ATR Translation Thread

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PSICOM Soldier
Sep 5, 2014
Off-roading was most likely in the earlier builds. Game Informer mentioned being able to drive into a rock during their monthly coverage. Can't do that right now.


Forest Owl
May 25, 2016
Whether it was cut or unfinished, or just a pipe dream, we had cars for roads and chocobos for off-road. There was simply no need for the car to go off road. Regalia is a standard road vehicle with a lower than average suspension, a car like that going off-road is a recipeh for disaster. So we got chocobos, a versatile mount with free control.
It doesn't matter what it was before, what matters is now. There was no need for it and probably there is no need for it now still, but it's here and if they want to give it to us, then be grateful that they are doing anything. I'm honestly neutral about it, but being honest, I was a lil excited seeing the demo. And I'm sure tons of people out there were also excited.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
There was no need for it and probably there is no need for it now still, but it's here and if they want to give it to us, then be grateful that they are doing anything. I'm sure tons of people out there were also excited.
Pretty much this sums it up perfectly.

Look on the bright side - at least now we can attempt to drive the car into a lake, ram wild animals with it, and crash into a diner (or Kenny Crow).

Whether or not we can actually do this doesn't matter right now. The idea of it is enough to entertain me for weeks to come whilst waiting.
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Forest Owl
May 25, 2016
Pretty much this sums it up perfectly.

Look on the bright side - at least now we can attempt to drive the car into a lake, ram wild animals with it, and crash into a diner (or Kenny Crow).

Whether or not we can actually do this doesn't matter right now. The idea of it is enough to entertain me for weeks to come whilst waiting.
I think there is some mechanic that involves ramming into mobs. Tabata hinted about driving around more to encounter enemies, but the car got stuck so... so yeah. So I think there is at least some interactions between the car and enemies.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Unless i'm mistaken, doesn't the Regalia already stop in its tracks automatically when near an enemy encounter?


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
I think there is some mechanic that involves ramming into mobs. Tabata hinted about driving around more to encounter enemies, but the car got stuck so... so yeah. So I think there is at least some interactions between the car and enemies.
LOL! Oh hell yeah, I would so be down with that xD

I hope there will be commentary from the guys if this happens. I predict genuine road rage, fear, and plenty of "Noctis, what in the actual fuck are you doing?!?" kinda moments. My goal would be to give Ignis a heart attack whilst driving behind the wheel.