Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013

- Ep Ardyn
- Ep Luna
- Ep Niflheim (small cartanica region, shiva's dungeon, tenebrae during invasion, more scenes related to the empire)
- Ep Insomnia (new prologue, more regis scenes and backstory for the lucis line...)
- Ep Omen (i need it)

thats my bet for the final 2 dlcs, i believe Ep Insomnia might be a thing because they updated the final dungeon with more areas and driving, but mainly because Insomnia is symbolic for the whole project and the story of the game.

(i think hard mode is something they're reserving for a special free update)
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Blitzball Champion
Feb 2, 2017

- Ep Ardyn
- Ep Luna
- Ep Niflheim (small cartanica region, shiva's dungeon, tenebrae during invasion, more scenes related to the empire)
- Ep Insomnia (new prologue, more regis scenes and backstory for the lucis line...)

thats my bet for the final dlcs, i believe Ep Insomnia might be a thing because they updated the final dungeon with more areas and driving, but mainly because Insomnia is symbolic for the whole project and the story of the game.
So no episode Kenny then? FUUUUUUUUCK! :(


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 25, 2018
So no episode Kenny then? FUUUUUUUUCK! :(
Hey we all know that Kenny is the real King of light!!!

Don't deny it!!!!!

Joking aside I think we'll get

Episode Ardyne (the Lucii, and the history of Eos probably)

Ravus + Luna and (focus on Tenebrae, more specifically the relationship between the two estranged brother, sister duo)

The world of dreams (this could include the the history of the astrals and the mythology of Eos as a whole)

Aranea will probably be the last episode (hers will focus more on fleshing out the empire)

Thats my guess at least
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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017

- Ep Ardyn
- Ep Luna
- Ep Niflheim (small cartanica region, shiva's dungeon, tenebrae during invasion, more scenes related to the empire)
- Ep Insomnia (new prologue, more regis scenes and backstory for the lucis line...)
- Ep Omen (i need it)

thats my bet for the final dlcs, i believe Ep Insomnia might be a thing because they updated the final dungeon with more areas and driving, but mainly because Insomnia is symbolic for the whole project and the story of the game.
Those four would be nice to have, although Episode Ardyn is already confirmed to be coming.

Takeshi Sendo

PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018

- Ep Ardyn
- Ep Luna
- Ep Niflheim (small cartanica region, shiva's dungeon, tenebrae during invasion, more scenes related to the empire)
- Ep Insomnia (new prologue, more regis scenes and backstory for the lucis line...)
- Ep Omen (i need it)

thats my bet for the final 2 dlcs, i believe Ep Insomnia might be a thing because they updated the final dungeon with more areas and driving, but mainly because Insomnia is symbolic for the whole project and the story of the game.

(i think hard mode is something they're reserving for a special free update)
Im praying for all of that to be real, the third dlc you say would be KEY and I want to believe they are going to this route.

Regarding Luna, I would see better introducing events and cutscenes through the game instead of wasting resources in dedicating her an episode.

The most important thing, at least for me, is all related to niflheim.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 25, 2018
Im praying for all of that to be real, the third dlc you say would be KEY and I want to believe they are going to this route.

Regarding Luna, I would see better introducing events and cutscenes through the game instead of wasting resources in dedicating her an episode.

The most important thing, at least for me, is all related to niflheim.
I really don't think she will get a playable episode, but more or less that she will share an episode with Ravus and he will be the playable one.

The could do an Episode Ardyne, Cor, Arnae and Ravus +Luna as well buuuuuut.........
Likes: Takeshi Sendo


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016

- Ep Ardyn
- Ep Luna
- Ep Niflheim (small cartanica region, shiva's dungeon, tenebrae during invasion, more scenes related to the empire)
- Ep Insomnia (new prologue, more regis scenes and backstory for the lucis line...)
- Ep Omen (i need it)

thats my bet for the final 2 dlcs, i believe Ep Insomnia might be a thing because they updated the final dungeon with more areas and driving, but mainly because Insomnia is symbolic for the whole project and the story of the game.

(i think hard mode is something they're reserving for a special free update)

Add a few more things to the Niflheim Expansion like the desert/Snow phenomenon (and exploring it), Pagla's area and a section covering how the hell the bros escaped Gralea (a smaller city dungeon comparable to the old Insomnia) and I'm sold forever (though I'll be happy with anything tbh).

The last thing you hear is Ardyn saying he is going to "Keep them Company". Then chapter 14 starts. Give us a section where they figured out a way to escape. WE NEED IT.

These are honestly what I'm expecting too. The last DLC should be something peaceful, and a reason to play the game from the beginning again. Having Insomnia assets now allows them to do a really decent prologue the game needs.

I really don't think she will get a playable episode, but more or less that she will share an episode with Ravus and he will be the playable one.

The could do an Episode Ardyne, Cor, Arnae and Ravus +Luna as well buuuuuut.........

Eh, Cor, Aranea and Ravus already got their time to shine in the bros DLC's, we don't need more story for them. Ardyn and Luna have big gaps that can be explored, that's why character episodes are being explored with them.

After that, the game needs a truly serious expansion to Niflheim that, while still keeps it linear, bumps up the story and world quality in that area to 100.

Last, like @Storm says, either needs a really good prologue set in Insomnia, to start and end the game in the same place and deliver that emotional loss. OR, spruce up the first 8 chapters with more story content.
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Sep 27, 2013
I remember at the begining last year i was always looking forward for an update that solve some visuals problems. Like the ashed ground near the volcano being a flat texture, making a better transition from ground to road (the textures overlap) and making the things don't look like a potato when you fly or looking through some landscapes ( the one at the begining of chapter 12 is horrible).

This though dissapeared of my head, but now with the Windows Edition i'm curious if this will be fixed in PC (and hopefully consoles).
I'm also really hoping this will be the case. I remember there was a lake in the Vesperpool that had a really low resolution water reflection, it was super distracting and felt very incomplete. Would be cool if they addressed these things.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 25, 2018
I just honestly don't see Luna being playable, is all.

I think she is more of a support type character, so having her playable would be kind of weird but if they made Ravus playable and her as his support that i can see.
Likes: Jubileus


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I just honestly don't see Luna being playable, is all.

I think she is more of a support type character, so having her playable would be kind of weird but if they made Ravus playable and her as his support that i can see.
I'm inclined to agree, but it definitely should be wasted on Ravus, etc. What they should dedicate a DLC to is sprucing up the first half of the game with a lot more story and activities to do. Maybe even open up Northern Lucis as an area to explore.

Basically my dream DLC's go like this:

1. Ep. Ardyn focusing on his time rising to chancellor, reviving Ifrit, fighting Shiva, and dealing with his past memories on how he was betrayed. Covers a small area of Niflheim and allows Ardyn's car that's "been with him for a long time" as well as potentially summoning ifrit.

2. The first of a 2 part DLC that first focuses on adding more story to Lucis (Chapters 1-8) and Accordo (Chapter 9). This would give more story to Cor, Aranea, Iris, Ravus, Luna, and bits more of the Empire on their happenings during this time period. Every chapter could use more scenes or more story based quests. No need for a new, focused character episode. Make it more about the main game. Add Northern Lucis and a few more islands of Accordo to explore and make these areas more meaningful. Revamp the Leviathan fight.

3. The 2nd part of this DLC that expands on Niflheim as I said above. Chapter 10 focuses on Altissia to Succarpe, boarding the training, opening up Cartanica and going to the Dungeon to get the Katana. Chapter 11 focuses on stopping in Eusciello to get more lore on the Desert/Snow phenomenon and explore that factory town, as well as actually destroying that Niflheim base in Piztala before Prompto's incident happens. Chapter 12 would be stopping at Pagla (there's literally a train stop for it already if you start chapter 12 you can see it) to let some people off there first and deal with figuring out what happened to prompto. Then go to Tenebrae, explore a dungeon or a decent area and then Shiva and do the same thing. Chapter 13 in Gralea could be the same thing but before you get the Noctis/Bahamut scene, it focuses on the Bros trying to escape Gralea. This DLC would help characterize Niflheim so much and actually make the Train section feel like an actual trip. Gives more context and story to niflheim and honestly Regis, who's kind of important during these chapters

4. Lastly, a prologue DLC that is more passive and lets us explore some of insomnia and Nocts life there. Rounds up the game to make it feel like one complete package along with the other FFXV universe content.

5. Comrades should be updating during most of this hopefully, taking advantage of (what I hope to be) the WoR and older characters like Iris/Cindy/Aranea.

THIS, would make the game ultimate for me. I'm confident that at least 2 of these things will happen. There's not much else they could add that hasn't happened yet or isn't important to the main story.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 25, 2018
I don't see it as them focusing on Ravus but more or less using it to flesh out pre invasion Tenebrae, and the pasts of both Ravus and Luna and her side of the story.

I think that will let us get a more intimate understanding of her character, since she will say things to her own brother that she normally wouldn't say to other people.

plus Ravus has had a scolding coming from Luna coming a mile away it would be glorious to see it.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I don't mind things like this, but I DO hope that character episodes specifically end with Ardyn. If they do have to make a Luna one, it is a 5th DLC and not one of the 4 (I know that is unrealistic to expect, but still).

Id rather the last 3 actually improve areas of the game rather than being specific points in time that focus on a singular event.

It actually goes along with Tabata said in his previous interview from Dangeki, that People really aren't looking to fill plot holes like the previous episodes did, but he still wants to "complete FFXV" in a way that is meaningful. He said to not expect the same format as the previous DLC and to expect a new method of delivery.

He also said episode Ardyn will pioneer that idea. To me that sounds like Ardyn won't be a singular event selected from the main menu, but rather something integrated to points in the story (whether or not that is easy to do will remain to be seen, or how difficult it would be to keep his identity a secret until the big reveal).

This is why the other DLC may not be character focused, but story focused on different areas. Expanding Niflheim may coordinate that idea perfectly. Expanding Lucis's story may do that as well. Making a prologue that fits well into the story could also do that.

But I don't see an episode Ravus/Cor/Aranea/Iris really doing that justice (the last 3 should be playable characters eventually in comrades).

I agree that Ravus and Luna should have more interaction and story scenes though.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork

Wena Washo

PSICOM Soldier
Nov 30, 2017
I can't see them making episodes or expansions for the guest characters that appeared in the bros episodes. That already was the developer's means of giving them more screentime. When you have issues like an open-world that suddenly comes to an end halfway through the game, the inciting incident of the storyline happening off screen or a lack of setup for some of the game's pivotal character relations (Noctis-Regis, Noctis-Luna), expanding the role of secondary characters just isn't a priority and would detract from fixing the core issues of the game. The issue people had with Ravus in the original release of the game was that they didn't show what prompted his change of heart, and that has already been fixed with Episode Ignis. If anything, the only thing missing IN THE GAME in terms of Ravus' storyline, if they ever decide to somewhat adapt the Kingsglaive event into the game, is to show Ravus trying on the ring and losing his arm, that way his comments in Episode Ignis don't come out of left field for people who haven't watched the movie or who want a self-contained storyline in a game.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I can't see them making episodes or expansions for the guest characters that appeared in the bros episodes. That already was the developer's means of giving them more screentime. When you have issues like an open-world that suddenly comes to an end halfway through the game, the inciting incident of the storyline happening off screen or a lack of setup for some of the game's pivotal character relations (Noctis-Regis, Noctis-Luna), expanding the role of secondary characters just isn't a priority and would detract from fixing the core issues of the game. The issue people had with Ravus in the original release of the game was that they didn't show what prompted his change of heart, and that has already been fixed with Episode Ignis. If anything, the only thing missing IN THE GAME in terms of Ravus' storyline, if they ever decide to somewhat adapt the Kingsglaive event into the game, is to show Ravus trying on the ring and losing his arm, that way his comments in Episode Ignis don't come out of left field for people who haven't watched the movie or who want a self-contained storyline in a game.

100% this. The game needs more/better early story (Chapters 1-9) and an expanded Niflheim to explore via the train and Grape (Chapters 10-13) over quite literally anything else people want.

The games story is considered bare bones in the first half, and the games environments are also considered bare bones in the 2nd half. They have to address sides respective fault over character episodes thast don't need expanding.

Ardyn and Luna are exceptions, since they are practically as vital to the story as Noct and his friends.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork

Wena Washo

PSICOM Soldier
Nov 30, 2017
Ardyn and Luna are exceptions, since they are practically as vital to the story as Noct and his friends.
Indeed. Also, Regis is in dire need for substantial screentime, way more than characters like Aranea, Ravus or Iris do. Specifically his relation to Noctis and his role in the political conflict between Lucis and Nifleheim. And that can be fixed with an Insomnia prologue and/or a Kingsglaive adaptation that can easily be incorporated into the game's timeline instead of it being its own separate thing.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
i think it would be pointless for them to redone the Kingsglave story to the base game; its in the movie already (it would make the movie they spent so many years working irrelevant), so better to add "new" things.

i would love a segment where you control Regis in the event Noctis got injured or in the event he confronted Glauca. + Dawn scene + exploring the political side of the story


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Yeah, at this point, if we are only limited by these 4 DLC on improving things. I'd rather them all be new content for the main game and things Nocts experiences (save for Ardyn and maybe Luna)

Fixing the actual presentation of story and world should be their main priority, as Kingsglaive serves it's purpose and we don't need a repeat of conten, even if it would be awesome to play. I'd love a Glauca fight and bestiary entry though.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Jan 7, 2017
You know guys, you better keep that fire until royal update's arriving and after that, you can go wild as much as you want. Just now, typing the same posts over and over, your energy goes nowhere.:yawn: