Aranea Dragoon Boss fight Footage

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
That's how I do my HUDs, too. Even managed to make FFXIV's UI look nice. Turns out, there's a whole GAME behind all that shit.
XIV have too much on the screen; I even turned off unnecessary bars and enemy information, minimized the cross bar, and other parameters; I can see my character and the amazing vistas way better.

i'll try to clean FFXV's screen as much as possible.
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Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
Lol XIV HuD is nightmare fuel foe me xD
It is. It's way too much. WAY too much.

Not to mention all that and not even a damage meter. In some ways, I think that might be part of what makes the FFXIV community so much tamer compared to other MMOs, but it's also what makes it so it can't be taken as seriously as WoW.