last zone on Stormblood, overall story is longer than Heavensward.
Stormblood is a great expansion so far, might end up being better than Heavensward
five hours for stormblood, to sleep or not...
Xenoblade 2 pushed to 2018, no one saw this coming, no one...
just beat the Ultimate Lair on LRFFXIII (debuffs in this game are crucial), now it's time for the final day.
to think KH3 was announced 4 years ago and still no sign of release ;(
i wish whoever did LRFFXIII sidequests worked on FFXV; they're personal and related to the state of the world; lots of world-building
the Wildlands in LRFFXIII provides such a classic FF feel in terms of gameplay/exploration; the music is top-tier.
playing Lightning Returns again after having finished XIII-2. I guess i still love this trilogy after all.