Even if your guns are not good and there are better options?
cannot possibly know if they're good or not until they came out and people receive it. All the time, creators can make a movie or game or novel and weave it together quite well but in the lead up to release, may get nervous and start over-analyzing their stuff and being overtly critical or unfair to things that are perfectly fine because a single detail is off and therefore it's ruined.
If you make art, finish
your art. Don't let the fans whine about no Moogles or flying cars and make you half-ass your product. If the devs did what
they wanted, we would have gotten an open-area Cartanica. We would have had EP: Duscae combat. We would have had EP Duscae and early trailer-type cinematics and whatnot. Instead, EP: Duscae came out, they got feedback and then worked on the
demo over the main game and patched it. If they didn't even
try to make the demo, they could have used the three months or so to do literally anything else.
Leviathan took a year to develop because of problems with the engine; the time they spent patching a demo they could have spent working on material that isn't getting worked on due to the team that's supposed to work on it being trapped on a boss fight for a year. They desired to
prove they were listening to us by adding Moogles, and flying car, and changing EP Duscae's demo. And in doing so, shot themselves in the foot and we lost a Shiva dungeon, Luna's entire role, the entire ending of the Versus epic, Ardyn's story, Royal Pack being actually part of the base game instead of finishing Chapter 14 in DLC, and much much more.
If you were an artist, you would understand. Make
your art, not what others say is good. Good or bad, they will not know until release and the people like us who were only seeing trailers
cannot give a fair judgement without context.
Plain and simple. You cannot in any way say with certainty that "their guns were not good". We'll never know if they were good because we never
got their original plan. Just like how we cannot say if Nomura's Versus would have been any better; we were denied the right to judge the completed product ourselves, and when Tabata took over, the new team made changes based on fan judgement built upon the extremely limited footage that the game had released.
Stick to your guns. At least they'll be
your guns and not some freakish frankenstein that doesn't satisfy you nor the people you changed the product for.
We need an extended, uncut, unedited, restored, tetsuya nomura directors cut edition.
Nnnnnnah. Nomura's an artist. He and Tabata should have worked
together. Alone, Nomura balloons things beyond a reasonable scope and alone, Tabata changes the scope before release. They would have been a great duo.
Sadly, there probably was. FNC was more than just a mythos, it was a project that was let down on multiple fronts and was a corporate creation rather than something with a person's passion behind it like Ivalice was. Given the troubles all three games went through, I'm not surprised they've all but dumped it. Can you blame them? XIII's still rather toxic today.
Oh, fun true story. When developing Type-0, Tabata just forgot to include FNC elements until halfway through production, and writers Chiba a d Okabe had to do an emergency-style "get it in there!" Nomura was also moving away from it by scrapping the terminology in the Versus days.
The Fabula Nova Crystallis was coined by Nomura, Shinji Hashimoto and Yoshinori Kitase, with Kazushige Nojima penning the initial FNC draft in early 2004. Nomura, Tabata, and Motomu Toriyama all provided creative input on the lore itself and with all this, Nojima created the series bible. It was
absolutely a work of passion, as Nomura sank a chunk of his life into Versus, almost eight years of his time; Tabata worked on Agito/Type-0 presumably from 2005 onward as his team completed Before Crisis in 2004, and spent six years working on Type-0. Toriyama dedicated five years of his life to FFXIII alone, and continuously worked on XIII up to 2013, 9 years of his life.
FNC was 100% a passion product of the people involved. The issue was nothing to do with corporate or a lack of passion from the outset; Type-0 developed rather normally, making the move to PSP because phones couldn't handle it (something Tabata handled well). It was XIII and Versus, the big games on the new, infamously-hard-to-develop-for PS3, that ran into development problems; XIII's due to its engine and again, the fact that PS3 was
super hard to develop for until near 2011 when most companies figured out how to exploit it, and Versus's crew had to aid on FFXIII due to this.
After that, we have Nomura wanting to uproot Versus into a musical as well as doing major changes to the story every three months, this after FFXIII released with its controversy regarding the game's linearity and the "milking" of its world, and also right after FFXIV had a super infamously awful launch. Plus, Roen signed a contract with SE in 2008; that gave Nomura eight years to work on Versus, and considering he wanted to uproot it multiple times and would likely not even make the PS3's lifespan (Versus was
25% done when Tabata took over in 2012, PS4 took prominence in late 2013). Nomura squandered his time and because XIII got sequels, ballooned his story up to match the trilogy, which led to the situation we find ourselves in; single game with all extra material added in as DLC.
FNC was a labour of love. It didn't become corporate until FFXIII and XIV launched within a year and got obliterated on the internet, and with Nomura facing similar development problems, no wonder SE got scared. Yoichi Wada resigned in early 2013, notably after Tabata was internally made FFXV's director in 2012. It's highly likely that in the final year of his tenure, Yoichi Wada made choices based on the performance of FFXIV and XIII and development patterns for those games being repeated with Versus, and arranged for Tabata to take over because he realized Nomura was going to force them into crunch time, for a game developing with sequels in mind on a console that is about to be background noise.
There's much pointing to the fact that 2010-2012 SE was utter chaos and one of the first things to happen under Yosuke Matsuda's term was to create the FF committee in late 2013 to help maintain quality for FF; that's why XV has a ton more nods and leitmotifs from earlier games and is chalk-full of stuff for FF fans to gorge themselves on nostalgia. The XV we got we were lucky to get given they were already forced to develop a triple A FF game in three years and
not repeat the mistakes that the previous four titles had made.
FFXV as it is now is a gorgeous mess. It has heart, it has soul, but it could have had more. Tabata only managed to get FFXV out after changing the structure of game development and doing something completely new; if he stuck to the method that Nomura, or his team or the XIII team had, we'd have likely gotten a a "straight road" to mirror XIII's "hallways".
It's simple; we need to accept what we do get and stop building up this picture-perfect ideal "Nomura version" or "if-they-had-time Tabata version". What happened happened for a reason and they dealt with the consequences, foolishly but with reason.