The feedback looked pretty polarizing regionally.
And yet the one metric that wasn't "polarizing" is the only one that matters, and that's if people will buy the game or not, a resounding percentage said they definitely WILL buy the game. It's not really that big of a deal if people have problems in different regions, it's all about understanding why people rated those areas the way they did and tackling the root of the problem.
The dev team must have a ton of work on them already and the added pressure of open dialogue with the fans likely doesn't make it any easier.
The development team doesn't have direct contact with the fans still, it's not like they need to listen to everyone's cries, it's simply hearing what the resounding number of fans are saying. For instance, the issues everyone had and reported on were givins to be changed. However, it makes these things much more obvious to the team that they are important, things like framerate vs resolution. This actually in many ways can make development of certain areas a lot easier when it comes to decision making. Where do we compromise on something so critical to the reaction of everyone that plays our game? Oh, wait, they already told us!
My options about the short trailer:
- 1-2 mins plot teaser like the episode Duscae ending.
- New visuals of the other locations (solheim, tenebrae,niflheim)+battles with new enemies/bosses.
- Introduction of guest characters. (where the heck is my sexy
Cor Leonis!)
- Confirmation on the Stella-Lunafreya dillema.
- Realese window.
Agree, this falls in line very much with what I believe will be shown. The XV trailer at E3 will be impactful but concise, meaning that they will show a trailer but not do much work to fully talk about the game, as they will be staging plans for global coverage for actual promotion beginning in August. This means that they will most likely use E3 as the turning point for XV's marketing in which they would announce a release window, as well as announcing the worldwide promotion coverage starting in Gamescom.
This is great news for XV, as it means that the game is finally reaching the finish line!