AMA: Duscae Demo

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Solid Sora

Red Wings Commander
Feb 11, 2015
So Dengeki mentioned something about switching weapons using touchpad, can you confirm this?
Did you felt the region is empty/boring? Or did you like the exploration side of it?
Did you play through all of the demo story? If so. how long did it take?
And if you can talk about it, can we control the summon directly like in type-0?

I'm sorry I'm asking alot, but you know, I'm waiting since I was 12.
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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
@Sora96 Regular potions do the job to put you back in the plus just fine.

@yeah_93 It's fine. I'd say it's in a similar sort of design to the FF13 games; I'm guessing all the same people are involved. I wish they'd be bolder/braver and not just make characters sound as close to their Japanese counterparts as possible and recast to whatever the script encourages instead, but I get why they do what they do.

@Solid Sora The touchpad brings up the menu, so it does take you to the place where you change what weapons you use for what roles. As for the area, I didn't feel like it was empty or boring, but it's also perhaps not as packed as it COULD be with stuff to do. It strikes an OK balance I think. Exploration is fun, especially because there's a decent amount of wildlife to interact with and stuff. I didn't finish the story and I couldn't answer the latter question even if I had, I'm afraid!


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
If it doesn´t bother you :
1. Does L2/R2 do something during battle in the demo ?
2. Does the buttons UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT do something during battle in the demo ?


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
@ChronoRiskbreaker He's the most silent of the group in story, but in combat he has little vocal things he shouts out as he fights, gloating, showing off when he's winning, etc.

@Lumina Ask anything you like, no bother! As I say in the podcast, L2/R2 (or the Triggers, on Xbox) don't do anything at all. In the version I played L2 actually opened the debug menu, but that won't be there in the final thing. As @LeonBlade said, Left/Right change the Triangle/Y button ability, but Up and Down I don't remember doing anything, or at least nothing I actually used.

Solid Sora

Red Wings Commander
Feb 11, 2015
OK one last question :p, How was the hit detection? Noctis seems to miss a lot of hits even using lock-on. Is this just the player being bad or..?
May 26, 2014
Sorry if these are common knowledge or have been answered elsewhere:

1. Does warping consume MP based on the distance traveled? Or is it a fixed amount?
2. Can you move the camera with the battle menu open?
3. Were you able to customize controls?
4. Did the banter between the four guys seem "natural"? I know they said they were aiming for more realistic-sounding dialogue, but then they throw things at us like "won't leave you in the dark" and "we're drifting into the deep end".

Edit: Also, how surreal did it feel to finally play this game after all this time?

Edit 2: Listened to the podcast. Good discussion. It actually brought up another question if you don't mind:

5. Can you put the same weapon in multiple slots in the combo list? For example, if you wanted to create a combo with only zweihander could you do that?
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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
@ChronoRiskbreaker Didn't have time in the hands-on time I had, but I'm looking forward to fighting that thing when I get my hands on it at home! :D

@Solid Sora The hit detection seemed fine, though there's definitely some work for them to do on things like animation priority, move cooldown, all that sort of stuff that people usually talk about around fighting games that's still just as relevant in an action-driven game. I think it's evident that some of the people working on the game are new to making action systems, and that's cool - they seem to be constantly iterating, and I'm sure they'll get that right.

As far as the lock-on goes, it's a bit finicky? I haven't really complained about in write-ups and the podcast and so on as I've been unsure if it's just something I need to get used to or if my problems are more wildly valid. Basically, here's how it works currently...
  • Tapping R1 will center the camera on an enemy and lock on to them momentarily, but releasing it immediately will remove the lock on so your camera is facing their way but isn't locked on.
  • HOLDING it for a second however will actually make it lock on properly in a more traditional way.
  • In this state, right stick still controls camera movement within the lock on. If there are two or more enemies, adjusting the camera away from the enemy you're currently locked on to will also shift the lock-on. Essentially, if you're locked on to a dude and shift the camera to the left, if there's another enemy to the left the lock on will 'transfer' to them instead.
  • You can make a lock-on permanent by clicking in the right stick. (R3) doing so means that no matter how you move the camera, it remains locked to that one enemy.

I have some misgivings with this. First of all, the 'squeeze to center camera, hold to lock on' system feels a bit confusing because R1 is an digital button. If it was on the trigger, which is analogue, it'd feel more natural - light squeeze for camera center, full squeeze for lock-on. That'd be better.

Second, I'd find myself forgetting to click in R3 and then right as I close in on an enemy, a camera adjustment to get a better angle would switch the lock on. This seems too sensitive - I'd quite like it if instead it worked on simple stick flicks left/right/up/down to adjust target rather than camera movement. Remove camera movement entirely when you're locked on and just make the stick switch priority, perhaps? I'm thinking of how auto aim works in GTA when I think of this.

@ScienceNonfiction Addressing these in order:
  1. Seemed to be a fixed amount, but I'm not 100% certain... battles are rather hectic and it's difficult to pay attention to exact MP numbers, just a rough idea of how much you have left is enough!
  2. You can't, no. The battle menu basically pauses the game. It darkens everything anyway, so you can't see everything as normal.
  3. Not in the demo, though they've said in interviews/ATR that this'll be in the final.
  4. It's natural as far as anime dudebros go, I guess. The lines you quoted are pretty typical. I wouldn't expect entirely naturalistic writing; expect anime localization writing. The banter feels natural within the constraints/parameters of that style, though, sure. I also think the relationships between the four seem intriguing from the little glimpse. In battle: As noted in the podcast, they have an issue with repetition in dialogue that will get real old real fast if they don't have variations on some of the audio interactions and call-outs between the guys.
  5. I should note I got something a bit wrong in the podcast; so, the first 3 weapons are your basic combo. They come out in a context-sensitive manner rather than 1-2-3, for instance, the third is the one that's used for a killing blow, basically? The 4th is the one used for counter attacks, and the 5th is used for air attacks. So, my explanation was a bit out but was correct as far as how it feels to play, and I stand by what I said about the system having a tonne of potential. To answer your specific question: No, you can only use each weapon in your set-up once, though again in an ATR Tabata has indicated this might potentially change for the final game.
As for how it felt to play: Surreal! SE did a real good job of making the first time at this hands on feel significant and special, which is nice. More than the event/surroundings, though, the game just makes a really good first impression - even if some of it is less impressive and in needing of some finesse once you scratch beyond the surface.

Noctis Strife

PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
Asking another question if you don't mind ^_^ If you could compare the demos area to another game, what would you compare it to? ALA Arkham/Skyrim/etc. Just curious considering it's a "Portion of a portion of the full game". Thanks!


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
To expand on Chronorisk's question:
Were you able to walk up to the Catoblepas? They seem pretty far in the water, and most vids I see seem to have an invisible wall close to shore of the lakes. Were any of them on land? Maybe we can't fight them in the demo and have to wait for the main game.


Blitzball Champion
Sep 8, 2014
To expand on Chronorisk's question:
Were you able to walk up to the Catoblepas? They seem pretty far in the water, and most vids I see seem to have an invisible wall close to shore of the lakes. Were any of them on land? Maybe we can't fight them in the demo and have to wait for the main game.
This should answer your question (8:28) .
Likes: Leopold_Bloom


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
This should answer your question (8:28) .
Thanks for reply. However, this was the video I was alluding to.
There is clearly an invisible wall stopping the party getting any closer (Tabata, confirmed we can not go the full way in in the demo).
It doesn't seem like you can get within striking distance (unless Ignis kicks a dagger at it XD)


Blitzball Champion
Sep 8, 2014
Thanks for reply. However, this was the video I was alluding to.
There is clearly an invisible wall stopping the party getting any closer (Tabata, confirmed we can not go the full way in in the demo).
It doesn't seem like you can get within striking distance (unless Ignis kicks a dagger at it XD)
Hm I don't think there's an invisible wall it probably just looks like it in the video. And the only thing I can recall that Tabata confirmed is that there'll be much deeper water in the full game.


PSICOM Soldier
Feb 22, 2015
Hm I don't think there's an invisible wall it probably just looks like it in the video. And the only thing I can recall that Tabata confirmed is that there'll be much deeper water in the full game.
Perhaps, you're right. Would be odd to have them standing there and not be able to fight them I suppose. Just most vids seem to show them stopping just a little bit on the shore.
I'd say they prob come inland once the main story quest is completed, as it is affecting the local wildlife.
Would still like to hear from APZonerunner bout how far (if he tried) you can run into the lakes. :)
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