more expansive, even allowing you to drive vehicles to get around using airships, etc. The story... uh... you mean the story that's supposed to take a more darker mature tone to it?
You're basically asking for XV here, and guess what, it's coming out... OH, but you think it's mediocre!
FFXV is not Open World, though. Tetsuya Nomura already confirmed that. Also, the plot is not Medieval fantasy. Instead, it's a more modern story like FFVIII, which is why the party members all wear modern clothes and Lucis looks like modern day Shinjuku. In that sense, the story is not more mature, but just more realistic. From what I've seen of FFXV, not much looks amazing to me. I'd say the only thing I've seen that blows me away is the CGI.

You are entitled to your opinion and everything, but please show me a game that looks anything close to this. To date this is the most ambitious looking world environment I've seen in any next-generation game that we've seen been announced at all. The Division LOOKS nice, but it's nothing impressive compared to this screenshot of Accordo given the fact that you'll be able to move all over this map. The Witcher, basically walking around in a large but vastly vacant world just like Skyrim not really pushing any graphical boundaries here.
Overall, I think your logic is completely flawed. You seem to be talking about things you know nothing about, and trying to support a claim of Final Fantasy dwindling... you don't like FFXV despite it being everything what a Final Fantasy game is supposed to be, this is the game they set to beat FFVII in terms of impact, and for some reason to you it doesn't seem to click. Maybe YOU just don't like JRPGs anymore, and so you want JRPGs to be like WRPGs to get more attention in the west. Honestly, there is still a large amount of western appeal for JRPGs, the Kingdom Hearts series is a perfect example of this.
At the end of the day, I don't care HOW popular JRPGs are in the West, all I care about is GOOD GAMES, and to me Final Fantasy XV is a game that I would create, every single details of this game appeals to me in ways I can't describe. I LOVE JRPGs, and I know plenty of people that do as well. I loved Ni No Kuni, I really want to see a sequel or just another IP from Level 5 or even just a new console Dragon Quest game, I'm excited for Kingdom Hearts III, can't wait for Persona 5.
At the end of the day, I don't care HOW popular JRPGs are in the West, all I care about is GOOD GAMES, and to me Final Fantasy XV is a game that I would create, every single details of this game appeals to me in ways I can't describe. I LOVE JRPGs, and I know plenty of people that do as well. I loved Ni No Kuni, I really want to see a sequel or just another IP from Level 5 or even just a new console Dragon Quest game, I'm excited for Kingdom Hearts III, can't wait for Persona 5.
FFX received critical acclaim too, and enjoyed higher sales than XII should the next game be a linear adventure and a proper turnbased ?
Huh, what makes you sure that an FFXII or an MMO clone won't blow either? Like i said FFXII is very linear and very segmented unlike a proper WRPG or even Xenoblade. If FFXIV ARR is to go by, It will be another game with same weak map system. It won't survive from direct comparisons.
Huh, what makes you sure that an FFXII or an MMO clone won't blow either? Like i said FFXII is very linear and very segmented unlike a proper WRPG or even Xenoblade. If FFXIV ARR is to go by, It will be another game with same weak map system. It won't survive from direct comparisons.
Xenoblade Chronicles is proof that a FFXII clone won't blow. Also, FFXII is not "very linear". I don't know how you can make such a claim, especially compared to games like FFX and FFXIII. In FFXII, you can visit areas you're not even supposed to go to yet. It was the most open game in the FF series outside the NES/SNES games.
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