This is my last post regarding this subject towards you Ikkin because you are being purposely obtuse and difficult.
Honestly, at this point, I think you're simply committed to misunderstanding my position. =P
No you are being obtuse and simply are ignoring the facts, the fact is the contest was made to have the artists draw their own artwork for what they think fans most want to see for an ending for DotF, that is why there is a bunch of different artwork like Luna and Noct having kids sitting on the throne, or a different art by Matsuzawa with Luna and Noct with kids at a picnic with Ardyn, or the Luna and Noct at Ardyn's funeral art, or the Noct and Luna wedding in Altissia art, etc. You again ignored what they actually said, I don't know why, this is the second time, it's right there in your face telling you that they created artworks with the art members on the team for what each of those artists ideas were for what they think fans most want to see for an ending in DotF, it is not just talking the Ardyn picnic artwork. You are not using logic, you are outright denying facts.
I'm not sure if you noticed or not, but
I accepted the fact that the contest for which the picnic was created was also the inspiration for the two funeral artworks when you demonstrated, using a human translation, that the captions for the funeral artworks referenced such a contest.
only point of contention with regard to the quote about the picnic artwork is whether
that particular quote identified any other artworks that were created for the contest, or whether it simply said that such a contest existed. My argument was that the only thing that could be determined from the quote was the latter.
The proof was posted and you still denied it, I don't care about your excuses.
I didn't deny it once I had a human translation, because my problem was the machine translation. I wish you'd stop acting as if I was still arguing for a position I no longer hold.
I'm talking about artstyle and the design itself, which is nothing remotely close to anything Ferrari has ever drawn or any artwork he has uploaded to his facebook, or any of his designs. Ferrari never had anything to do with DotF.
And my point is that there are different things that different people look at to determine who they thought created a particular piece of artwork. I'm not the only one who thought the artwork kind of looked a bit Ferrari-like. =P
You'd still be wrong because Kamikokuryo left Square Enix in 2017 and he has not been stated as being any of the artists involved in DotF or any of the DLC credits, or in anything XV related since he left SE, and not only that but that artwork looks nothing like Kamikokuryo's style while it is inherently Niki's style through and through.
Except for the problem that Niki's art is big on chiaroscuro and the funeral art demonstrates a style of lighting diametrically opposed to that. =P
It's also worth pointing out that I wasn't saying that Kamikokuryo
actually made the funeral art so much as that his
style was more consistent with it than Niki's.
Yusuke Naora also left Square Enix in 2016 but he was specifically stated and confirmed by the devs to have done the designs for DotF specifically Episode Ardyn for 2000 years ago Ardyn, Aera and Somnus.
I am... not entirely sure how this supports any point that you made. All you've really done is demonstrate that Squenix
does bring their former employees back as contractors.
However Kamikokuryo has never been cited or stated to have done any artwork for anything DotF or even XV related since he left SE in 2017, and even despite that Kamikokuryo did do new artwork for FF12 Zodiac Age again which they specifically announced and confirmed, andwhat he did was promo art, if he did any DotF artwork for XV then they would have announced and confirmed his involvement in that too just like they did for Naora for Ep Ardyn and just like Kamikokuryo was for Zodiac Age, but they didn't, because he wasn't.
I'm not entirely sure why you would assume that the existence of announcements of Naora's involvement in
creating character designs and
creating unique boxart for a re-release would necessarily imply that Squenix would announce
any and all work performed by independent contractors, regardless of how important. Character design is important enough for Nomura to get special copyright credits alongside Squenix as a corporation, and boxart is a major draw for the sorts of people who might be considering whether to purchase a new re-release of an old game they already own.
Those two examples you posted don't look anything like the funeral art, here is his FF12 ZA art as a more recent example of something he did and it again looks nothing like that funeral art, which was clearly by Niki.
The lighting is still a whole heck of a lot closer than Niki's chiaroscuro, I can tell you that!
Kamikokuryo has highly detailed backgrounds and a specific muted pallet he uses, and with wonky rendered human figures in his art, he also uses highly textured brushes with scratchy lines visible on the texture itself, the Funeral art is completely loose background that is unlike Kamikokuryo's art or colour stylings, is unlike his compositions, and the character proportions look nothing like the style and proportions Kamikokuryo uses.
The problem with Kamikokuryo's style and proportions on human figures isn't that they're universally wonky so much as they're
inconsistent, which makes it difficult to use them to rule him out. =P
Anyway, I'm not sure why you think Kamikokuryo's "specific muted palette" is a point of contradiction when the artwork under discussion demonstrates exactly that sort of muted palette (rather than a dramatic contrast between light and darkness as one might expect from Niki):
Not to mention, it's pretty clear that
whoever did this particular piece of art, the entire thing is far looser than it would have been in a finished piece. And here's where I think you shot yourself in the foot.
This is FFXV concept art Kamikokuryo did, which looks nothing remotely like the funeral art, same goes for the art of Kamikokuryo you posted.
I'm not sure what the first image is, because it's broken. But the second one... I'm not sure how you could have possibly failed to realize how counterproductive it is for your argument.
The palette is
very close to the funeral artwork. The magitek hordes are drawn loosely in a way that is very similar to the background figures of the funeral art. There are a number of places in the background where it is
very clear that loose strokes are being used rather than detailed textures. None of the contrasts you sought to provide seem to be truly applicable here. =/
The two funeral arts and the one of the wedding at Altissia with the bros next to them are Niki's artstyle, Luna is wearing a different dress in all three of those artworks.
Wait wait wait wait wait.
Is this "the one of the wedding at Altissia with the bros next to them?"
Are you seriously suggesting that
three artworks were created by
the same artist for
the same competition? And that two of those artworks (if not three; the above image
really doesn't look a lot like a wedding in Altissia given Luna's expression and the presence of Bahamut's swords) represented the same funeral, but depicted Luna wearing a different dress for some reason? That makes literally no sense whatsoever.
I guess you could be talking about this image of the bros with Noct and Luna at their wedding:
...but that just raises more questions, because that looks nothing like the style of
either funeral artwork.
And, speaking of wedding artworks, do we have a solid attribution for the artist who drew the cover for DotF?
That is not an assumption which for some reason you still don't seem to understand, it is a fact that Sword of the Father did not exist in Nomura's XV, it was only created for Tabata's XV because the royal arms were only created for Tabata's XV and they were designed AFTER Episode Duscae had come out.
Facts require either direct evidence or logical proofs based on direct evidence. Neither of those things exist for the claim that the designs for each and every royal arm were created
de novo after the decision was made to develop a set of royal arms... and they
certainly don't exist for the claim that they were designed after the release of Episode Duscae.
You should maybe check the source because it has a different statement to only being 2014, which just says the project started looking for other studios in 2014 and entered full production in Summer 2015 after doing some Pre-production, Summer 2015 includes June 2015 which is 3 months after Episode Duscae came out, which is the same month we saw the redesign Regis with the Sword of the Father being first shown in rough art by Matsuzawa then the final art later by Gamescom.
Right, because it makes
so much sense to check a source in a language I can't actually read. =P
Not to mention,
the English source contradicts the Japanese one, anyway:
While Advent Children was a way to thank Final Fantasy VII fans, Kingsglaive will be a way to get more people interested in Final Fantasy as a way to draw in new people who aren’t experienced with the brand. Production began three years ago.
Three years before 2016 is 2013, not 2014.
I was also able to find
another English source, this time referencing Famitsu, that claimed that
"Kingsglaive began production in 2013."
There's definitely something strange going on with regards to the information we have about Kingsglaive's inception, though I think your translation leaves open the possibility that the project that started in 2014 was the
outsourcing rather than the initial planning for the movie itself, since the focus of the question is on said outsourcing.
Which... I think you agree with?
Back in 2013 Kingsglaive started as an internal project which Nozue stated was planned since Versus became XV, then in 2014 they started planning to look for outside production studios to work on it, and then following the story changes and other changes in 2015 they then started that full production in Summer 2015. All of the new designs using mocap face scan people including John Campling as Regis only happened in 2015, same for all the other facescanned people, which was only a few months before ACTUAL production started with all those other companies around the world, Summer 2015 was also the same time we first saw Sword of the Father and in July 2015 a leak from a Chinese website saying a FFXV called Kings Glaive was in the works, and in that leak they mistook Luna for Stella since at that time Luna was still wearing the white Roen dress and had her hair down like Stella did.
In any case, it would seem downright bizarre for one of the most important character's most important prop not to have been created over a year (i.e. from December 2013, the latest date allowed for by the Famitsu info, to Episode Duscae's release in March 2015) into pre-production on a movie with only a few months remaining in pre-production (i.e. March 2015-Summer 2015).
And it seems almost as strange to presume that the design for the Sword of the Father was shown off almost as soon as it was made -- it seems like something of that sort would require a bit of time spent on revisions and reconsideration between its initial creation and its inclusion as a fully rendered 3D model in a trailer. =P
Your source is Gematsu just resposting the exact thread from a FF Forum, it literally says it in the opening of the article, gaming media is the
literal worst. Well, apart from Google, which is completely incompetent at finding the translations of Versus interviews that used to exist but seem to have disappeared down the memory hole. *sigh*
Hey, Oji from, where have we heard of him before? Oh right he's the same person that fabricated a fake translation from a 2010 interview which he claimed to say that Versus story had been written when in reality the interview said no such thing even regarding any story completion or script. Meanwhile I posted the actual IGN article of Nomura's statement which is only talking about the outside world OUTSIDE of Noctis's country, not inside his country.
Well, it's sort of odd that practically everything
apart from that one quote can be corroborated using either the linked interviews or other known information about the game. =/ It's even odder that there definitely
was information about magic being important (and only usable through Noct) at some point*, even though it
doesn't seem to be corroborated by the linked interviews. (Another thing that I didn't see corroboration for was the claim that the area immediately outside of Insomnia was based on "Bang Bang"/Western movies... but the final game proves that much to have been accurate. =P )
* I actually managed to find what I was thinking of, and it's from
an article that didn't exist when the post was created. How strange. (The article says nothing about medieval elements of Noct's culture, but it
does show some interesting connections between 2011 Versus and the current FFXV!)
It would be
so helpful if there was a complete list of translated Versus interviews... =/
Well it is, and it's another fine example of Oji from not knowing what he's talking about and spreading false translations.
I guess my question now is, why would it have been the case that people at the time -- who had much better resources to fact-check than we do now, after so many of the relevant sources have been taken down -- wouldn't have fact-checked a claim that so blatantly contradicted what we knew about the game? That just seems really strange to me.