Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Likes: Nova


Keyblade Master
Oct 28, 2013
I would just get an external HDD. Or replace the optical bay with a 2nd HDD. SSDs are still far too expensive to purchase for causal use. That said, I've heard rumblings that SSDs on a whole are to drop in price this year. Maybe even making TB sizes reasonably affordable.


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
wasnt standalone comrades supposed to be released next month too?
Was there a date attached to any of the Comrades announcements out of PAX East? Thought it was all listed as Summer and Fall.

With the character creation I felt like announcing that it was coming in "Spring" was a sign that it was close. Guess not.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
What are the chances the Astrals will be modded to look more like XIII's fal'Cie or creatures from Type-0 in the years to come? That's something that might happen. Still, nice insertion of Cloud and Lumina into XV's world. Now I wonder when we'll be getting VI mods?


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
What are the chances the Astrals will be modded to look more like XIII's fal'Cie or creatures from Type-0 in the years to come? That's something that might happen. Still, nice insertion of Cloud and Lumina into XV's world. Now I wonder when we'll be getting VI mods?
Are there any easily accessible 3D models of VI characters available anywhere? From what I understand most of the mods we're currently seeing are just ripped from other games like Cloud from Smash Bros or Dissidia.
Feb 19, 2018
Does anyone know what the sales figures for the Windows Edition of FFXV are looking like? I'm wondering if it was able to meet the 2 million goal that BD2 had set for themselves and if the severe drought of updates and marketing has anything to do with them just straight up not having the money to do any of that anymore. Could be that they only have just enough to make the DLCs and quietly release them which also makes me worry for the quality of them since this could mean budget cuts.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Does anyone know what the sales figures for the Windows Edition of FFXV are looking like? I'm wondering if it was able to meet the 2 million goal that BD2 had set for themselves and if the severe drought of updates and marketing has anything to do with them just straight up not having the money to do any of that anymore. Could be that they only have just enough to make the DLCs and quietly release them which also makes me worry for the quality of them since this could mean budget cuts.
It's probably around 400k-500k now. When Steamspy went down it was over 300k and it's been a few months since then, and Steamspy says it's in the 200k-500k range, and since we already know it's over 300k since then it'd have gone up since then too. 2m was their lifetime goal, not what they expected it to hit straight away or even a few months after launch. Steamspy currently says that the "Players" of FFXV on Steam is at 441,733, which I assume means that that amount of people have launched the game at least once, which would mean that many people have at least bought the game on Steam.

Most steam game sales happen during actual sales, like there is one right now, and XV is actually ranking in the top 5 top selling games on Steam right now, with PUBG, GTAV and Witcher 3 also being in the top 5 right now. We probably wont ever get any hard numbers for it's sales anymore until it hits a specific milestone.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
Are there any easily accessible 3D models of VI characters available anywhere? From what I understand most of the mods we're currently seeing are just ripped from other games like Cloud from Smash Bros or Dissidia.
Terra and Kefka would be relatively easy to rip from the Dissidia games (the PSP games especially, but possibly the PS4 one as well). The World of Final Fantasy chibis are another possibility.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Steamspy now says FFXV is somehwere between 500k and 1m owners on Steam now, so it's definitely sold over 500k now. Total sales of FFXV would now be over 7.5m, and that's only counting the 7m for the console version from January a few months before Royal Edition released, and adding it with the minimum amount of Steam sales with 500k.