There is some data in the FF7R datamine that
has perseved dates as far back as to late 2013, implying FF7R has been in some sort of development since at least 2013, which incidentally fall around the same time that Nomura was taken off FFXV in 2013. This would more than explain why Nomura was taken off XV, since if 7R started in 2013 then they moved him to that instead of doing XV, rather than taking him off XV then him bumbing around just doing KH3 stuff then FF7R starting later in 2014. Either way actual game programming and the like on the engine itself would have started in 2014 sometime after March since that is when UE4 was given out to developers to use, but things like concept art, model assets, textures, CG and early planning things could have still existed since 2013.
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