Digimon thread

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May 26, 2014
Thanks, then time to rewatch everything before march 12 !

If games are not needed then, dont bother doing it for me.
Good luck. Don't burn yourself out...
I should rewatch Frontier soon myself. It's been over 10 years.

Anyway I found the site just to satisfy my own curiosity. Turns out it has a lot more than just scripts. There are summaries, screenshots, walkthroughs, and tons of information on the wonderswan games. There are even scans of the guidebooks for the games and screenshots of the commercials!

Site is fairly dated (just look at that links page!) but apparently still active.


Chryssie Valentine

Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Nov 24, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I had forgotten that this existed until seeing this thread. Watched all of it while at work today. I must say, it really brought back my childhood. I think I had a dumb grin on my face seeing (an admittedly mega level) Gatomon punching the buzzbuzz in the face and it actually having an impact.

I was also super impressed that they've changed up combat from the awkward calling out of attacks to seamless attack usage in a style that reminds me a lot of how Fairy Tail evolved throughout it's progression. It makes me super excited for things to come for Digimon.
May 26, 2014
New trailer for part 2, "Determination," and part 3, which has been titled "Confession" and given a summer 2016 release date. No idea what they're saying:

I see Ogremon and Leomon, but it's probably just a flashback. The mysterious character at 0:35 is probably meant to evoke Digimon Kaiser, but if you look closely his hair looks similar to Taichi's. Then again, Ken did have a pretty wild mane back when he was evil. Or maybe it's someone completely unexpected (like Joe). I dunno. Whoever it is, it looks like they'll be controlling the evil Imperialdramon... Or perhaps they're controlled by Imperialdramon!


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Digimon Adventure Tri: Ketsui (Determination) trailer.
It also includes a teaser for Digimon Adventure Tri: Kokuhaku (Confesion) which will in Summer 2016
First Black Screen: And, a new deployment in the story...
Screen showing Patamon flying away
Second Black Screen: Good bye, Takeru
EDIT: Beaten by a second by @ScienceNonfiction
May 26, 2014
Digimon Adventure Tri: Ketsui (Determination) trailer.
It also includes a teaser for Digimon Adventure Tri: Kokuhaku (Confesion) which will in Summer 2016
First Black Screen: And, a new deployment in the story...
Screen showing Patamon flying away
Second Black Screen: Good bye, Takeru
EDIT: Beaten by a second by @ScienceNonfiction
lol, same exact time.